View Full Version : Is anyone watching the Nig-lympics?

07-29-2024, 08:21 AM
I am 100% fed up with worshipping negro athletetes so I figure it will be like everything else in basketball, football, etc. I do not care to watch Biles swing on the monkey bars like a mini baboon either.

Niggers are Useless
07-29-2024, 05:28 PM
I watched the archery. That was okay. The beach volleyball still isn't nigger fuxated, thank God. Nobody wants to see a sow in a bikini. ugh. The magical flippy nigger simone hurt it's paw during warmup to create more nigger loving drama. The token white girl on the Gymnastics team did a faceplant on floor, very funny. Overall, it looks like magical flippy nigger simone will do great again. Sorry to ruin it.
I tune into the events but keep the remote close to mute the non stop drug coonmercials and all that. The opening ceremony was on in the useless house about 45 seconds. Mrs. useless and I saw the prancing tranny's and said nope. That ended that.
Thanks for coming here to vent.

07-29-2024, 07:46 PM
I watched the archery. That was okay. The beach volleyball still isn't nigger fuxated, thank God. Nobody wants to see a sow in a bikini. ugh. The magical flippy nigger simone hurt it's paw during warmup to create more nigger loving drama. The token white girl on the Gymnastics team did a faceplant on floor, very funny. Overall, it looks like magical flippy nigger simone will do great again. Sorry to ruin it.
I tune into the events but keep the remote close to mute the non stop drug coonmercials and all that. The opening ceremony was on in the useless house about 45 seconds. Mrs. useless and I saw the prancing tranny's and said nope. That ended that.
Thanks for coming here to vent.

Those disgusting liberal nigger loving skanks on the US Soccer team are the worst of all. I still hate them from the last Olympics when they dishonored our flag and took a knee for fucking chimps. I refuse to watch any niggers on the Olympics.

Jim Crow
07-30-2024, 07:37 AM
I used to love watching the Olympics. But I just can’t do it this year.Niggers,tranny freaks and America haters. Fuck no! And as an added bonus, I’d have to watch the woke commercials. I’ll say it again. “FUCK NO!”

07-30-2024, 07:48 AM
I haven't see one bit of it and couldn't give a nigger's ass for any of it.

07-30-2024, 08:27 AM
I watched the archery. That was okay. The beach volleyball still isn't nigger fuxated, thank God. Nobody wants to see a sow in a bikini. ugh. The magical flippy nigger simone hurt it's paw during warmup to create more nigger loving drama. The token white girl on the Gymnastics team did a faceplant on floor, very funny. Overall, it looks like magical flippy nigger simone will do great again. Sorry to ruin it.
I tune into the events but keep the remote close to mute the non stop drug coonmercials and all that. The opening ceremony was on in the useless house about 45 seconds. Mrs. useless and I saw the prancing tranny's and said nope. That ended that.
Thanks for coming here to vent.

The best SCHADENFREUDE was when a Kazakhstan @$$lifter was in the Judo competition and it refused to shake the hand of the Israeli Judoka that it just competed with. To add insult to injury the @$$lifter screamed "Allah Akbar" as it walked off of the mat. In the next match when the @ L fought a Japanese Judoka it got thrown so hard that it broke it's arm!! It cried like a little beyotch afterwards!! @$$liter$ are the #1 p@$$ie$!! I don't see people watching the Olympics again if this insanity continues!!

animal mother
07-30-2024, 09:02 AM
Fuck the Olympics, never had any interest in most of these "sports" anyway. Did not and will not watch one nano second. Beside being fuxated with niggers, it's being broadcast on NBC, the most commie of the communist networks. Why let these pricks make anymore money?

07-30-2024, 09:05 AM
Before I watch the ugly, kinky haired, chimp Biles. She has an unfair advantage because it's ancestors would balance on tree branches in Africa. They would also do somersaults when they found a coconut or melon.

