View Full Version : Snoop Dogg helped carry the Olympic torch on behalf of the U.S.

07-26-2024, 02:33 PM
I am completely embarrassed for my country. Even though it isn't my fault and isn't the fault of most of us, good God, I think of what this country has become, that a no-talent druggie nigger got to carry the torch. As if the rest of the world wasn't already laughing at how weak we are.

"This says a lot about America as far as where we're at in this world"

Well, the nigger wasn't wrong about that.



Niggers are Useless
07-26-2024, 03:41 PM
I concur. This is a travesty The nigger worship is ridiculous. We have the druggie nigger , the America hating kneel for the national anthem Black lives matter communist nigger Lebron, and the smack a tennis ball nigger all carryinf the colors for opening. What a joke. I'm glad I have to work and will miss it.

07-26-2024, 05:57 PM
Look who's also carrying torches there:


https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.starobserver.com.au%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2024%2F05%2Fparisolympicsnicky doll.png&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=c64e55c51077164dd0dc2fa5de829123b2b16700c76ae5 e1c54d77cfc666668d&ipo=images

Niggers are Useless
07-26-2024, 10:37 PM
Look who's also carrying torches there:


https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.starobserver.com.au%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2024%2F05%2Fparisolympicsnicky doll.png&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=c64e55c51077164dd0dc2fa5de829123b2b16700c76ae5 e1c54d77cfc666668d&ipo=images

We tuned in for about 45 seconds and the only thing we saw was trannies prancing on some stage. After Mrs. useless and I quit swearing and got over being completely offended and angry we decided nope that's about all of the opening ceremony we need. Now we will check online to find the events schedule and tune in to what we want to see. Fuck those Tranny assholes. Go cut your penis off in your own house and take your perversions out of mine.
This is disgusting and embarrassing. Niggers are natures clowns but these sick fuck trannys are a close second.

07-26-2024, 10:46 PM
I am completely embarrassed for my country. Even though it isn't my fault and isn't the fault of most of us, good God, I think of what this country has become, that a no-talent druggie nigger got to carry the torch. As if the rest of the world wasn't already laughing at how weak we are.

"This says a lot about America as far as where we're at in this world"

Well, the nigger wasn't wrong about that.



I'm waiting for this vile nigger to croak. That's the problem with the Olympics: it's supposed to be for normal humans only, not animal niggers, and yet here they are. Lots of vile uglies. And I bet you, some baboon negress will complain it is not getting endorsements while some pretty white girl will get them. Hey we don't like to look at sub-simian dark shit.

This Snoop is who I wish to get good ASAP.

Really, fuck, niggers niggers and more niggers in the Olympics with their flashy crap.

07-27-2024, 01:08 AM
...Niggers are natures clowns...Yeah, they're a gift that never stops giving :bsow

Jim Crow
07-27-2024, 01:24 AM
I’m surprised the disgusting ancient liberal mudshark Martha Stewart wasn’t with the dope headed spook to gum his tootsie pole afterwards! Liberals are such pathetic losers for worshipping niggers!

07-27-2024, 11:29 AM
I’m surprised the disgusting ancient liberal mudshark Martha Stewart wasn’t with the dope headed spook to gum his tootsie pole afterwards! Liberals are such pathetic losers for worshipping niggers!


You have objections to being represented by Mr. Dogg?


Niggers are Useless
07-27-2024, 02:48 PM
Just had this Olympic gem come up. Check out the background words top right. Too funny.
25188 :nelson

I aint bin dun did dat!
07-27-2024, 11:47 PM
I'm waiting for this vile nigger to croak. That's the problem with the Olympics: it's supposed to be for normal humans only, not animal niggers, and yet here they are. Lots of vile uglies. And I bet you, some baboon negress will complain it is not getting endorsements while some pretty white girl will get them. Hey we don't like to look at sub-simian dark shit.

This Snoop is who I wish to get good ASAP.

