View Full Version : Is This The Way To Stop Democrats Cheating At The Polls?

Keep Britain White
09-09-2024, 05:11 PM
I have been a lifelong opponent of compulsory voting. My argument was that, yes, you should have a right to vote, but that means you should also have a right to not vote - in other words, to state that you have no confidence in any of the candidates.

But a thought has recently occurred to me; if every citizen has to vote, then surely it would be very much more difficult for votes to be stolen, as most are stolen by Democrats using the vote of people who choose not to vote.

What do others here think?

09-10-2024, 02:25 AM
Punchcard voting would minimalize fraudulent activity. The voting card should also provide the option of either not casting a vote on that sheet and have the option of a write-in stamping, providing an aditional sheet for the write-in itself. A cast vote for nobody would eliminate any possibility of someone else casting a vote in that voter's place. Since punchcards cannot be manipulated, there would be no need for vote-counting staff.
This is all a staff member needs to do, in order to invalidate an undesired ballot sheet:


One clerk recites an alleged result, while the second types it in into a computer. No oversight to be seen:
One clerk recites an alleged result, while the second types it in into a computer. No oversight to be seen:


Double standard hypocritical ballot-counting scrutiny for others on the planet:
Double standard hypocritical ballot-counting scrutiny for others on the planet:

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.pri.org%2Fs3fs-public%2Fstyles%2Fopen_graph%2Fpublic%2Fcarter_ele ction_observers_2012_11_01.jpg%3Fitok%3DJLg_Ctdg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=9849003d19d39e10ae9fef14783c90acb5dcda77620a67 a5081b9ce49adf36bc&ipo=images

Jim Crow
09-10-2024, 07:05 AM
Republicans are too lenient! I’m surprised that the shitsucking left hasn’t come up with a new pandemic yet! If they can get those absentee votes rollin in, dead relatives and even pets will vote Demoncrap!LOL!