View Full Version : Ap news (ape protectors) human cop not charged for staying safe from nigger

worms fo brillo
06-25-2024, 06:11 PM

Ape Protector statement -It’s a heartbreaking case and sheds light on the complexities and difficulties Black families face when intersecting with the justice- BAHAHHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA


The Ape Protectors are upset the grand jury didn't indict and are trying to drum up a new case.

Well,,, Ape Protector news has new video and facts. LOL

Ape Protector statements - The Associated Press and the never-before-released dashcam video of the August 2020 shooting have raised fresh questions,( then the nigger lovers say ) - The footage does not include visuals of the actual shooting, which happened outside the camera’s view. But it shows the crucial final moments in which Thompson uses a police maneuver to send Lewis’ car spinning into a ditch.

Talk about fing morons, so they have no clue or video of moments during shooting, but know the cop was wrong and the nigger can break laws, ignore police and is always innocent.

The video doesn't prove sht and where's the proof that who towed the car didn't removed the battery cable. Why don't they post the police pics that if was off after the nigger went off the road.

I love it when transgender failure cowards that sit behind a desk already know exactly how they or anyone else would handle a situation with a worthless nigger. They want police to wait till their struck with a bullet before taking action against the worthless nigger.

The POS state paid the gorilla family over 4 million, and the nigger wouldn't have made 10 grand it's entire life.

Almost as pathetic as the giant sowboon that rolled in flour for criminal floyd getting millions. NIGGER leaves niglet because it couldn't get a job as a bouncer in Texas, not many bars in Texas, right.

Who checked the sowboons niglet for DNA, niggers lie 24/7, all they can do in life is lie, steal, stink.

Jim Crow
06-26-2024, 06:54 AM
When I read heart warming articles like this,it almost makes me regret not donating $1 to the police benevolent fund! Hell, if they promised to reach my quota of 1 million bat wings issued per year, I might even pledge a whole sawbuck!

Niggers are Useless
06-26-2024, 05:08 PM
I don't think it should be a crime for cops to summon the batfairy while they are apetempting to wrangle a nigger. This issue should be a non-starter. I believe that if every cop was able to issue batwings during a nigger encounter, two things would happen. One, more good humans would want to be cops and two, these uppity niggers would get put back in their place as the sub- human parasitic drag on human society they have been since getting released from being semi productive farm equipment.

worms fo brillo
07-10-2024, 12:28 AM
When I read heart warming articles like this,it almost makes me regret not donating $1 to the police benevolent fund! Hell, if they promised to reach my quota of 1 million bat wings issued per year, I might even pledge a whole sawbuck!

Priceless, LOL

worms fo brillo
07-10-2024, 12:37 AM
I don't think it should be a crime for cops to summon the batfairy while they are apetempting to wrangle a nigger. This issue should be a non-starter. I believe that if every cop was able to issue batwings during a nigger encounter, two things would happen. One, more good humans would want to be cops and two, these uppity niggers would get put back in their place as the sub- human parasitic drag on human society they have been since getting released from being semi productive farm equipment.

You're absolutely correct, they stop being a worthless leech with batwings, and cops should get like a rewards program, 100 for each buck and 1000 for sheboons.