View Full Version : It's over

Tell it like it is
07-23-2024, 06:52 PM
Well, sleepy Joe stepped aside, and now we have another half breed nigger trying to get elected.....
Hell, I don't blame the niggers...they've destroyed everything else they've touched, why go for the (formerly) greatest country in the world?
BUT.. The fact that damn near half the people in this country support this liberal fucking chimpanzee has caused me to to lose all faith in this nation.
Whoever wins, and I pray it is Trump, the U.S. has shown its true colors, and friends, that can't be unseen.
To quote Fletcher from the great movie "The Outlaw Josie Wales".... "I've had enough,boys, I'm riding in...."
Who can love a country made up of 50 percent queers, transgender freaks, niggers and the libtards that love them.
At least I am old enough to remember when this country was something to be proud of. I will look back on those days with fond remembrance as I prepare for my twilight years, and watch this shithole descend into the wretched hell it has prepared for itself.
Or am I the only one that gives a shit?

07-24-2024, 02:45 AM
...At least I am old enough to remember when this country was something to be proud of...So am I. Everything was once in its place and pageant contestants were even female


Jim Crow
07-24-2024, 06:55 AM
First of all,don’t believe the liberal media and the fake polls.Kumala is a failure! No one likes the whore she didn’t even even get 4% of votes in her own party when she tried to run in the primaries in 2020.
Kumals is a DEI nominee (Didn’t Earn It) unless they really cheat a lot, I don’t see the fake nigger having a chance. Right now it’s a big hype. Just wait until things settle and people realize how useless the fake sow is.

07-24-2024, 10:27 AM
Well, sleepy Joe stepped aside, and now we have another half breed nigger trying to get elected.....
Hell, I don't blame the niggers...they've destroyed everything else they've touched, why go for the (formerly) greatest country in the world?
BUT.. The fact that damn near half the people in this country support this liberal fucking chimpanzee has caused me to to lose all faith in this nation.
Whoever wins, and I pray it is Trump, the U.S. has shown its true colors, and friends, that can't be unseen.
To quote Fletcher from the great movie "The Outlaw Josie Wales".... "I've had enough,boys, I'm riding in...."
Who can love a country made up of 50 percent queers, transgender freaks, niggers and the libtards that love them.
At least I am old enough to remember when this country was something to be proud of. I will look back on those days with fond remembrance as I prepare for my twilight years, and watch this shithole descend into the wretched hell it has prepared for itself.
Or am I the only one that gives a shit?

You are not the only one by any means! My direct ancestors came to America in the mid-1600s and since that time male family members were expected, if possible, to serve at least one enlistment in some form of military service. Many died in doing so, but our patriotism and loyalty to country were never questioned. As far as I know, I am the last of our line to do military service, and as things stand now I would never encourage anyone to do so.

I was always a loyal American, but the Vietnam War eroded some of that loyalty. I was a cryptologist and saw lots of classified information that shook my faith a bit. I began to see modern government for what it is, another form of organized crime, but with impunity. When pedo-pervert Slick Clinton somehow got into the Oral Office, I rested assured that NOTHING in the future could be worse than that, but I was wrong. Soon came nigger Obuckwheat, the Kenyan Messiah, proving there are untold millions of brain-damaged morons willing to bow and worship at the feet of a nasty illigetimate foreign COON! When this happened a second time I had had enough of the sordid state of a once great country, and relocated outside the USA. I was convinced that ABSOLUTELY NOTHING could be worse than that nigger, but I was wrong again. FJB showed up with a cackling mullata waiting in the wings to be even worse than the senile puppet.

When half the country is ignorant and evil enough to support this line of criminals and perverts, and the other half lazy and apathetic enough to just sit and accept their fate, America is in it's death throes. When Germany sank into societal oblivion with the advent of Hitler many Germans, especially German Jews, left the country. They were not disloyal to Germany but to the social and political sewer it had become. That is where I stand with my homeland, America.

Am I a traitor? Some say so, but I am and will always be loyal to the America I once knew. The mess we see today is not the same country.

