View Full Version : Nigs Exploit Chase ATM Glitch with Own Names

09-04-2024, 03:41 AM

Chase Bank fucked up big time and niggers got free money and niggers will never repay it nor go to jail, due to nigger coddlers in this country.

"People (niggers) are seeing their accounts locked with -$50k balances"

What that means is the nigger sucessfully withdrew $50,000 from the Chase ATM with check fraud.

Chase Bank wow so stupid, for this you should go out of business. Our nigger loving government will probably bail them out though, with white tax dollars.

Chase Bank how are you so stupid? What, do you have like, niggers working for you or something?

09-05-2024, 10:41 AM
My god, but niggers are dumb. Can't see one minute ahead. Of course, they'll never repay all the money.

09-05-2024, 09:33 PM
Always the possibility they could go to jail, but it depends on how many of them did it. Really hope they do.

Illustrates a very important point about our society, if everyone does it, they can't prosecute you.

Thats why in England when whites rioted recently and then the nigger lover PM threatened them all, I thought "well you better all go do it now, or nothing" ... they chose nothing. :(

I'm guessing there's too many niggers to prosecute and they won't do shit, but I don't know the numbers, and they don't want anyone to know that, so...

09-05-2024, 09:40 PM
Illustrates a very important point about our society, if everyone does it, they can't prosecute you.

Niggers subconciously know this fact from getting in trouble for all their stealing & crimes SO MANY times. Of course they don't think about it consciously before doing crimes again, but subconsciously they know it, from experience.

Niggers are Useless
09-05-2024, 09:42 PM
It wasn't just their nigger monikers it was their other info also that was needed to have opened an account in the first place. Yeah you are right, the niggers will get away with. The nigger loving gubbimint will do something to blame racist policies that aren't fair to niggers or beaners, so they will skate after floating checks for amounts that used to have the FBI knocking on your door for check fraud. Now the FBI just prosecutes conservative whites for parading, so Yeah the niggers will get away with yet another crime despite mountains of evidence proving not only which niggers it was, but also their home address and two picture ID's showing any interested prosecutors exactly what the nigger looks like. Any white dudes that tried this scam are finished they will have their wages garnished for the next 200 years if they can get out of prison first.

09-05-2024, 10:31 PM
Any white dudes that tried this scam are finished they will have their wages garnished for the next 200 years if they can get out of prison first.

Absolutely right.

In part because no doubt very few whites did this so easier to focus on them. Clearly not the main reason, tho.

Plus Chase bank is no doubt scared shitless of being called Racist by prosecuting any nigger and letting the news get out that they did so. Scared of even one nigger going to the media with that.

Oh you're white so you knew it was wrong, but these federally protected nigger ape morons are too stupid, so they get a pass. What bullshit!

They will go after the smaller non-nigger group first, which is messed up. My hope is they will just go out of business first

09-05-2024, 10:50 PM


Already they are starting with the OOK OOK dindu nuffins "excuse."

Fuck you you full of shit lying thieving nigger!


Blanco Chevy
09-07-2024, 11:33 AM
Niggers just don't get the whole concept of earning/saving. Little wonder that they would steal from a bank. If you type "Get Money" into a search engine, a bazillion nigger (c)rap songs pop up. Get Money, not Earn Money or Create Value Through Labor or even Accrue Wealth Through Shrewd Financial Investment. But "Get Money."

09-07-2024, 09:16 PM
Niggers just don't get the whole concept of earning/saving. Little wonder that they would steal from a bank. If you type "Get Money" into a search engine, a bazillion nigger (c)rap songs pop up. Get Money, not Earn Money or Create Value Through Labor or even Accrue Wealth Through Shrewd Financial Investment. But "Get Money."

They're like toddlers - "do you want one cookie now, or wait a while and get five?" The toddler always chooses cookie NOW.

I aint bin dun did dat!
09-08-2024, 01:50 AM
They're like toddlers - "do you want one cookie now, or wait a while and get five?" The toddler always chooses cookie NOW.
Yes niggers are a live in the now species. Sex now! Money now! Pleasure now! Consequences 5 minutes from now but sex now!