View Full Version : Of course it was a nigger!

Jim Crow
08-07-2024, 08:00 PM
We started a bathroom remodel today. And as usual, my work partner goes to the dump and I pick up the material for the next day. So I’m making a right turn out of Lowe’s. The lane is completely clear. As I’m getting ready to turn, a little white Hyundai cut me off for no reason, it just swerves right into my fucking lane. My Dodge 2500 loaded with heavy material (tile,lumber,pipes,cenent ect..)and I have to lock the fucking brakes. My blood boiled for an instant,but I let this slide and I kept my cool.
Half mile down the road,the Hyundai is now in the left lane and I’m in the right lane. It’s in front of me,but it’s moving slower and as I’m passing it.it cuts me the fuck off again at the last second, where I had to brake really hard and it nearly sent the pallet of tile into the fucking cab.
I assume it’s a nigger,but I really can’t see who’s driving.So I eventually get in the left lane, speed up and finally get to the light and look.Of course, it’s a fucking nigger! With (c)rap music blaring! Looking at it’s facial expression,it appears to be in another world!
I haven’t started shit on the road for a long time. Because I know once you start it, you have to be committed to all the violence that may ensue. But I had to do it, I cut the muffuggin nigger off! Bad!When the light turned green,I just cut right in front of the spear chucking son of a bitch and it scared the fuck out of it! Stupid fucker swerved and locked the brakes up tight!LOL!
I’m glad it didn’t follow me to fight. The commander was cocked and locked as usual. And the plan was as usual. Get to my destination, park the truck, and allow the fucker to block me in Let the motherfucker get out of its car, start the shit and I will finish it through the car door. Only difference this time was, I had lost my cool!
It just stood way far behind me until I turned off onto the customers side street. And I’m glad, because I don’t want to put this shit on my family, especially at the great place we’ve gotten to at this point in our lives together.
The way liberal laws are today, even self-defense can be held against you. And with my luck, some fucking idiot would say they witnessed me cutting the fucking savage beast off. And the fambly sues! My wife and daughters would get the worst of it!
It’s always the same, niggers always causing problems wherever they go, whatever the fuck they do. And we all know that they’ll probably get away with it. Fucking niggers shouldn’t be allowed to drive! in fact, they shouldn’t be allowed to be around humans!

Niggers are Useless
08-07-2024, 08:34 PM
Of course it was in the fast lane. Was it also playing with its paw phone like every other driving monkey? Not that it matters shit skins should be nowhere near human devices like cars anyway.

08-08-2024, 04:30 PM
Nigs shouldnt be operating any kind of motor vehicle, dangerous for everybody.

08-09-2024, 04:09 PM
Is there a documented point of time in US history where a goddamn nigger hasn't blasted 'music' in dey shitty getto ride?

Uncanny how they have GOT to be ALWAYS contributing to noise pollution whether behind the wheel, in the street, in neighborhoods, in businesses/stores/public places yelling and sheeet!!!