View Full Version : "Why did my nigger let me down"?

07-16-2024, 07:13 PM
Today on the People's Court another woman is shocked - shocked I tell you - that her nigger is no Sir Galahad.

This is Irit (she has an accent and I'm thinking she's from Israel(?)) She's an unlikely mudshark since she is educated, pretty, and makes a very good living


For some inexplicable reason, Irit decided she really wanted overfed nigger Keon, wooly-headed buck-about-town, married him, rutted with him, and squirted out a mutant niglet.


Well, guess what? Keon doesn't like to work, and he does like to muh dik various hoes, (shocking, I know) so when the sprog was 3 months old, Irit kicked Keon's black bubblebutt out for the muh dikkery.

The buck pays no chile suppo't because every time he gets some type of job he gets fired or quits. The latest job he quit was delivering "spirits" to "gentleman's clubs" (strip joints) and he truly feared all the booze and nekkid whores might seduce him back into that lifestyle. Keon has no free will and doesn't like to work, period.

He is now $15,000 in arrears for his sprog who is seven, and doesn't bother trying to see his crotch dropping, due to the fact that he's one whole hour away, plus he has another "female" to muh dik. Who wants some whiny niglet messing that up? Keon finds all this very funny and thinks he's super cute. Judge Milian does not agree.

Since he quit his job he asked Irit to give him $2500 to buy some old hoopty. She does it. He also needed 1K for his rent and more for the car registration. Judge Milian can't believe it and asks WHY would she buy him a car and pay his bills when he owes her 15K?

Irit says that she hoped if he had a car he'd work and pay the child support,:lol then has to admit that he "just has a way about him" to get what he wants from her. I get it. Just look at him. She cannot break the spell the shiftless, deadbeat, lying nigger has on her. What mudshark could resist?

Irit gets her money back, but I just know she'll keep subsidizing this worthless POS buck. Maybe she knows how lucky she is that she hasn't been beaten to a pulp or shot in the head.

Okay, I see mudsharks all the time and they're usually what you would expect - morbidly obese, toothless, ignorant lumps or worn-out, hard-rode whores who feel they have no option. But I'm always surprised when I see a woman like this one, who could easily have found a decent human male and chose a nigger.

animal mother
07-16-2024, 07:35 PM
Looks like Irit is missing a tooth, probably from a pop to the noggin from Keon. Quantum Physics is easier to understand than the reason why an attractive mud shark will rut with a nigger.

07-17-2024, 02:48 PM
Some women never learn.

Niggers are Useless
07-18-2024, 10:49 PM
Mine if this shark keeps chasing the nigger for money it will get a chance to finish the job and not just stop at a tooth. This shark seems smart enough to realize that nigger love stories always end the same for the shark.

Jim Crow
07-21-2024, 11:47 AM
This is probably just the beginning. She’ll end up leading a life of suffering going from nigger to nigger,getting used and abused. Till,one day, it will all end with her body being found in a dumpster! And it will serve her right!

08-09-2024, 03:57 AM
Ya this nigger let us all down by allowing the mudshark to continue breathing and spawning another gibs goblin...

Don't worry hoe, your day will come.