View Full Version : Mammy roasts her sprog to goodness

06-15-2024, 08:13 AM
Apparently mammy had enough of the 5 year old mini-boon's monkeyshines, and so chucked it in the fireplace. Our criminal mastermind then put the charred remains of the little demon in a utility closet, and left the bones in the fireplace. When grandmammy called the police, mammy said she gave the sprog to an adoption agency. Shockingly, that story didn't check out, and mammy is headed for a long stay in NU.


06-15-2024, 10:54 AM
Is this "Cook Your Niglet" a new TikTok challenge? I posted recently about a sow slut sticking her infant in the oven and cooking it. Apparently, she mistook the oven for the crib.

Gotta love the outlandish lies niggers come up with when cornered.I'm surprised she didn't say, "Mah chile musta crawled in der fo warmf." Do we know what the pappy thought of this? Oh, right...


That's one fugly shebuck.

animal mother
06-15-2024, 03:33 PM
Is this "Cook Your Niglet" a new TikTok challenge? I posted recently about a sow slut sticking her infant in the oven and cooking it. Apparently, she mistook the oven for the crib.

Gotta love the outlandish lies niggers come up with when cornered.I'm surprised she didn't say, "Mah chile musta crawled in der fo warmf." Do we know what the pappy thought of this? Oh, right...


That's one fugly shebuck.

Boot lips and a five o'clock shadow, this looks more like a buck to me.

06-15-2024, 09:03 PM
Apparently mammy had enough of the 5 year old mini-boon's monkeyshines, and so chucked it in the fireplace. Our criminal mastermind then put the charred remains of the little demon in a utility closet, and left the bones in the fireplace. When grandmammy called the police, mammy said she gave the sprog to an adoption agency. Shockingly, that story didn't check out, and mammy is headed for a long stay in NU.


Niggers are true criminal masterminds!

Sow was too lazy to take the niglet to the dumpster!

06-15-2024, 09:05 PM
Is this "Cook Your Niglet" a new TikTok challenge? I posted recently about a sow slut sticking her infant in the oven and cooking it. Apparently, she mistook the oven for the crib.

Gotta love the outlandish lies niggers come up with when cornered.I'm surprised she didn't say, "Mah chile musta crawled in der fo warmf." Do we know what the pappy thought of this? Oh, right...


That's one fugly shebuck.

Looks like "Big Mike" Obama without the makeup!

06-15-2024, 10:10 PM
Niggers off the street. However it happens, it's a win for society !!

Niggers are Useless
06-15-2024, 11:19 PM
I bet she tried knawing on one of the legs too. Look at that buck. wow. If its demon looked like that its no wonder this beast roasted it.
Well either way its a win for human society.

06-16-2024, 12:22 PM
Niggers are true criminal masterminds!
Sow was too lazy to take the niglet to the dumpster!
Obviously Conan Doyle wasn't using them as role models for his infamous Moriarty.

Jim Crow
06-16-2024, 01:03 PM
I see no problem here! Except maybe,the sow shoulda served it to her fambly.Aren’t all niggers cannibals? Or can they even be cannibals? Don’t you have to be human to be a cannibal? Savage beasts kill and eat one another in the jungles all day. big waste of Time giving it an NU scholarship. Just ship it back to the jungles of Africa where it’s lifestyle is accepted.

06-16-2024, 01:35 PM
I see no problem here! Except maybe,the sow shoulda served it to her fambly.Aren’t all niggers cannibals? Or can they even be cannibals? Don’t you have to be human to be a cannibal? Savage beasts kill and eat one another in the jungles all day. big waste of Time giving it an NU scholarship. Just ship it back to the jungles of Africa where it’s lifestyle is accepted.

Even most animal species will not engage in cannibalism. What is seen as an abhorrent, taboo practice to humans is an age-old traditional treat for nogs. To this very day they eat each other, and not because they beeze hongry. When a human does it, i.e. Jeffrey Dahmer, the entire civilized world is shocked and sickened.


But not to fear!

Mthembeni Majola, a local politician, convened a community meeting shortly after the cannibalism suspects made their first court appearance last week

The local politician.:lol I'm sure the meeting he convened in his official capacity got the situation of niggers chomping each other well under control



06-17-2024, 10:20 AM
Niggeroni's fun to eat
Niggeroni's really neat
Niggeroni baby feet
Hooray! For Niggeroni!