View Full Version : 48 Hours on CBS: Nigger murderer dindu nuffins

07-07-2024, 12:48 AM
I'm re-watching an older 48 Hours show that I've seen before: pretty woman is stabbed to death, by who else? Nigger claims they were lovers, but unlikely. Nigger said it was innocent and sheeeit, but still got convicted, due to DNA evidence.

Nigger was a trash collector, decedent was a rich woman. Unlikely she got involved with nigger, but of course it was racism that got the feral bastard convicted. Old episode, 2002, so it's a "48 Hours Classic".

Conclusion: no matter where they are, a nigger is always gonna rape. And kill. That's why they deserve jail or rope.

07-07-2024, 02:26 PM
Was that the case on Cape Cod in Provincetown?

07-07-2024, 03:19 PM
Was that the case on Cape Cod in Provincetown?

It was in Truro, MA. Victim was Christa Worthington. Nigger continues to say it's innocent.

07-07-2024, 09:40 PM
Niggers are technically right that they are innocent. They live double lives. They have no place being in a human society, where laws are created to ensure justice prevails. Niggers are essentially primitive beasts from the jungle, that just happen to have the misfortune of being trapped in a world where they'll never belong. Set them all free and export them to Wakanda. Then they'll never be misplaced again.

I aint bin dun did dat!
07-07-2024, 11:14 PM
It was in Truro, MA. Victim was Christa Worthington. Nigger continues to say it's innocent.
Yea, after lying then being confronted with it’s vile nigger spunk evidence. Then says, well he jus be habsin sex wif huh and beat huh a bit but di’int kills huh. Niggers truly believe everyone else is as stupid as they are.

Jim Crow
07-08-2024, 08:06 AM
I remember reading about that in a newspaper. she was found dead by the ex-boyfriend, laying in the kitchen with her infant child trying to breast-feed. It was a cold case for a while and then they came up with the DNA evidence. Garbagenigg rapeape did it! the monkey had a IQ of 70 and its defense claimed it was too stupid to answer the questions, therefore it be innocent!
The beast should’ve gotten the same faith as its victim. But instead, taxpayers need to pay the prison to keep this sack of shit worthless nigger beast alive in a cage till croaks of natural causes. I agree with the rope!

07-08-2024, 08:48 PM
It was in Truro, MA. Victim was Christa Worthington. Nigger continues to say it's innocent.
Thanks. Truro is next to PTown, so it is the same case.