Really, fuck, niggers niggers and more niggers in the Olympics with their flashy crap.
I have snoop the nigger in the deadpool. That one annoys me so bad. Shizzle fa rizzle bizzle kizzle lizzle. Yea, great rhymes nigger.

07-28-2024, 12:36 AM
When they show the US National Team, in commercials, on the boat, or wherever, you'd think we're a country of 70% niggers. Disgusting portrayal of this nation. And to have rappers and giving them coverage, that's just anti-American. Today Flavor Flav was shown cheering, who, I don't know. I actually thought that nigger was already dead. But maybe it was some other nigger. They all look the same to me, gnomesayin '? All butt ugly.

07-28-2024, 10:16 AM
When they show the US National Team, in commercials, on the boat, or wherever, you'd think we're a country of 70% niggers. Disgusting portrayal of this nation. And to have rappers and giving them coverage, that's just anti-American. Today Flavor Flav was shown cheering, who, I don't know. I actually thought that nigger was already dead. But maybe it was some other nigger. They all look the same to me, gnomesayin '? All butt ugly.

Any Martians observing all our media would think not only that the planet is 90% nigger, but that they are the Supreme Beings, worshipped by all:

Aristocratic niggers in Regency-era England
niggers in Buckingham Palace
Immortalized in wax museums
rendered flawless in all movies
idealized (fantasy) versions prominently featured in commercials
shown as great poets, writers, and musicians
worshipped in the Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame(?)
slapped on covers of magazines
gushed over if they do something other races do every day, e.g. managing to graduate high school
given endangered species status no matter how heinous their crimes
etc, etc, etc.

About time niggers get recognition for all the good things they do, their accomplishments, and their positive impact on society.


07-28-2024, 11:37 AM
It's only fair then, that they should enjoy prominent status at the last supper


07-28-2024, 07:36 PM
It's only fair then, that they should enjoy prominent status at the last supper


FUCK THIS GODLESS SHIT SATANIC OLYMPUKES and their he she cock swingers.

We liberated France from Hitler (a guy who hated niggers) for this shit?!?!?!?!?!?

Fuck France, maybe Putin will look their way soon....

07-28-2024, 09:57 PM
It's only fair then, that they should enjoy prominent status at the last supper


I saw that, and the video but it was too horrendous to even import here. The Olympics certainly have come a long way, haven't they? We have reached the End of Times.

07-28-2024, 09:58 PM
And it only took 88 years to get that far

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.historycollection.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2018%2F07%2FFive-young-women-take-part-in-a-display-of-the-Olympic-Rings-at-the-1936-Olympic-Games-in-Berlin-Popperfoto%25E2%2580%2594Getty-Images.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=2169384e049f500fdc5a25dfc8e8d02e0d4d7c9fa540e7 85c88f55eb00e57fb1&ipo=images

...Fuck France, maybe Putin will look their way soon....
The most destructive thing Putin could do to Prance is to just sit back and do nothing

I aint bin dun did dat!
07-28-2024, 10:43 PM
I saw that, and the video but it was too horrendous to even import here. The Olympics certainly have come a long way, haven't they? We have reached the End of Times.
It’s like a fucking batman movie. Not sure if you saw the one drag queen faggots balls pop out not too far down from where they have the little kid hanging out up there. There is so much what the fuckery going on here. Why is there a little kid up there to begin with? It’s awful to think what is been done to him out there. Sick fucks, the whole lot of em. Liberals are worse than niggers.

07-29-2024, 12:02 AM
When they show the US National Team, in commercials, on the boat, or wherever, you'd think we're a country of 70% niggers. Disgusting portrayal of this nation. And to have rappers and giving them coverage, that's just anti-American. Today Flavor Flav was shown cheering, who, I don't know. I actually thought that nigger was already dead. But maybe it was some other nigger. They all look the same to me, gnomesayin '? All butt ugly.

