View Full Version : Juneteenth Nigger Day

06-16-2024, 10:03 PM
I will watch Blazing Saddles and the original Planet of The Apes on Juneteenth. Fuck all of those nasty chimps and baboons and the liberal filth that supports this phony holiday .

06-17-2024, 10:32 AM
I haven't checked, but surely Juneteenf resulted in a fair number of niggers batwinging each other? That's the usual outcome of any primitive nigger festivities and bongo parties.

06-17-2024, 11:05 AM
Well, I'd also recommend the good old (1915) The Birth of a Nation, which can be easily found on youtube - over 3 hours long. I like it.

Since it is a historical milestone - first evening movie in the world where the director had to invent cutting scenes and other "common" movie tricks, liberals have hard to remove it. It is a clear anti-nigger movie and the movie, which really started the KKK era in the USA in 1920s. Even the white KKK robes and the burning cross were just made up by the movie's director and KKK adopted them from it. The 19-th century KKK was rather marginal organization with any specific dress code or symbology not being known. It would for sure remain marginal and forgotten had not the movie The Birth of a Nation been filmed.

(Be careful not to confuse it with 2016 movie of the same name - this is a nigger propaganda.)

Niggers are Useless
06-17-2024, 06:02 PM
Well, I'd also recommend the good old (1915) The Birth of a Nation, which can be easily found on youtube - over 3 hours long. I like it.

Since it is a historical milestone - first evening movie in the world where the director had to invent cutting scenes and other "common" movie tricks, liberals have hard to remove it. It is a clear anti-nigger movie and the movie, which really started the KKK era in the USA in 1920s. Even the white KKK robes and the burning cross were just made up by the movie's director and KKK adopted them from it. The 19-th century KKK was rather marginal organization with any specific dress code or symbology not being known. It would for sure remain marginal and forgotten had not the movie The Birth of a Nation been filmed.

(Be careful not to confuse it with 2016 movie of the same name - this is a nigger propaganda.)

I will have to see where I can find that. Thank you

06-17-2024, 06:15 PM
Well, I'd also recommend the good old (1915) The Birth of a Nation, which can be easily found on youtube - over 3 hours long. I like it.

Since it is a historical milestone - first evening movie in the world where the director had to invent cutting scenes and other "common" movie tricks, liberals have hard to remove it. It is a clear anti-nigger movie and the movie, which really started the KKK era in the USA in 1920s. Even the white KKK robes and the burning cross were just made up by the movie's director and KKK adopted them from it. The 19-th century KKK was rather marginal organization with any specific dress code or symbology not being known. It would for sure remain marginal and forgotten had not the movie The Birth of a Nation been filmed.

(Be careful not to confuse it with 2016 movie of the same name - this is a nigger propaganda.)

Does that one portray "Oh the poor niggroe slaves!) or niggers building the country? Not even that would surprise me.

06-18-2024, 04:39 PM
Does that one portray "Oh the poor niggroe slaves!) or niggers building the country? Not even that would surprise me.

Of course, niggers are slaves there - it is a movie about the civilized southern society, the civil war, and the reconstruction era.

However, do not expect them being portrayed as building the country. This movie really portrays niggers as primitive, ugly, savage, stupid, but there is a kind it portrays even worse than niggers - the mullattoes.
Watch it yourself - just notice the title "​The Birth of a Nation - Full Movie - (1915) HD - The Masterpiece of Racist Cinema":


I have already seen it about three or four times, it is a really good medicine when one gets sick from some nigger propaganda.

06-18-2024, 05:20 PM
Of course, niggers are slaves there - it is a movie about the civilized southern society, the civil war, and the reconstruction era.

However, do not expect them being portrayed as building the country. This movie really portrays niggers as primitive, ugly, savage, stupid, but there is a kind it portrays even worse than niggers - the mullattoes.
Watch it yourself - just notice the title "​The Birth of a Nation - Full Movie - (1915) HD - The Masterpiece of Racist Cinema":


I have already seen it about three or four times, it is a really good medicine when one gets sick from some nigger propaganda.

I was referring to this 2016 remake, which should probably be titled: "Birth of a Nation - Woke Version in which History is Falsified to Suit our Agenda".

06-18-2024, 05:37 PM
I was referring to this 2016 remake, which should probably be titled: "Birth of a Nation - Woke Version in which History is Falsified to Suit our Agenda".

Yes, I have seen that one it is about an oppressed nigger whose owner is an oil driller and takes nigger's girlfriend into his bed. The nigger then orchestrates an upraising, if I remember correctly.

