View Full Version : Germany: Burn Loot Murder in Berlin, due to a dead shitbeast

07-12-2024, 07:21 PM
In Berlin, Gemany, a sand nigger from Turkey stabs a nigger from Cameroon. Because they fought over a parking spot :D. Batwings, one less oxygen thief. Within a few minutes 50 niggers appear at the scene and attack the police, shrieking "Germany beez racissss", demanding "justice" etc. I just saw a short clip on TV (I'll try to find it on youtube), TNB at its best: Throwing themselves on the ground, "oh lordy lord", throwing shoes etc. The god damn jungle beasts need to leave human countries!

https://www.bild.de/regional/berlin/berlin-mann-im-streit-um-parkplatz-erstochen-polizei-attackiert-6690cea786085424b97f847a?t_ref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.p olitikversagen.net%2F


07-12-2024, 11:16 PM
So one foreign Muzzy nigger kills another foreign Muzzy nigger and that is the fault of the white "racists" in Germany?
That is some fine nigger lahjeck.

07-13-2024, 01:37 AM
This time around, I wouldn't blame them, given that the lighter-skinned Sacred Cow Muzzie could be subject to enjoying now usual Revolving Door "Justice" or ending up in some fake psychiatric program, until the cameras are turned off and reporters gone home

07-13-2024, 12:28 PM
Round 'em up and ship them out. They have no business being there. They have their own shit holes to call their own.

Jim Crow
07-14-2024, 12:35 PM
Niggers just need an excuse to riot loot and cause caos! if they cared about some dead nigger , they would stop killing each other! Niggers are just violent savage beasts that shoulda been left in the jungle. it is their natural habitat for a reason!