It’s like a fucking batman movie. Not sure if you saw the one drag queen faggots balls pop out not too far down from where they have the little kid hanging out up there. There is so much what the fuckery going on here. Why is there a little kid up there to begin with? It’s awful to think what is been done to him out there. Sick fucks, the whole lot of em. Liberals are worse than niggers.

We missed the opening ceremonies and were going to find a replay. The more I read about its vileness, the more I'm glad we missed it.

We tried watching gymnastics tonight. Of course they're slobbering all over the overrated magic flying nigger, which by the way wouldn't have made state finals with how it did tonight.



Jim Crow
07-29-2024, 06:40 AM
The best thing you can do to show your displease for what the liberals allowed is by not tuning in! Not only will I not watch a single Olympic event, I won’t even accidentally surf by that channel!

I aint bin dun did dat!
07-29-2024, 08:18 AM
We missed the opening ceremonies and were going to find a replay. The more I read about its vileness, the more I'm glad we missed it.

We tried watching gymnastics tonight. Of course they're slobbering all over the overrated magic flying nigger, which by the way wouldn't have made state finals with how it did tonight.


My wife had gymnastics on. They were kissing that ugly sheboon’s ass so hard. It was making me sick and I could tell I was even getting on my wife’s nerves with my comments. There’s only 1 white girl on the entire USA gymnastics team. Sheboon biles stumbled on most events but just walks away with the highest score no matter what. I hope she busts her ass in the finals so bad.

07-29-2024, 11:24 AM
It’s like a fucking batman movie. Not sure if you saw the one drag queen faggots balls pop out not too far down from where they have the little kid hanging out up there. There is so much what the fuckery going on here. Why is there a little kid up there to begin with? It’s awful to think what is been done to him out there. Sick fucks, the whole lot of em. Liberals are worse than niggers.

As some people are saying, all these freaks are mocking Christianity and they wouldn't DARE mock Islam or any other religion.


07-29-2024, 12:24 PM
The first Bud Lighting on a corporate level has taken place:


...Mississippi-based telecommunications and technology company C Spire released a statement on X confirming it has pulled its ads for the Olympics...
...Mississippi-based telecommunications and technology company C Spire released a statement on X confirming it has pulled its ads for the Olympics...

07-29-2024, 07:16 PM
The first Bud Lighting on a corporate level has taken place:



What those freaks are doing (what do trannies and freakazoids have to do with the Olympics, anyway?) is awful for the young athletes who worked and trained for years to compete.

OTOH, not much point in women entering anyway, when men (who "identify as women" - how many women have a prostate?)are permitted to compete against them. They can't win, so what's the use?

07-30-2024, 12:29 AM
My wife had gymnastics on. They were kissing that ugly sheboon’s ass so hard. It was making me sick and I could tell I was even getting on my wife’s nerves with my comments. There’s only 1 white girl on the entire USA gymnastics team. Sheboon biles stumbled on most events but just walks away with the highest score no matter what. I hope she busts her ass in the finals so bad.

Olympic judging is traditionally anti-American, and that means they'll always give the flying nigger top scores, to embarrass real Americans.

The first Bud Lighting on a corporate level has taken place:


Good for them! I wouldn't have use for their business, but if I did, I consider that news to be an A+ advertisement for them.

I aint bin dun did dat!
07-30-2024, 04:50 AM
As some people are saying, all these freaks are mocking Christianity and they wouldn't DARE mock Islam or any other religion.

I just never thought I would see the day where we give a platform to a bunch of demented faggots.

I aint bin dun did dat!
07-30-2024, 05:06 AM

Here is the demented faggot that orchestrated the opening ceremonies.

07-30-2024, 10:50 AM
I just never thought I would see the day where we give a platform to a bunch of demented faggots.

Hard to comprehend, isn't it? And not just a platform, but a pedestal, as though the mentally ill and utterly depraved are ethereal beings to be worshipped.

Every event has been turned into a perverted circus. Civilization has been successfully destroyed.

