View Full Version : Justine always has time for Pride and niggers!

08-05-2024, 07:54 AM
I'm so proud of Justine, Our Leader. Amid all the crises of homelessness, unheard-of violence, and the onslaught of nigger/muzzie invaders (who are never homeless) he managed to find time to jet across the country for the important event of a gay parade and found more niggers and alphabet freaks to coddle and celebrate.


Carry on, you asshole. I don't mind footing the bill for your little goodwill excursions. 25226

08-05-2024, 09:47 AM
Perhaps, he is looking there for someone willing to ride his ass :lol

08-05-2024, 09:48 AM
I'm so proud of Justine, Our Leader. Amid all the crises of homelessness, unheard-of violence, and the onslaught of nigger/muzzie invaders (who are never homeless) he managed to find time to jet across the country for the important event of a gay parade and found more niggers and alphabet freaks to coddle and celebrate.


Carry on, you asshole. I don't mind footing the bill for your little goodwill excursions. 25226

Canadians HAVE to vote for Pierre!! He will STRAIGTEN things out!! F@CK castreu!!

08-05-2024, 11:06 AM
True Dough is so easy to despise. But the wimpy Canadians are letting him have his way. I mean he managed to ban the sale and even transfer of handguns with barely a whimper.

Jim Crow
08-05-2024, 02:56 PM
Bitchnigg Obama and big Mike’s butt buddy! what else would you expect?

08-05-2024, 06:05 PM
True Dough is so easy to despise. But the wimpy Canadians are letting him have his way. I mean he managed to ban the sale and even transfer of handguns with barely a whimper.

On the contrary, no one is wimping out and gun purchases have soared:

It might come as a surprise that Canada, and not a conflict region, is the biggest per capita buyer of imported U.S. guns.

We never needed guns here to protect ourselves (coincidentally when we had maybe 1% nigger population), - I've never known anyone who had a gun and I've only ever seen handguns on police holsters or the military - until the huge influx of the nigger "migrants" - Jamaicoons and other nigroid species shooting it out on street corners. People know our government won't protect us, so have to take matters into their own hands.

Niggers are Useless
08-05-2024, 07:05 PM
Maybe one of those tranny coons will give him the HIV or monkey pox.