View Full Version : College football "star" arrested for DUI, isn't even 21

07-02-2024, 11:52 AM
The real question is, how many other niggers should also have been arrested but aren't?

Ollie Gordon, a Heisman Trophy contender and star running back for Oklahoma State, was arrested on Sunday on DUI and speeding charges, according to authorities.

Gordon, 20, was stopped on Interstate 35 near Moore, Oklahoma, early Sunday morning after a highway patrol officer noticed a swerving car going about 82 mph, KOCO-TV reported, citing a police report. The trooper wrote he noticed "an odor associated with an alcoholic beverage" emanating from the vehicle.

The football player reportedly told the officer that he had not been drinking but had been around friends who had. He refused to do a field sobriety test and later admitted to consuming one alcoholic beverage, according to the report.

Gordon also revealed he had two open containers of alcohol in his vehicle, the station reported. He was later taken to Cleveland County Jail, and a breath sample later revealed he had a BAC of 0.11, which is over the legal limit for an adult younger than 21 years old.


Just imagine the conversation with that ape.

"You been drinkin', boy?"

"Sheeit, muhfugga, ahz diddunt, buh muh homies did! You be smellin' dem!"

"I'm sure smelling something. WHOOWEE, boy, did they also shit on you and rub it all over?"

"Sheeit, dey said dey lubbs me!"

"All right, boy, get out of the car. Let's see if you can even walk."

"Sheeit, you juss be raciss! Ahz gonna call Ben Crump!"