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Tar Remover
06-28-2024, 02:57 AM
Stupid nigger... (Yes redundant, I know....)


But I can still say fried chiggunz, waddymelon, grape drank, jigga-boo, tar baby, biscuit lip, tar bat, moonbat, Aunt Jemima, Rastus, Sambo....
She didn't say THOSE were bad....

Jim Crow
06-28-2024, 06:44 AM
Well,that sow perfectly described what her fellow niggers are.Some whites hold back,but, some of us don’t pull punches. I call.a nigger a nigger! they are worthless beasts and they know it. I bet that the sow doesn’t trust or respect it’s fellow niggers either. so, why should we?

06-28-2024, 08:55 AM
What the hell is she raving about, I NEVER claimed to be non-racist!

"I, Internet Rando Nigger #3476, declare these words to be forbidden to YT!"

Oh really? Forbid THIS, fuckface! :flip Can I still say shitbeast? How about proto-humanoid murder bot? Eat shit and die. Nobody tells me what I can or can't say, especially not a Nigger!

06-29-2024, 05:58 PM
Uppity hoe! Yeah, I'll heed her nonsense BS. She better talk to the cRappers who spew the word "nigga" non-stop.

Do niggers ever wonder where the stereotypes come from? Stilly me. Such questions are not on a what passes for a nigger mind.

06-29-2024, 07:17 PM
Again, wrongly trying to control or own the language that doesn't belong to them. Fuck you uppity dumb nigger bitch, we'll call you what you deserve to be called.