View Full Version : Nigger judgement day in Etiopia - 229 and counting

07-23-2024, 12:13 PM
Heavy rains caused a landslide on Sunday, and as police officers, teachers and residents from nearby villages frantically continued with search-and-rescue operations on Monday, a second landslide occurred, burying them too under the mud, Mr Dagmawi said.

Markos Melese, the Gofa disaster management head, said that 229 bodies had so far been recovered.


07-23-2024, 04:07 PM
No fucks to give. I just wish more shitskins are buried in more landslides.

Niggers are Useless
07-23-2024, 04:30 PM
Even mother earth hates niggers. Thats a good days work earth, keep it up.

I aint bin dun did dat!
07-24-2024, 12:02 AM
Even mother earth hates niggers. Thats a good days work earth, keep it up.
Add earth to the list of things that hate niggers. Even sleep hates niggers

07-24-2024, 02:39 PM
Well, you know – Yale.

"One reason may be that Black people frequently experience racial discrimination, which significantly affects their ability to sleep, according to the Yale-led study."

07-24-2024, 04:07 PM
For decades the world has been inundated with a constant storm of ethiopian propaganda showing dems po' niggas wallowing in dry dust because it hasn't rained for 150 years or so. Just like in Haiti they sit in the dirt wif deys paws out fo' MO' GIBS! Now that it has finally rained, the jigs are sitting in the mud wif deys paws out for MO' GIBS! By calling it "climate change" politicians make it easier to appropriate billions, no, TRILLIONS, of taxpayer dollars to save da po' starving niggas, of which maybe one or two percent MIGHT get to the coons. As with the Clintons' Haiti fiasco, the rest of the money will go into politicians' off-shore bank accounts.

It would be easier and cheaper to just drop a few thousand buckets of KFC or Popeye's, let the niggers kill each other over the chiggun, and problem solved! No more gibs and no more NIGGERS!

07-24-2024, 04:13 PM
Well, you know – Yale.

"One reason may be that Black people frequently experience racial discrimination, which significantly affects their ability to sleep, according to the Yale-led study."

What hurts their ability to sleep is carousing all night swilling Night Train, selling and using dope and muh-dikking everything in sight!

07-24-2024, 06:36 PM

07-25-2024, 11:43 AM
What hurts their ability to sleep is carousing all night swilling Night Train, selling and using dope and muh-dikking everything in sight!

Yes. What would help niggers sleep is getting J-O-B-S and working all day!

As for the Ethiopian groids - it's better this way. They're always complaining that they're starving so putting some of them out of their misery is a kindness.

They bitch when they have water, then bitch when they do have water.

There. Now you have water. How much damage could be done to those filthy nigger nests, anyway?


Jim Crow
07-29-2024, 06:36 AM
229 is nothing to a worthless species like that who doesn’t value or respect life.Add six zeros to that number,and then you’re talking! The only good nigger is a dead nigger!

08-03-2024, 09:20 AM
I'm old enough to remember that world wide "We are the World " shyte from the mid 80s led by cuck-cunts like Bono. That was all about feeding those Ethiopian niggers after their Commie government ruined agriculture there. I just wish all those worthless shit sticks croaked. That was a turning point in my perception when I saw not only are niggers nothing but lazy destructive leaches, but because of that they trained all the white cucks to take care of their useless asses.