View Full Version : Chicago's in da House. Nigger Mass Murders 4 sleeping MTA Train Riders

09-05-2024, 12:11 AM
Murder suspect in Chicago train mass shooting is ordered held without bond. ‘This defendant defines violent,’ judge says

Pat Nabong/Chicago Sun-Times/AP via CNN Newsource
By Cheri Mossburg, Bill Kirkos, Lauren Mascarenhas, Brad Parks and Virginia Langmaid, CNN

(CNN) — The Chicago man who was charged with murder in the fatal shootings of four Chicago train riders earlier this week was ordered held without bond at his first court appearance Wednesday.

Rhanni S. Davis, 30, was charged Tuesday with four counts of first-degree murder, the Forest Park Police Department said in a news release.

He appeared in a Maywood court Wednesday wearing a tan Cook County jumpsuit with shackles around his hands and ankles.

Prosecutors told the court evidence will show Davis shot one victim twice in the head and back, shot a second person in the side of the face and the arm and then shot a third victim in the back of the head. Davis moved to the next train car and approached the fourth victim from behind. The victim raised his hands in a defensive posture before Davis fired, prosecutors said.I can't tell but at least some of the victims are white.
Three of the victims were identified as 60-year-old Adrian Collins, 28-year-old Simeon Bihesi and 64-year-old Margaret A. Miller, the Cook County Medical Examiner’s office told CNN on Tuesday. The other victim was a man in his 50s, but no additional identifying information was available as police said they are still trying to reach the man’s family.https://www.cbs58.com/news/murder-suspect-in-chicago-train-mass-shooting-is-ordered-held-without-bond-this-defendant-defines-violent-judge-says


09-05-2024, 01:39 AM
I can't tell but at least some of the victims are white...The female one, likely. The first listed could be either.
Here, the "suspect" wearing mushroom wool

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fcwbchicago.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2024%2F09%2FRHIANNI-J-DAVIS-2021.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=0a24c3af03d9fdddf25c48f687c323e54522a4c65d385f b0c9e292fbba9a0758&ipo=images