View Full Version : The UK has gone down the toilet

08-05-2024, 10:55 PM
Thanks to mass illegal migration from apefrican and terrorist countries, the scenes coming out of the UK should be heeded by other developed societies. It's time to kick dune coons out of the 1st World. I want Europe and North America to remain largely white and civilized. Mudslimes are essentially niggers. Anyone who thinks their pedophile prophet actually knew anything about religion and spirituality is - mentally - a nigger. All that lunatic caravan robber turned warlord ever did was CRIME.

Nick U. Fugger
08-06-2024, 03:56 PM
I'm glad to see that more and more people in UK are finally getting the red pill but it is already too late. It's pretty much like trying to save Titanic after she hit the iceberg and even then half of the passengers are just laughing to those who can see the obvious disaster "Relax, you fools. There's nothing to worry about. Didn't you read the brochure? This ship is UNSINKABLE!"

I live in a country that is probably not yet beyond salvage even though it's getting worse all the time and crimes of nigger and goatfucker invaders are reported almost daily. And STILL the fucking leftist scum can't see any other issue than raycissums.