View Full Version : Killadelphia Nigge Who Murdered a Woke White Liberal College Student at Temple U.

07-20-2024, 11:16 AM
Latif Williams, convicted of killing Temple University student Samuel Collington, sentenced
CBS Philadelphia
Latif Williams, the man convicted of murdering Temple University student Samuel Collington in 2021, was sentenced by a judge to at least 25 years in prison Tuesday.

Carjackers should be hanged from the nearest lamp post.
At least the nog removed a typical woke white liberal sap. :niggerlover

Jim Crow
07-20-2024, 11:40 AM
No loss!Murder suicide would’ve been the best scenario!
When will these liberal woke nigger lovin fools learn!Niggers are vile savage useless worthless beasts. Instead of fighting for their pets equality, they should be fighting to send these worthless piece back to Aperica. America would be better off for it.

07-20-2024, 01:11 PM
No loss!Murder suicide would’ve been the best scenario!
When will these liberal woke nigger lovin fools learn!Niggers are vile savage useless worthless beasts. Instead of fighting for their pets equality, they should be fighting to send these worthless piece back to Aperica. America would be better off for it.
What kind of white idiot would go to a niggerfuxated school like Temple, which besides the nigger hood it's in, is the locus of CRT, nigger studies and Afrocentric Fan Fictional History.

Niggers are Useless
07-21-2024, 04:19 PM
I'm surprised the nigger got 25 years of advanced studies and not just a slap on the paw. It's really not a loss here, one less woke nigger loving libtard commie. I enjoy the fact that the nigger lover got to find out first-hand how dangerous his pets really are.

07-21-2024, 08:04 PM
Look at that poor, brainwashed woketard, the picture-perfect poster child for the Nu-Male faction which is growing at an alarming rate. Haven't they learned that kissing nigger ass while wearing BLM shirts won't save them?

I aint bin dun did dat!
07-21-2024, 11:12 PM
I think we should release Latif here back into the area for some more clean up.

07-22-2024, 12:47 PM
These niggers need to be exported to Africa immediately after committing any crime. Murder or stealing a cookie. Niggers need to live under the shitty stick shadow once again.

07-23-2024, 01:02 AM
These niggers need to be exported to Africa immediately after committing any crime. Murder or stealing a cookie. Niggers need to live under the shitty stick shadow once again.

Ezzackly! I'm not cheering that the YT was killed. He was very young and if he escaped with his life from some nigger attacks he might have learned to be not so "inclusive."

For the niggers, there is no hope of them ever being anything but brainless, violent ferals with double-digit IQs. So yeah, send them all back.

07-28-2024, 11:41 PM
These niggers need to be exported to Africa immediately after committing any crime. Murder or stealing a cookie. Niggers need to live under the shitty stick shadow once again.

Ezzackly! I'm not cheering that the YT was killed. He was very young and if he escaped with his life from some nigger attacks he might have learned to be not so "inclusive."

For the niggers, there is no hope of them ever being anything but brainless, violent ferals with double-digit IQs. So yeah, send them all back.

Until such time as "Minority Deport" can become a literal title for all niggers, because of the guaranteed inevitability they'll commit crimes, I support permanent deportation to the muddaland for any crime.


The problem is how many Apefricoons are coming here via Haiti and Mexico. Somehow they're getting on actual airplanes, so deporting niggers will be a boomerang.

07-29-2024, 06:36 AM
The problem is how many Apefricoons are coming here via Haiti and Mexico. Somehow they're getting on actual airplanes, so deporting niggers will be a boomerang.

I'm truly believe that the end of the Roman empire has begun. There's no finger in the damn that'll stop this invasion.

07-29-2024, 11:14 AM
I'm truly believe that the end of the Roman empire has begun. There's no finger in the damn that'll stop this invasion.

This is the first time in recorded history that invaded countries have not only not lifted a finger to repel the invaders, but have actually welcomed them and forced citizens to care for them.

07-29-2024, 01:22 PM
This is the first time in recorded history that invaded countries have not only not lifted a finger to repel the invaders, but have actually welcomed them and forced citizens to care for them.
That is what is really sick about that, Justine True Dough comes to mind

07-29-2024, 07:07 PM
That is what is really sick about that, Justine True Dough comes to mind

Justine the Cuck and ALL the leaders in every civilized country are doing the same thing, lest anyone accuse them of racism or "Islamophobia". (someone needs to look up the definition of "phobia")Having your country destroyed and the citizens who pay the taxes murdered and raped is not nearly as bad as being called raycist.

07-29-2024, 09:20 PM
Justine the Cuck and ALL the leaders in every civilized country are doing the same thing, lest anyone accuse them of racism or "Islamophobia". (someone needs to look up the definition of "phobia")Having your country destroyed and the citizens who pay the taxes murdered and raped is not nearly as bad as being called raycist. Merkel takes the cake but yeah all the dickless western countries spearheaded by white feminist twits who apparently want to get raped and murdered by the hordes.

07-30-2024, 12:25 AM
I'm truly believe that the end of the Roman empire has begun. There's no finger in the damn that'll stop this invasion.

This is the first time in recorded history that invaded countries have not only not lifted a finger to repel the invaders, but have actually welcomed them and forced citizens to care for them.

Absolutely right. At least Roman citizens didn't have to pay to bring in Visigoths, while being told how "diversity" was so good for us. Sandy Sr. used to talk about "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" (which I don't think he read much of, but enough). He died several years before the HNIC came to power, and he'd have compared the HNIC to Nero fiddling while Rome burned. It's only worse now.

It was because Merkel the Kunt that I made this.