Niggers are Useless
07-30-2024, 04:42 PM
The best SCHADENFREUDE was when a Kazakhstan @$$lifter was in the Judo competition and it refused to shake the hand of the Israeli Judoka that it just competed with. To add insult to injury the @$$lifter screamed "Allah Akbar" as it walked off of the mat. In the next match when the @ L fought a Japanese Judoka it got thrown so hard that it broke it's arm!! It cried like a little beyotch afterwards!! @$$liter$ are the #1 p@$$ie$!! I don't see people watching the Olympics again if this insanity continues!!

oh man I wish I could have seen that. Japan is still a culturally rich country because they don’t tolerate niggers or asslifters. That must have been awesome. Great job japs.

Niggers are Useless
07-30-2024, 04:45 PM
I think I’m gonna rename our magical flippy nigger to simian bile, maybe that will catch on here. She just secured the gold in the team gymnastics.

07-30-2024, 06:18 PM
I think I’m gonna rename our magical flippy nigger to simian bile, maybe that will catch on here. She just secured the gold in the team gymnastics.

Fuck, the nigger worship of this Biles Ape will continue.

Niggers are Useless
07-30-2024, 06:35 PM
Those disgusting liberal nigger loving skanks on the US Soccer team are the worst of all. I still hate them from the last Olympics when they dishonored our flag and took a knee for fucking chimps. I refuse to watch any niggers on the Olympics.

I think I remember that also. Was that when the lesbian slid with her top off? It would have been fine with me if she took the entire top off, but that wouldn’t have gotten the coverage.

07-30-2024, 09:38 PM
I think I remember that also. Was that when the lesbian slid with her top off? It would have been fine with me if she took the entire top off, but that wouldn’t have gotten the coverage.

The one that slid and took her top off was Brandi Chastain, I remember. That was way long ago, I'm not even sure when. Don't know if she was a lesbian.

But the lesbo who was really mouthy was someone called Rapinoe. The hell with the freaks, fags, and dykes.

07-31-2024, 09:10 AM
oh man I wish I could have seen that. Japan is still a culturally rich country because they don’t tolerate niggers or asslifters. That must have been awesome. Great job japs.

My sentiments, EXACTLY!! Seeing an @$$lifter get it's comeuppance REALLY warms my heart!!

08-01-2024, 09:49 AM
The fencing was awesome – great venue, great skill, ZERO NIGGERS.

08-03-2024, 03:47 PM
I am 100% fed up with worshipping negro athletetes so I figure it will be like everything else in basketball, football, etc. I do not care to watch Biles swing on the monkey bars like a mini baboon either.

I saw the track and field and always asked what is the best way for niggers to win the running races? I say hand the niggers a small TV set and you will never catch them. Niggers will run so fast with a TV under their arms. Niggers will also run extra fast to get those watermelons and bananas and fried chicken. Those niggers probably stink so bad

08-05-2024, 11:14 AM
I tried to the other day. There was a good volleyball game USA vs Japan. But the CONSTANT COMMERCIALS were FULL NIGGER.

After that was over it was crap...

Olympics is FUBAR worse than NFL negro felon league.

08-05-2024, 11:17 AM
I saw the track and field and always asked what is the best way for niggers to win the running races? I say hand the niggers a small TV set and you will never catch them.

I have a meme of this somewhere will post it if I can find it. Yeah made a post about the nigger race yesterday. I say give them a big bag of crack and sick the cops on them. Them niggers sure can run!

08-05-2024, 11:31 AM
The fencing was awesome – great venue, great skill, ZERO NIGGERS.

But how do you get past the every 2 minutes there is commercials with nothing but niggers in your face?

of course I mute it but I can't even stand the sight of niggers in my face anymore.

I just turn the TV OFF. But I always think about how many other bored people or people at home cooking, taking care of their kids etc, are watching. It is A LOT.

And then you know, I notice that every nearly human I see in my state, town, are wiggers trying to act and speak like niggers, AT ALL TIMES, hmm wonder how it got to be that way huh? I wonder what it could be that made them be/act that way. SAD. Seriously.

TV is now nothing but social engineering designed to shove niggers down your throat. Have you noticed during white events or white shows that they show way more niggers in the commercials? That is done on purpose

08-07-2024, 02:30 PM
Haven't watched a second of the Sheboon Biles worship fest and never will.