View Full Version : Mudshark stabbed, even in Ontario

06-28-2024, 07:34 PM
Something about this story made my nigdar light up. I think it was probably the mention of a "near-beheading" since we know that's a niggroe thing. No matter where they are, niggers stay true to their roots and musharks end up savagely deleted.

Stupid burner. Gee, Vanessa, you couldn't find a nice Italian lad?

Ritchie the nigger buck murdered (Vanessa) Virgioni the mudshark whore by trying to cut off her head. “She died from an incised wound to her neck which was a near decapitation,” Kim told the court. Virgioni also had multiple sharp force injuries to her neck, head, torso and extremities and significant defensive wounds to her hands, arms and lower extremities. Before leaving the apartment, Ritchie went to the washroom to wash off the blood before leaving through a side door.

Sadly, the whore leaves behind a mutant crotch dropping.

Looking so proud in happy times with her nigger:


Linval ain't trippin':



06-28-2024, 08:36 PM
A fitting end for a species miscegenator. What could go wrong with this feral ape? Obviously it would act like an animal, as savage as possible. Humans don't do this savagery. But that's what the mudshark signed for, deluded that she thought she could "tame" the beast. She was wrong.

That's one alien looking black as sin nigger.

Niggers are Useless
06-28-2024, 10:44 PM
:nfl :mudglasses
Another race traitor whose parents can write " At least she wasn't racist eh" on her tombstone.
Play nigger games and win nigger prizes, the results are always the same. The nigger chimps out and the shark gets beat to goodness. It is too bad about the previously ejected crotch dripping, now Canadian humans will be on the hook for its existence.

I aint bin dun did dat!
06-29-2024, 12:42 AM
I can hear the ooking and stabbing sounds from here. She should never have dissaspeckted her nigger. “Take dat ya white bidge! Stab stab and dat mufuggah!”

Jim Crow
06-30-2024, 07:41 AM
I’m sure the sharks parents were beaming w/pride knowing their daughter was worshipping the tootsie pole every chance she had!
Actually, if her parents had any self-respect, they would be relieved that the shark/whore is gone. And they should donate the mulatto monkey baby to the zoo!

06-30-2024, 06:09 PM
A fitting end for a species miscegenator. What could go wrong with this feral ape? Obviously it would act like an animal, as savage as possible. Humans don't do this savagery. But that's what the mudshark signed for, deluded that she thought she could "tame" the beast. She was wrong.

That's one alien looking black as sin nigger.

This is what puzzles me still. Do these nigger lovers really and truly expect a fairytale "Happy ever after" with their niggers? Is it like these fools who think they're all Dr. Dolittles who want pet tigers and cassowarys and think these wild animals will never attack them? Do the mudsharks think they have special powers to tame their feral bucks? I won't even go into them wanting and craving to lie with the smelly black beasts and breed with them. 25035

Look at this one - a young and attractive human being, but look what she picked!

I just don't understand any of this.

06-30-2024, 09:14 PM
You're not alone Diva. She really was attractive, not a nasty old landwhale, so it's beyond understanding. I think your Doctor Dolittle syndrome metaphor might be right on the money. Combine that with the tsunami of political correctness we're all drowning in and you ended up with a scene like this.

07-07-2024, 02:57 AM
Obviously she never watched the OJ Simpson trial. These stupid mudsharks never learn. Niggers love to cut off the heads off da white wimmenz. Her handsome boo beating the white privilege out of her a few times wasn't enough of a hint, I guess.

07-07-2024, 11:11 AM
Obviously she never watched the OJ Simpson trial. These stupid mudsharks never learn. Niggers love to cut off the heads off da white wimmenz. Her handsome boo beating the white privilege out of her a few times wasn't enough of a hint, I guess.

Your avatar is cracking me up. Now Justine walks around on his knees kissing anything that looks like a nigger or muzzie ass to make up for this.

07-07-2024, 12:25 PM
Yes Diva, Faggot Justin has really made a mess of things. Where I live was relatively nigger free until recently. Now there's an influx of tar black niggers knuckling around the streets and of course Walmart. Just waiting for the rapin' and robbin' stats to go up. When -40 winter comes should be exciting to see how many of these stupid muhfuggas freeze to deff

07-07-2024, 08:06 PM
Yes Diva, Faggot Justin has really made a mess of things. Where I live was relatively nigger free until recently. Now there's an influx of tar black niggers knuckling around the streets and of course Walmart. Just waiting for the rapin' and robbin' stats to go up. When -40 winter comes should be exciting to see how many of these stupid muhfuggas freeze to deff

Yeah, well, I thought and hoped the stinking Hayshees slithering around here would freeze too, but it hasn't happened. I'm so glad my money is being stolen out of my pocket to feed and house these feral, smelly beasts.

07-08-2024, 07:48 AM
A fitting end for a species miscegenator. What could go wrong with this feral ape? Obviously it would act like an animal, as savage as possible. Humans don't do this savagery. But that's what the mudshark signed for, deluded that she thought she could "tame" the beast. She was wrong.

That's one alien looking black as sin nigger.

There is a new "Predator" movie, the "nigetor!!" That primate looks like a cross between the Predator and an apefreakoon nig!!

07-08-2024, 07:52 AM
Yeah, well, I thought and hoped the stinking Hayshees slithering around here would freeze too, but it hasn't happened. I'm so glad my money is being stolen out of my pocket to feed and house these feral, smelly beasts.

Niggers will go anywhere for GIBS!! Souf Florida was infested with them however it's climate is similar to where the hayshees are from!! They will put up with the cold for GIBS!!

07-11-2024, 09:18 PM
Good riddance.

07-30-2024, 01:15 AM
There is a new "Predator" movie, the "nigetor!!" That primate looks like a cross between the Predator and an apefreakoon nig!!
The original Predator was a nigger too.

07-30-2024, 12:58 PM
Another mutant added....I wish these mudshark deletions would happen before any hatching.

Niggers are Useless
07-30-2024, 05:52 PM
Yes Diva, Faggot Justin has really made a mess of things. Where I live was relatively nigger free until recently. Now there's an influx of tar black niggers knuckling around the streets and of course Walmart. Just waiting for the rapin' and robbin' stats to go up. When -40 winter comes should be exciting to see how many of these stupid muhfuggas freeze to deff

Hopefully all of em. Let the wolves enjoy the feast, I only hope the wolves can get the taste out of their mouths. Better yet maybe they can be plowed into the roads for traction.