07-30-2024, 03:04 PM
As if I needed ANOTHER reason to ignore the Olympukes.

The idolized idiotic quitter nigger Sheboon Biles is more than enough for me to ban it from my household.

The Satanic Games will never appear on my television now and in the future.

I will remember the names of all sponsors of this tranny he she heresy as well and never patronize them like Cock a Cola.

It's a crime that it continues to be shown on national television on NBC, the Nigger Buttpirate Coddler network.

07-30-2024, 03:26 PM
The most destructive thing Putin could do to France is to just sit back and do nothing

Putin requested that white Europeans should ' relocate ' to Russia to escape diversity. This is why Russia is despised by the powers. They're not playing the global do as you're told game.

07-30-2024, 07:46 PM
The first Bud Lighting on a corporate level has taken place:



Just who did Anheuser-Busch think their customers were? Trannies and alphabet people? Yet, everyone bows down to this stupid nonsense and insists on calling a man in a dress "she".

The Bud Light freak has a bigger bulge than Moochelle Obongo.



07-30-2024, 09:46 PM
Too much coverage for this nigger Snoop Dog. It's being featured in the Olympics, some talent shows, commercials, etc. What has happened to this country? Worshipping niggers? As if rap and crap are what decent people do. Fuck nigger culture. People across the world it's American to be nigger, when they're just 12%. Niggers need to relearn their place.

I aint bin dun did dat!
07-30-2024, 09:47 PM
Hard to comprehend, isn't it? And not just a platform, but a pedestal, as though the mentally ill and utterly depraved are ethereal beings to be worshipped.

Every event has been turned into a perverted circus. Civilization has been successfully destroyed.
Yea and they want to tell us now it wasn’t The Last Supper. No No now! It was an ancient Greek drunken orgy they were honoring with drag queen balls out and children on stage. Oh fuck liberals! My bad! Carry on then!

07-31-2024, 02:25 AM
...not much point in women entering anyway, when men (who "identify as women" - how many women have a prostate?)are permitted to compete against them...What they should be doing is to enter the play field or even the ring: https://www.bbc.com/sport/olympics/articles/c4ngr93d9pgo and then just walk out in front of all spactators. If it would be up to me, I'd forcibly match these Sissies with male boxers, removing the referee from the ring.
Here we have a Muzzie and a housepet-eater pretending:

...Welterweight Khelif faces Italy's Angela Carini on Thursday, and featherweight Lin takes on either Marcelat Sakobi or Sitora Turdibekova on Friday.
...Welterweight Khelif faces Italy's Angela Carini on Thursday, and featherweight Lin takes on either Marcelat Sakobi or Sitora Turdibekova on Friday.


07-31-2024, 10:18 AM
What they should be doing is to enter the play field or even the ring: https://www.bbc.com/sport/olympics/articles/c4ngr93d9pgo and then just walk out in front of all spactators. If it would be up to me, I'd forcibly match these Sissies with male boxers, removing the referee from the ring.
Here we have a Muzzie and a housepet-eater pretending:


I've looked and looked, but for the life of me, I cannot figure out the genders of these.

Are they both male, pretending to be female?

Information from the International Olympic Committee also showed Algeria's Imane Khelif was disqualified in New Delhi for failing a testosterone level test.

No further details were given on why Lin, 28, and Khelif, 25, were disqualified from last year's World Championships.

ETA: I see.


The 23-year-old claimed that she had been told that she had "characteristics" that prevented her from fighting against women.

"I participated in many tournaments and there was no problem but when my chances became great to win the gold medal, they came and prevented me, justifying that because my qualifications are greater than the qualifications of the rest of the females."

How unfair to not allow a man in a women's boxing competition. It's a conspiracy!


08-01-2024, 10:49 AM
Well, isn't this great that that cross-dressing asslifter can be so proud of himself for beating up a woman. That's part of pisslamist culture anyway.

An Algerian boxer who was deemed to have male chromosomes won a fight in the 66-kilogram women’s division at the Paris Olympics on Thursday.

