View Full Version : I bought land and there's niggers near by

08-08-2024, 02:35 PM
I bought land that was sold off in tax sale for cheap and when Im working on it I had niggers stop their truck in got out and ask me questions. Then they get all huffy and puffy that I didn't have to answer their questions

It sucks majorly because I'm on a fixed income and can't afford a regular home 😔

08-09-2024, 02:17 AM
Sell it at a profit and then settle in a better neighborhood

Jim Crow
08-09-2024, 06:48 AM
Unfortunately, lower price tags attract low class vermin. And there’s no lower vermin than the nigger.

08-20-2024, 12:58 AM
I guess you get what you pay for. Buy cheap, get niggers.

08-21-2024, 12:38 AM
I bought land that was sold off in tax sale for cheap and when Im working on it I had niggers stop their truck in got out and ask me questions. Then they get all huffy and puffy that I didn't have to answer their questions

It sucks majorly because I'm on a fixed income and can't afford a regular home 😔

Definitely try listing the property way above what the market would be if it wasn't a tax sale, so you wait a year or two, better to list and see than not too, and get a nice country place where you try and check for niggers. niggers are a fing disease on the planet, they're the stupidest race on earth
and can only blame YT for all their failures. The vile worthless nigger tells everyone they invented everything, when that shit hole africa doesn't even have the skill to make a flashlight without the White man.

When the vile niggers murder niggers, niglets, not a peep out of the savages, but if a human shoots a criminal, the brain dead filthy scum, say nigger lives matter, talk about how fing stupid they are.

Don't forget this pedophile gov and that whore nigger sow are allowing niggers to destroy America and turn it into the shit hole africa. The whore sounds to lower income White people, but not in the end.

Not until this country is a pile of garbage and all the white man drained will things change, because without Whitey, they'll starve to death and live in garbage and shit.

Make sure you're in a state that has good self defense laws, not a nigger loving state like the vile NIGGER YORK, PA, CA and several others.

Covid isn't as dangerous as a virus, as the nigger virus is.

08-22-2024, 10:51 PM
The vile worthless nigger tells everyone they invented everything, when that shit hole africa doesn't even have the skill to make a flashlight without the White man.

Niggers are a bane on the planet. If it wasn't for us whites or for Asians, niggers would die off in 20 years. I hope that the Chinese have a long-term plan to take over Africa and rid the planet of the feces species. The Chinese are shrewd strategic planners, and niggers lack impulse control and are completely alien to long-term planning. Their cerebroids cannot go beyond jenkem, muhpoosey, and muhdik, and Africa is rich with natural resources, so I hope the former take over, replace the pesky native and save the Earth whilst making a profit.

Jim Crow
08-23-2024, 07:05 AM
Definitely try listing the property way above what the market would be if it wasn't a tax sale, so you wait a year or two, better to list and see than not too, and get a nice country place where you try and check for niggers. niggers are a fing disease on the planet, they're the stupidest race on earth
and can only blame YT for all their failures. The vile worthless nigger tells everyone they invented everything, when that shit hole africa doesn't even have the skill to make a flashlight without the White man.

When the vile niggers murder niggers, niglets, not a peep out of the savages, but if a human shoots a criminal, the brain dead filthy scum, say nigger lives matter, talk about how fing stupid they are.

Don't forget this pedophile gov and that whore nigger sow are allowing niggers to destroy America and turn it into the shit hole africa. The whore sounds to lower income White people, but not in the end.

Not until this country is a pile of garbage and all the white man drained will things change, because without Whitey, they'll starve to death and live in garbage and shit.

Make sure you're in a state that has good self defense laws, not a nigger loving state like the vile NIGGER YORK, PA, CA and several others.

Covid isn't as dangerous as a virus, as the nigger virus is.

And I don’t disagree! Niggers are a plague set on the human race by satan himself! And the godless left only makes it worse by worshiping theese low IQ destructive beasts. If only they could be restricted to living only in the liberal cities in the liberal states!
General Lee and the confederate states had it right! If only my heroes had won! Those in confederate states would be doing much better! We’d have close to 90% less crime. We’d prosper and life would be great!

08-24-2024, 11:12 PM
And I don’t disagree! Niggers are a plague set on the human race by satan himself! And the godless left only makes it worse by worshiping theese low IQ destructive beasts.

