View Full Version : Austria: Teachers Flee Vienna Schools Over Mass Migration, With 20 Teachers Quitting on a ‘Peak Day’

07-22-2024, 08:40 PM
"There is a mother whose son is in a class with 22 students — only three of whom can speak German."
The post Austria: Teachers Flee Vienna Schools Over Mass Migration, With 20 Teachers Quitting on a ‘Peak Day’ (https://www.amren.com/news/2024/07/austria-teachers-flee-vienna-schools-over-mass-migration-with-20-teachers-quitting-on-a-peak-day/) appeared first on American Renaissance (https://www.amren.com).

More... (https://www.amren.com/news/2024/07/austria-teachers-flee-vienna-schools-over-mass-migration-with-20-teachers-quitting-on-a-peak-day/)

07-23-2024, 02:52 AM
Not only there. Here in Germany, there's no shortage of silent racism, either. Even Globaltards don't prefer taking employment as Zookeepers:

...In a survey published by the German Kindergarten Directors' Congress in spring 2023, 64 percent of the Kita directors surveyed said they had been short-staffed more than 20 percent of the time last year...
...In a survey published by the German Kindergarten Directors' Congress in spring 2023, 64 percent of the Kita directors surveyed said they had been short-staffed more than 20 percent of the time last year...

Perhaps, they should try importing staff from Prance where they have longer experience with Zooling?
Perhaps, they should try importing staff from Prance where they have longer experience with Zooling?

<span style="color: rgb(57, 57, 57); font-family: &quot;EB Garamond&quot;, serif; font-size: 23px;">

Jim Crow
07-23-2024, 06:57 AM
With what liberals have turned our current scholastic system into, you’d have to be insane to want to be a teacher. Especially high skool! You have to watch what you say, you have to watch what you do. but mostly, you have to tolerate teenapers and take their abuse. I think I would snap first day on the job. No way I could handle trying to teach the low IQ ill mannered future felons and obey the lib rules.

Niggers are Useless
07-23-2024, 05:34 PM
Germany is doomed, England is doomed, France is doomed, America is now doomed etc. etc. this is the global caliphate, the asslifters and niggers are slowly taking over and destroying everything. We don't need schoolteachers anymore we need crusaders.
The people writing these articles always come across as if they are surprised that this is happening. What did you think was going to happen when you allow millions of invaders across your borders that don't have anything in common with the indigenous population or any of its shared values? Then the invaders are rewarded and protected and not expected to learn the customs, language and traditions of the country they just took over? I am surprised that the teacher exodus isn't higher than reported. If you can't communicate with the student what the fuck is the point? This libtard global society experiment is going to go down as a catastrophic failure that will end with the loss of millions of lives. I just hope it's the asslifters and the niggers that get to meet the batfairy first.
Maybe this is the idea? The global elites like bill gates are always bitching that it's all the people that are the problem. Getting rid of several hundred million useless eaters would help them in their quest wouldn't it?
We live in strange times.