07-24-2024, 05:38 PM
You are not the only one by any means! My direct ancestors came to America in the mid-1600s and since that time male family members were expected, if possible, to serve at least one enlistment in some form of military service. Many died in doing so, but our patriotism and loyalty to country were never questioned. As far as I know, I am the last of our line to do military service, and as things stand now I would never encourage anyone to do so.

I was always a loyal American, but the Vietnam War eroded some of that loyalty. I was a cryptologist and saw lots of classified information that shook my faith a bit. I began to see modern government for what it is, another form of organized crime, but with impunity. When pedo-pervert Slick Clinton somehow got into the Oral Office, I rested assured that NOTHING in the future could be worse than that, but I was wrong. Soon came nigger Obuckwheat, the Kenyan Messiah, proving there are untold millions of brain-damaged morons willing to bow and worship at the feet of a nasty illigetimate foreign COON! When this happened a second time I had had enough of the sordid state of a once great country, and relocated outside the USA. I was convinced that ABSOLUTELY NOTHING could be worse than that nigger, but I was wrong again. FJB showed up with a cackling mullata waiting in the wings to be even worse than the senile puppet.

When half the country is ignorant and evil enough to support this line of criminals and perverts, and the other half lazy and apathetic enough to just sit and accept their fate, America is in it's death throes. When Germany sank into societal oblivion with the advent of Hitler many Germans, especially German Jews, left the country. They were not disloyal to Germany but to the social and political sewer it had become. That is where I stand with my homeland, America.

Am I a traitor? Some say so, but I am and will always be loyal to the America I once knew. The mess we see today is not the same country.

Traitor, absolutely NOT.

Sick of niggers and pedophiles stealing like niggers and handing to niggers, handing niggers everything they'd never accomplish without the gov and tired of it, nope, I'd say you're more American than the scum that want what they can't do for themselves and need it stolen from humans.

At least the trillions upon trillions upon trillions we sent to africa to feed the starving niggers didn't help the niggers to get ahead, they still starve and set each other on fire. ��

Tell it like it is
07-25-2024, 08:25 AM
Let me clarify....
I never left America.....
America left me.
America followed some mud colored, liberal pride piper to a place I was unwilling to follow.
And if America wants to come back, I will be here waiting for a little longer.

07-25-2024, 01:31 PM
The kamel is moving up in the polls. It is not the kamel herself who is doing this. It is the democrat machine that is pushing her up.
Where is Trump? He is nowhere to be found. They have silenced him. All you hear is the kamel.

07-25-2024, 03:18 PM
My America is ded.

Killed by nigger coddling.

Thugs are worshipped, getto culture runs everything.

Halfbreed indian 'nigger' sow pushed for President.

Women/Spics/Fags/He-Shes in power thanks to DEI.

Goddamn niggers paid to sit around an suck dope all day.

Our military pussywhipped by 'don't ask don't tell' foxhole faggots and women in fighting forces.

It may be a blessing when China invades soon, they will whip this country back into shape....the old fashioned way.


07-25-2024, 08:30 PM
My America is ded.

Killed by nigger coddling.

Thugs are worshipped, getto culture runs everything.

Halfbreed indian 'nigger' sow pushed for President.

Women/Spics/Fags/He-Shes in power thanks to DEI.

Goddamn niggers paid to sit around an suck dope all day.

Our military pussywhipped by 'don't ask don't tell' foxhole faggots and women in fighting forces.

It may be a blessing when China invades soon, they will whip this country back into shape....the old fashioned way.

25178 What an amazing analogy, you're awesome.

We're actually allowing niggers to rob stores blind, fake white guilt.

Hate to say it but I think the gov has been working on taking all rights away and have used flooding the country with scum, and allowing niggers to destroy it, along with turning men into women and women into men, to attain it.

Once the scum have enough voting power they'll allow the gov to rob whitey BLIND, beyond taking away everything he's accomplished and handed away.

I was hoping Russia gets sick of this pedo and the whore sowboon sending Ukraine trillions and nuks them.