Imane Khelif defeated Italy’s Angela Carini after Carini abandoned her match. The fight lasted all of 46 seconds before Carini went to her cornermen to call off the fight.

Khelif celebrated the win while Carini was left in tears. After the fight Carini, was heard yelling to hear coaches in Italian questioning the fairness of the bout.


08-01-2024, 11:08 AM
Well, isn't this great that that cross-dressing asslifter can be so proud of himself for beating up a woman. That's part of pisslamist culture anyway.

Khelif celebrated the win while Carini was left in tears. After the fight Carini, was heard yelling to hear coaches in Italian questioning the fairness of the bout.


As I mentioned, women need not bother entering the Olympics, since they will have to compete against men. Defeat is a foregone conclusion.

Never mind the high testosterone. A woman can, for various reasons, have elevated levels of testosterone, but XY chromosomes mean you are male. A woman cannot win any strength competition against a male.

We are seeing the utter collapse of civilization.

"She" doesn't even try to look like a woman. There is no need anymore. Just saying you are female is enough to let you fight a real woman.

If there was ever a face that deserved a punch, this is it. I'd love to see "her" in a boxing match with a man.


08-03-2024, 05:45 PM
Snoop dogg nigger is such an affleet though right. It just proves that TV is about worshipping niggers and forcing them on you nowadays, and not about any type of athetics at all. Sports just happens to be the only thing niggers are good at (they are animals bred for this purpose, after all).

Yesterday in soccer Argentina played "France" (all niggers)(in blue) and there was nearly a big fight at the end, how I wish Argentina had kicked all their stupid nigger monkey asses!!! On international TV.

fuck you nigger shitbeasts get the hell out of our Olympics it is supposed to be for humans not stupid apes.


go back to frikkin Africa and get the hell out and off OUR countries teams!:mad:

08-05-2024, 11:59 AM

This half ape-dog faced muscly necked negress makes me barf in my mouth.

Gross testosterone-stunted steroid ape has a bigger bulge than Moochelle Obama. Sick! Yuck!

I guess they let her brother go free on the knuckle even though he of course did it, murdered his own cousin & his 2 nigger pals or something, of course got the OJ treatment and we know why...

I've taken craps that looked better than Simone Biles, although the resemblance was uncanny. Cucks are worshipping the ape non stop on TV and social media. Social media keeps trying to force me to worship it with sidebar "news" popups, and loser pandering libtard women posting about how great the beast is.

08-05-2024, 12:12 PM
I am going full throttle against this nigger brainwashing on TV and sports cuckoldry I can't stand it and it is fucking up our young people's brains. Turning them against their own race. It's a HUGE part of the problem.

Without this brainwashing humans would not be so accepting of niggers and would see much more clearly their MANY negative effects on our society.

As if our society is not messed up enough without adding a ton of niggers and nigger lovers into the mix.


08-06-2024, 12:16 AM
I am going full throttle against this nigger brainwashing on TV and sports cuckoldry I can't stand it and it is fucking up our young people's brains. Turning them against their own race. It's a HUGE part of the problem.

Without this brainwashing humans would not be so accepting of niggers and would see much more clearly their MANY negative effects on our society.

As if our society is not messed up enough without adding a ton of niggers and nigger lovers into the mix.

It is brainwashing pure and simple. For years on this site (plus the original Chimpout), we've scoffed at the "They're just like us!" BS, from every magic nigger in movies and TV that saves the day, the hosts of talk shows and game shows, the commercials showing them as successful investors and driving luxury cars, and especially the sports niggers.


08-06-2024, 03:51 PM
I am completely embarrassed for my country. Even though it isn't my fault and isn't the fault of most of us, good God, I think of what this country has become, that a no-talent druggie nigger got to carry the torch. As if the rest of the world wasn't already laughing at how weak we are.

"This says a lot about America as far as where we're at in this world"

Well, the nigger wasn't wrong about that.

