View Full Version : Once You Go Black, We Don’t Want You Back

08-16-2024, 05:10 PM
The tragedy of the race-mixer.
The post Once You Go Black, We Don’t Want You Back (https://www.amren.com/blog/2024/08/once-you-go-black-we-dont-want-you-back/) appeared first on American Renaissance (https://www.amren.com).

More... (https://www.amren.com/blog/2024/08/once-you-go-black-we-dont-want-you-back/)

Jim Crow
08-16-2024, 06:28 PM
The little shitlet is a giveaway sign.But,about the sharks that have slept with niggers and won’t tell you?
One of my best friends married a woman he met at church around maybe 23 years ago. I told him not to do it. Mostly because she was almost 10 years older than him and he had been single for a long time before he met her. I felt he was desperate.
He marries her without anyone’s approval.She would go out of her way to try to get me to like her when I visited him.But,hated her. I saw right through her pretentious act. And I let them both know!
So, for close to the next 10 years we had little to do with each other.Just Christmas cards and occasional calls.Till, one day he shows up on my porch. He was very upset and said he wanted to get rid of her..
I’m my usual untrustworthy self. I figure a couple shots of Jack and a blow job, the jackass will love her again. This wasn’t the case. He had found out that she was married five times before they met. She only mentioned one marriage.
She was married to a nigger preacher in the early 90’s. That was the last straw! He was able to get her to sign the divorce papers and he didn’t lose much, probably because she had more money than him.
Anyway, that is fucked up shit!How can a woman not tell you she was with a fucking spook?I was never serious with many women before I met my wife. But still, if I knew they liked niggers, I’d run.
First thing I asked my wife before we even started dating,”do you like niggers?” Her reply was”hell no, and you better not either!”. Of course I did my own detective work to make sure. But that’s me! I need proof for everything!
Women should wear the mark of the beast after sleeping with a nigger! A big black fucking mark right in the center of their fucking forehead. An ugliness to match the ugliness of what they did!

Niggers are Useless
08-16-2024, 10:03 PM
The little shitlet is a giveaway sign.But,about the sharks that have slept with niggers and won’t tell you?
One of my best friends married a woman he met at church around maybe 23 years ago. I told him not to do it. Mostly because she was almost 10 years older than him and he had been single for a long time before he met her. I felt he was desperate.
He marries her without anyone’s approval.She would go out of her way to try to get me to like her when I visited him.But,hated her. I saw right through her pretentious act. And I let them both know!
So, for close to the next 10 years we had little to do with each other.Just Christmas cards and occasional calls.Till, one day he shows up on my porch. He was very upset and said he wanted to get rid of her..
I’m my usual untrustworthy self. I figure a couple shots of Jack and a blow job, the jackass will love her again. This wasn’t the case. He had found out that she was married five times before they met. She only mentioned one marriage.
She was married to a nigger preacher in the early 90’s. That was the last straw! He was able to get her to sign the divorce papers and he didn’t lose much, probably because she had more money than him.
Anyway, that is fucked up shit!How can a woman not tell you she was with a fucking spook?I was never serious with many women before I met my wife. But still, if I knew they liked niggers, I’d run.
First thing I asked my wife before we even started dating,”do you like niggers?” Her reply was”hell no, and you better not either!”. Of course I did my own detective work to make sure. But that’s me! I need proof for everything!
Women should wear the mark of the beast after sleeping with a nigger! A big black fucking mark right in the center of their fucking forehead. An ugliness to match the ugliness of what they did!

Maybe its me, but I have noticed that most sharks seem to have dark rings under their eyes after they sample the radiator hose. So, when I see a white chick and she has under eye rings I don't even give a second glance. I don't know if it's my imagination, but that may be one of the beast marks. Maybe you have seen this too?

08-17-2024, 05:21 AM
Maybe its me, but I have noticed that most sharks seem to have dark rings under their eyes after they sample the radiator hose. So, when I see a white chick and she has under eye rings I don't even give a second glance. I don't know if it's my imagination, but that may be one of the beast marks. Maybe you have seen this too?

Yes I have!! It is a PREAMBLE to "mudshark sunglasses!!"

Jim Crow
08-17-2024, 06:53 AM
Maybe its me, but I have noticed that most sharks seem to have dark rings under their eyes after they sample the radiator hose. So, when I see a white chick and she has under eye rings I don't even give a second glance. I don't know if it's my imagination, but that may be one of the beast marks. Maybe you have seen this too?

They do say the eyes are the window to the soul.Sharks sold their soul to satan. So that could be why you see rings around the eyes. I can identify a shark by its behavior.it acts like the worst nigger whore!

08-18-2024, 04:37 AM
This thread is reminding me of a movie I more than once viewed

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fimg00.deviantart.net%2F5cf4%2Fi%2 F2011%2F302%2F6%2F3%2Fcarnival_of_souls_1962_by_im acmaniac-d4ebu12.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=c8cb4a45d7a83a02fa1945ad5ead5d762c5f8cc72bdda6 665273eec41e388765&ipo=images