Just think if the hyena nigger sow wins, all meds, college, houses, free to the worthless niggers and all released from prison.

Niggers, zero taxes and whitey 99%.

Tell it like it is
07-26-2024, 08:51 AM
Are you kidding me?
That retarded half breed is polling neck and neck with Trump??
What in the ever loving Hell is wrong with people?
Stop this ride and let me off....I've had enough.
After more than 25 years at my shitty, nigger,queer, and liberal idiot infested job, I was counting the few years until I could walk away and start to enjoy life.
I really thought Trump would carry my through those years with some degree of governmental sanity, but that hope is fading fast.
By the grace of God Almighty, my wife and have accumulated a net worth over a million dollars, but that can't buy a decent world to live in.
I love my Wife, my church family,my cats, my tractor,y guns, and my land in the country, but it all means very little of our country is destroyed by niggers and liberals.
Now instead of just counting down to retirement , I almost find myself counting the years until I leave this shitty world..
Thanks, niggers and liberals for taking my hope of a happy retirement to enjoy all the things we worked for.
Should have picked our own damn cotton....

07-28-2024, 11:05 AM
Are you kidding me?
That retarded half breed is polling neck and neck with Trump??
What in the ever loving Hell is wrong with people?
Stop this ride and let me off....I've had enough.
After more than 25 years at my shitty, nigger, queer, and liberal idiot infested job, I was counting the few years until I could walk away and start to enjoy life.
I really thought Trump would carry my through those years with some degree of governmental sanity, but that hope is fading fast.
By the grace of God Almighty, my wife and have accumulated a net worth over a million dollars, but that can't buy a decent world to live in.
I love my Wife, my church family,my cats, my tractor,y guns, and my land in the country, but it all means very little of our country is destroyed by niggers and liberals.
Now instead of just counting down to retirement , I almost find myself counting the years until I leave this shitty world..
Thanks, niggers and liberals for taking my hope of a happy retirement to enjoy all the things we worked for.
Should have picked our own damn cotton....

Things are so messed up I don't know where to begin with. On the lighter side of things, it could be worse, like in Europe. Countries like England, Germany and France are fucking full of rapefugees from mudslime koontries, and liberal politics pretty much encourage all manner of faggots, pedophile trannies, and feminazis to prop up, and normal people there can't say shit about it.

07-30-2024, 02:09 PM
Get ready for the nigger sow prez. I'm actually surprised it hasn't happened already.

Keep Britain White
07-30-2024, 04:42 PM
Here in England yesterday, in a seaside town named Southport, there was an attack on a little kids' party, eleven people stabbed, all but two of them little girls between 6 and 11 years old. Two girls died at the scene, another one died this morning.
And I have seen some shocking photographs of what happened.
We are being told that it was not terror-related (just like an attack on a military officer last week), and that we shouldn't speculate on social media.
They arrested a 17-year-old youth almost immediately after the stabbings, but they say his name cannot be released because of his age.
Well, if the info I've discovered is correct, he is - just as we suspected - a so-called "asylum seeker" who came over on a boat across the English Channel last year - illegally, of course.
Tonight, there have been violent scenes outside the mosque in Southport. I hope they burn the bloody thing to the ground!
How much more will it take for the British people to say "We've had it with these wogs!" ??????

Niggers are Useless
07-30-2024, 05:15 PM
I believe that here in the US we will end up in a national divorce. We will divide into red states and blue states. The red states will form a coalition to protect their own borders and the feds will not be welcome. It will end up much like central Africa with border protections at each central crossing. That’s the only hope for us. We have to separate from the federal deep state and have red state attorneys general and sheriffs willing to tell the feds and the blue state commies to pound sand. It has to be done legally and peacefully. From what I have read about the original attempt at annexation from the feds aka the civil war, the losses on both sides were unbelievable. Our states have the ability to trade and purchase arms without federal interference. That was the downfall with the original divorce which also was based on niggers and our rights to move them west as useful farm equipment. Now with the global connections, this could work.
Possibly if this concept were to gain traction with enough states there would be a way to stop paying federal income taxes also from the red states. Remember the government never creates anything, it just uses our money to make things worse. So cutting off half the funding to this juggernaut may do wonders.
I may be a generation ahead in this prediction, but I really don’t see any way out. Many empires have come and gone and it is always the same. Embrace liberalism and enlightenment and the government goes corrupt and the whole thing collapses. The US is unique in our size, our resources , and our constitution. It will just take strong men to rise from the weak we are ruled by to make a change.
I agree though, we should have picked our own cotton. Niggers and their liberal white lovers got us here.

