View Full Version : Illegal Africoon Drug Dealing Rapist Can't Be Deported Because He Might not Get his Psych Meds in Apefreaka

08-10-2024, 03:17 PM
This is why the UK is turning into a turd world nigger and Mudlime infested shithole, with the connivance of woke retarded over educated WASPy cunt judges.
Gambian rapist, 43, who arrived in the UK illegally before attacking a woman at knifepoint CANNOT be deported after arguing he might not be given proper medical treatment in his home country
A foreign rapist branded a 'danger to women' has been allowed to stay in the UK – because he might not be given proper medical treatment in his home country.

Joachim Cardos, 43, was an illegal *immigrant in Edinburgh and dealing drugs when he raped a woman at knifepoint and left her fearing for her life.

After serving a jail sentence for what a judge described as a 'violent and persistent' attack that had a 'devastating' impact on his victim, he was ordered to be sent back to his native Gambia. Despite the law stating that *foreign *nationals guilty of serious crimes should automatically be deported, the sex offender launched a human rights challenge - arguing that his health would suffer in his West African homeland.

In January 2019, Cardos was served with a deportation order – but immediately launched a *challenge with the Asylum and Immigration Tribunal.

He argued that the medicines he was receiving to treat his mental health would not be available in Gambia.

The Home Office offered to give him enough medicine to last three months, plus £1,250 to buy further supplies. He refused the offer and tribunal judges ruled that sending him back to Gambia would potentially breach his human rights.

They said there was 'a real risk that he will experience genuine difficulties in the Gambia in being able to access a regular supply of his necessary medications', adding: 'There is a real risk of at least social isolation and stigmatisation.'

The Home Secretary appealed the decision but the challenge was rejected last month.

Justice Dame Henrietta Hill said: 'The Secretary of State for the Home Department fails to establish any proper basis to *interfere with the decision.'
The Rape Ape :unigger The stupid white bitch who let this ape roam free
25255 25256
:gorilla :muhdick

Jim Crow
08-10-2024, 04:46 PM
Who cares if it’s health suffers? All that matters is that the batwing fairy can issue bat wings word wide! Libs care more for these beasts then they do their own human race! They should be forced to live with their pets in Gambia!