View Full Version : Moment California Democrat Weeps When Latina Republican Tells Him Why Slavery Reparations Are Doomed

06-21-2024, 05:00 PM
Indian man can't bear to hear a different opinion.
The post Moment California Democrat Weeps When Latina Republican Tells Him Why Slavery Reparations Are Doomed (https://www.amren.com/news/2024/06/moment-california-democrat-weeps-when-latina-republican-tells-him-why-slavery-reparations-are-doomed/) appeared first on American Renaissance (https://www.amren.com).

More... (https://www.amren.com/news/2024/06/moment-california-democrat-weeps-when-latina-republican-tells-him-why-slavery-reparations-are-doomed/)

06-21-2024, 09:12 PM
​"Black lawmakers in Washington seek at least $14 trillion for a federal scheme to ‘eliminate the racial wealth gap’ between black and white Americans."

And what does anyone think is going to happen to that $14 trillion? It won't be near that much after greedy politicians get their cut, but still niggers will be nigger-rich for a very short while. A few million will go through a nigger's paws like water, and they will be prey of every scammer on earth. Anything the coons have left will be gone real fast on gold-plated Caddies, bling, dope, hoes and chiggun, and their paws will be out whining for more gibs.