View Full Version : Donate for the Jamaicoons

07-10-2024, 11:14 PM
Got this email today.

There are people with full-time jobs living in cars and tents in my country's capital (and still paying enormous taxes) because they can't afford the new, sky-high rents and Justine gives any available units to muzzies and niggers. But who cares about the working homeless? Let's send any extra pennies we have to help Jamaicoons whose shitholes blew away in the hurricane.



07-10-2024, 11:39 PM
Like we always say, leave niggers to their own devices. No aid, no medicine, no food. Mother nature will take care of them.

Homo erectus is a tough and resilient species, though. Imagine still living today and being coddled by Homo sapiens!

07-11-2024, 01:11 AM
...Let's send any extra pennies we have to help Jamaicoons whose shitholes blew away in the hurricane... I'd rather send them Vietcong army surplus shovels, so that they could move their dope-smoking and Rasta flea circuses underground where Hurricanes can't destroy their life's mission


07-11-2024, 09:22 AM
But don't we have an overpopulation problem? Aren't human beings "a cancer on the earth"? Make up your minds, Commies!

Jim Crow
07-14-2024, 07:58 PM
The hurricane was just God‘s way of setting things right! I believe God hates nigger too! They did originate from the beast!