Jim Crow
06-18-2024, 07:46 PM
Fuck June 19th! It isn’t like the liberals need another day to suck nigger dick. They do that every day!
I celebrate January 19th, general, Robert E Lee’s birthday!

06-19-2024, 03:59 AM
Ha! Juneteenth?! I always thought that was some made up "holiday" like kwanza. It's already bad enough having black history month in existence, now we have yet another useless nigger holiday.

06-19-2024, 07:59 AM
Only sub-cultures need reminding of who they are. Everybody else just looks around them to see what their people have accomplished. Niggers have made no contribution to modern society. I don't understand why we need Asian day or whatever the fuck it is. Have you seen the Great Wall of China ? Niggers have built and made nothing so they they have nothing to look at. This is why a day was nominated to ' celebrate ' their worthlessness.

06-19-2024, 08:43 AM
I haven't checked, but surely Juneteenf resulted in a fair number of niggers batwinging each other? That's the usual outcome of any primitive nigger festivities and bongo parties.

TRUE!! ANd we can only HOPE that this "holiday" results in the usual statistics!!

06-19-2024, 11:27 AM
Only sub-cultures need reminding of who they are. Everybody else just looks around them to see what their people have accomplished. Niggers have made no contribution to modern society. I don't understand why we need Asian day or whatever the fuck it is. Have you seen the Great Wall of China ? Niggers have built and made nothing so they they have nothing to look at. This is why a day was nominated to ' celebrate ' their worthlessness.

At least 15 years ago, when I wasn't even rayciss, I puzzled over "Miss Black America". Now it's "Black Histerry Munf", "Black Excellence" movies, BET, and nigger this and nigger that.

Substitute "White" for every "Black" in those titles and see the reaction.

06-19-2024, 04:05 PM
Well, I'd also recommend the good old (1915) The Birth of a Nation, which can be easily found on youtube - over 3 hours long. I like it.

(Be careful not to confuse it with 2016 movie of the same name - this is a nigger propaganda.)

I love that movie! The 1915 original, not the niggerized 2016 crap. It showed niggers and nigger-lovers for how they were then, are now and ever will be. Austin Stoneman, the oil driller. Lydia Brown, nigger gold-digger. Silas Lynch, a mullatto nigger given a bit of political power and trying to be an African dictator. Niggers in congress doing nothing but drinking, stealing, chimping out and stinking up the place. And worst of all Gus, the worthless slimey stinking nigger POS who tried to muh-dik Flora Cameron, causing her to commit suicide.

Naturally, this film has long been banned, along with several others, for merely showing niggers for how they are in real life.

Niggers are Useless
06-19-2024, 06:43 PM
Fuck June 19th! It isn’t like the liberals need another day to suck nigger dick. They do that every day!
I celebrate January 19th, general, Robert E Lee’s birthday!

Long live the Army of Northern Virginia!


06-19-2024, 07:16 PM
Has everyone had their KFC today?

06-20-2024, 06:02 PM
Never passing up the chance to kiss some niggers ass, my local paper of course had pics from the latest juneteenth crap.
Front page is some niggers bitch with a short proclaiming she's been "free-ish" since 1865.
Apparently, that was the dress code for every monkey there.
Those feral subhuman animals get more opportunity handed to them than the damn people who built this country.
We had a damn nigger in the White house, any one of can say they are not free??????
The only thing holding back any nigger in this country is it's own fucking stupidity.
I am sorry to say that I have now reached the point that the very sight or mention of these useless beasts fills me simultaneously with rage, fear, and sadness.
Our country was a beautiful, healthy body with unlimited potential, now being consumed by a foul, mud colored cancer.
And the saddest part is, we have the cure on our hands, but would rather die than use it.

07-10-2024, 07:01 AM
Has everyone had their KFC today?

BAHAHHAHAAHAA. Actually use to get it once in a while, but take a wild guess what happened to the one near me, YEP, the scum hired all NIGGERS, so now you don't know how dirty the food is because niggers
are disgusting animals and the grease dripping off the chicken makes you sick because niggers can't learn how to work anything over a toaster.

Wendys, BK, all fuking vile niggers now that destroy anything they get near. Once every few months a Wendys burger was awesome, now it's like a chimp with an IQ of 5 made it.
I can deal with the pathetic price, but not with the disease on America nigger wrecking it.

They hate the white man, but the failure niggers keep migrating to white countries, even a dog has more intelligence than the vile nigger.