07-30-2024, 07:21 PM
I believe that here in the US we will end up in a national divorce.

Trouble is, it'll end up like an India and Pakistan split. The red folk in the blue states will want to escape the blue and vice-versa.

Niggers are Useless
07-30-2024, 09:40 PM
Trouble is, it'll end up like an India and Pakistan split. The red folk in the blue states will want to escape the blue and vice-versa.

You are not wrong. This idea will end up ugly. Every empire falls and given the resources in the US , I really think this is the outcome that will save us from a complete communist takeover.

08-01-2024, 09:53 AM
Everything the Democrats are doing is directly out of the WEF and UN playbooks, nothing is coincidence. They're all just puppets of billionaires and do their bidding, for which they get handsomely rewarded. The goal is global socialism, where everyone but a tiny elite gets, as the great futurist writer Neal Stephenson said, the living standard of a Pakistani bricklayer. Hopefully enough people understand this that shit gets real soon, yesterday if possible.

08-01-2024, 12:17 PM
Don't we have any good news at all? It is so depressing that I just don't want to look.
Sadly, it does look like the communists will win.

08-01-2024, 03:24 PM
The US will NOT just break up like the USSR or the Raj. Money talks, and Neh'grone pedals his way home (on the bike he stole from whitey). This zeitgeist is obviously being used by the real power brokers to sell the masses even more bullshit, but it too will pass. The problem in America - and in much of the Western World - are your average college-indoctrinated liberal white WOMEN. Those entitled, ungrateful bitches need a good dose of nigger and Muslim violence to come back down to earth. In fact, if I were to see a girl chased and beaten to a bloody pulp by a nigger or a mudslime, if I'm not sure that she's like-minded, I'll just look the other way and let her learn the lesson for messing with pavement apes, or dune coons.

08-02-2024, 12:44 AM
You are not the only one by any means! My direct ancestors came to America in the mid-1600s and since that time male family members were expected, if possible, to serve at least one enlistment in some form of military service. Many died in doing so, but our patriotism and loyalty to country were never questioned. As far as I know, I am the last of our line to do military service, and as things stand now I would never encourage anyone to do so.

I was always a loyal American, but the Vietnam War eroded some of that loyalty. I was a cryptologist and saw lots of classified information that shook my faith a bit. I began to see modern government for what it is, another form of organized crime, but with impunity. When pedo-pervert Slick Clinton somehow got into the Oral Office, I rested assured that NOTHING in the future could be worse than that, but I was wrong. Soon came nigger Obuckwheat, the Kenyan Messiah, proving there are untold millions of brain-damaged morons willing to bow and worship at the feet of a nasty illigetimate foreign COON! When this happened a second time I had had enough of the sordid state of a once great country, and relocated outside the USA. I was convinced that ABSOLUTELY NOTHING could be worse than that nigger, but I was wrong again. FJB showed up with a cackling mullata waiting in the wings to be even worse than the senile puppet.

When half the country is ignorant and evil enough to support this line of criminals and perverts, and the other half lazy and apathetic enough to just sit and accept their fate, America is in it's death throes. When Germany sank into societal oblivion with the advent of Hitler many Germans, especially German Jews, left the country. They were not disloyal to Germany but to the social and political sewer it had become. That is where I stand with my homeland, America.

Am I a traitor? Some say so, but I am and will always be loyal to the America I once knew. The mess we see today is not the same country.

The REAL Winner of the American Madhouse IS the Merchant Enabler Club