I hate nigger cuddlers/enablers just as much as niggers. Leftist faggots should all live in da 'hood if they love coons so much, or, better yet, liberals should move to Apefrica and eventually be eaten by shitskins

Niggers are Useless
08-25-2024, 05:11 PM
And I don’t disagree! Niggers are a plague set on the human race by satan himself! And the godless left only makes it worse by worshiping theese low IQ destructive beasts. If only they could be restricted to living only in the liberal cities in the liberal states!
General Lee and the confederate states had it right! If only my heroes had won! Those in confederate states would be doing much better! We’d have close to 90% less crime. We’d prosper and life would be great!

I agree. If General Longstreet had only disobeyed orders and gone around the back side of Little Roundtop he could have cut off the Union Supply lines at Gettysburg and dealt a major defeat to the Union Army. This really could have changed the tide of the war. Hindsight is always 20-20 aint it?

08-27-2024, 12:39 AM
...I hope that the Chinese have a long-term plan to take over Africa and rid the planet of the feces species...The main problem with that is like casting out the baby with the bath water, given that the Chinese have a habit of ridding animal species along with the two-legged variety

09-03-2024, 10:19 AM
Yeah, there's probably still a lot of retrograde superstitious dumbasses who think tiger bone or rhino horn will give them a stiffy, but I think for the most part it wouldn't be a bad thing at all. I look at how they grew their economy enormously and at blazing speed under Deng and lifted 800 million people out of poverty and I think, couldn't we really use a leader like that? And personal freedom, to grow a business or just to express yourself outside the old norms are growing exponentially as well. Just riffing…

09-03-2024, 10:20 AM
I think what I'm getting out is that I'm starting to like Chinese communists a hell of a lot better than western communists.

Jim Crow
09-03-2024, 02:44 PM
I think what I'm getting out is that I'm starting to like Chinese communists a hell of a lot better than western communists.

To my understanding, Western communist = liberal/leftist nigger lovers.So yes, I agree.

09-04-2024, 12:48 AM
...I look at how they grew their economy enormously and at blazing speed under Deng...That could be possible anywhere where the citzenry isn't lazy and trade unions get abolished. What they have isn't truly communist anymore, otherwise there wouldn't be any millionaires there. It's simply a plan economy where the state took control of what otherwise would have been private infrastructure. It wouldn't be so bad, if they were delivering products of Japanese or German quality, instead of that slip-shod garbage we're forced to buy
...and lifted 800 million people out of poverty...Monetary poverty, maybe. It's not easy to define poverty, in a cashless society. Prior to all of this, they were living on farms in the rural areas they left for working in industrial cities, where living conditions equated sqallor. In the long run, it's debatable as to which lifestyle is better. Of course, there are those there that are better off. But what's the point, when everywhere one goes, he's being watched on camera and has to behave himself according to how the state imagines "good behavior" or else suffer the negative consequences of Social Scoring

09-10-2024, 07:38 PM
Yeah. Communism worked in China because they're Chinese. Look at Angola, Cuba, Venezuela, etc. Even though a substantial percentage of Communist sympathizers in America are niggers, the truth is that you can't have the Communist utopia they constantly fantasize about without a disciplined and intelligent (eg conscientious) populance, yet 97.5% of niggers are - (by definition) - worthless imbeciles. The 2.5% who aren't total scum are just not worth salvaging. Asians have been brought up for millennia under the principle that everything they do wrong brings dishonor to their families; whereas most niggers don't even know their father...

09-11-2024, 03:01 AM
Post-communism is still working in China, thanks to the old infrastructure being still in place. Political communism has disappeared. But communism's social control is still present, sort of like when coffee passes through a filter, leaving the coffee's grounds obsolete

09-11-2024, 11:39 AM
Post-communism is still working in China, thanks to the old infrastructure being still in place. Political communism has disappeared. But communism's social control is still present, sort of like when coffee passes through a filter, leaving the coffee's grounds obsolete

Yeah. They kinda need a large police state to keep shit from descending into chaos, but their economy is 80% capitalist with 20% state intervention. The State indirectly controls everything, but they realized that their citizenry has been commerce-focused for millennia. But try replicating the PRC's model in some shit hole that's full of niggers or mixaloids, and you'll get a repressive police state that fails to provide the conditions for businesses to operate. No industry, no economy, no infrastructure; just violence via state-sponsored terrorism or armed insurgents/criminal gangs. You can't expect niggers to stop acting like niggers just by telling them to behave.