View Full Version : Is African American Studies ‘Divisive’? This School Board Changed Its Mind

07-19-2024, 03:40 PM
Legislative Black Caucus: “The study of our history should be non-negotiable.”
The post Is African American Studies ‘Divisive’? This School Board Changed Its Mind (https://www.amren.com/news/2024/07/is-african-american-studies-divisive-this-school-board-changed-its-mind/) appeared first on American Renaissance (https://www.amren.com).

More... (https://www.amren.com/news/2024/07/is-african-american-studies-divisive-this-school-board-changed-its-mind/)

07-19-2024, 04:03 PM
Tell me, what good will come from nigger history?

Blacks are dumb, are slaves, haven't developed a written language, haven't produced a true civilization, haven't invented the wheel.

Niggers are hideous animals, they haven't contributed anything to the human species.