WDF does that pile of dog shit have to do with sports anyways? At least Kang Lebron plays bakkaball.:racist

08-07-2024, 05:22 AM
...Every event has been turned into a perverted circus...Power lifting is bound to be next. Here, death threats have been used as leverage:

'Transgender' male powerlifter suspended after death threats against female competitors - LifeSite (lifesitenews.com) (https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/transgender-male-powerlifter-suspended-after-death-threats-against-female-competitors/?utm_source=daily-usa-2024-08-07&utm_medium=email)

...in addition to comparing men being allowed to compete against women to black people being allowed to compete in sports...
...in addition to comparing men being allowed to compete against women to black people being allowed to compete in sports...
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fs5.tvp.pl%2Fimages2%2F5%2F8%2Fa%2 Fuid_58abf4c653bf4cf8ab84988beda986a2_width_1280_p lay_0_pos_0_gs_0_height_720_anne-andres-z-lewej-transplciowa-zawodniczka-i-avi-silverberg-ktory-pobil-nalezacy-do-niej-rekord-kobiecych-zawodow-w-trojboju-silowym-fot-fb-tt.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=6d8ae63e64e4ca1df4e626bd8afc254c21d45b51c0a626 dc4a7da0eba5669b62&ipo=images

08-15-2024, 01:23 AM
Australian Affleet probably got Ape Dance cancelled, before 2028?


...She didn’t score a single point during her three battles and instead, Japan took the gold medal...
...She didn’t score a single point during her three battles and instead, Japan took the gold medal...


Jim Crow
08-15-2024, 06:18 AM
The NiggOlypics/HomoOlymics is over! I am proud to say that I did not watch one single event! However, I was eating pizza at Bizarro’s one day, they had Olympics on their big tv in the dining area. I tried not to watch.It was women’s diving. There was some hot blonde from Norway bent over stretching on a diving board snapping her swimsuit against her Cooch. I did watch it for those few seconds. Can’t complain, I liked what I saw!

08-15-2024, 11:04 AM
Australian Affleet probably got Ape Dance cancelled, before 2028?

How in the hell can that be considered a "sport"? However, since Japan took gold (and it wasn't one of their hired niggers?), look for apedancing to be canceled.

When I was little, older kids were big into apedancing. Why? So the YTs could act like niggers?

08-15-2024, 11:07 AM
The NiggOlypics/HomoOlymics is over! I am proud to say that I did not watch one single event! However, I was eating pizza at Bizarro’s one day, they had Olympics on their big tv in the dining area. I tried not to watch.It was women’s diving. There was some hot blonde from Norway bent over stretching on a diving board snapping her swimsuit against her Cooch. I did watch it for those few seconds. Can’t complain, I liked what I saw!

I did watch some. Men's diving, gymnastics for both genders (some damn impressive men, and I got to see how niggers were given way too high scoring), and both volleyball types for both genders. I didn't intentionally tune in to women's beach volleyball, but it was on, and I'm serious when I say I had to admire their physiques. Truly serious.

08-15-2024, 11:56 AM
That nigger is in the top 10 most useless, most worthless magic niggers ever. It was in everything. It was doing its monkeyshines as part of a hand-off to L.A. for 2028, and I see it's joining The Voice for the next season. I guess it fits the lineup, though. A useless nigger, Reba who hasn't been fresh in years, the overrated Buble, and pop-slut Stefani who I could never understand was found attractive.

08-15-2024, 02:35 PM
The USSR despises anyone different from their standard.

This is why they got along with Hitler so well until he turned on them (fatal mistake).

You don't see many nigs there either, because they will be made to work, and work hard.

08-16-2024, 02:02 AM
How in the hell can that be considered a "sport"? However, since Japan took gold...Even Samurai heroism won't be able to save this "sport"

https://i.poastcdn.org/5e43b9645028321ec106d2e717f4d016c4051bc68c0a25d168 ebbc335956141b.png