View Full Version : Germany: Rapist from Afghanistan: “People should realize that they can’t get rid of me”

06-14-2024, 05:07 PM
In 2019, an Afghan raped a girl (14) in Illerkirchberg. After his release from prison, he lives again in the place where he committed the crime and, according to the court, could be deported, but nothing happens. Instead, the rejected asylum seeker complains of hostility.

German Original:

Google-translated to English:

In the distant past, there used to be quite practical device for dealing with such cases behind every larger town, it used to be called gallows.

06-15-2024, 04:31 AM
There seems to be an orchestrated politically one-sided approach to "law enforcement", as if Klaus Schwab has laid out a curriculum specially designed for Western police academies. I myself have experienced indifference, when attempting to employ them for investigating. Higher up, district attornies are also known for side-lining an investigation.
Here, a more dramatic example of such:


06-19-2024, 05:20 PM
There seems to be an orchestrated politically one-sided approach to "law enforcement", as if Klaus Schwab has laid out a curriculum specially designed for Western police academies. I myself have experienced indifference, when attempting to employ them for investigating. Higher up, district attornies are also known for side-lining an investigation.
Here, a more dramatic example of such:
Indeed! Same everywhere in the western world. I know that many German police officers are massively demoralized by this. Because police knows first hand who's the problem.

Niggers are Useless
06-19-2024, 06:20 PM
German Original:

Google-translated to English:

In the distant past, there used to be quite practical device for dealing with such cases behind every larger town, it used to be called gallows.

The nerve of these parasites is amazing. This asslifter rapes a girl gets 2 years in prison gets out and wonders why everyone in town hates him? Wtf
Also he has no job and is getting by on government handouts and he refused to take a cash bonus to get shipped back to Afghanistan? The germans should try a catapult into the black sea. This scumbag may prefer that.
Incredible how much crap people have to take because of scumbag politicians. Wow

Also the comments are probably pure gold, but I couldn't figure out how to get the translate feature to work on them.

06-20-2024, 02:34 AM
Besides Google maps and Google Earth, I use their translator. Other than that, I avoid them as much as possible.
Why not simply copy and paste the comments you're interested in reading into their translator?

09-14-2024, 12:15 AM
Two-legged Muzzie Submarine makes use of mis-appropriated funds for distributing native language pamphlets to invaders on how to circumvent deportation:


...As “Bild” (Friday edition) reports, the Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Reem Alabali-Radovan (SPD), supported the project with 777,000 euros in 2022 and around 300,000 euros in 2023. There are no figures available for this year yet. The portal states, among other things, that deportation can be prevented if a child “cannot be found on the deportation date”.
The domestic policy spokesman for the FDP parliamentary group, Manuel Höferlin, criticizes the funding and calls for it to end. "It cannot be the case that projects are supported that show people how they can outsmart democracy and the rule of law. That is a slap in the face to democratic values." Alexander Throm, domestic policy spokesman for the CDU/CSU parliamentary group, demanded: "Not a single cent of taxpayers should go to this project - especially in these times when we have to save money at every turn. Rejected asylum seekers are obliged to leave our country to leave - and at the same time the state is doing everything to ensure that they stay."


09-19-2024, 12:54 PM
"They can't get rid of me." Come to my neighborhood and say that, asslifter. Put your faith to the test.

09-19-2024, 07:28 PM
So this SOB is out of jail and back in the town where he and his scumbag bros raped the 14-year old girl. He's bragging that they can't get rid of him, and deportation is not a viable option. So, this girl must have familoy members nearby, father, brothers, cousins, uncles, friends who could very quickly and easily "deport" this demon and his ilk back to hades to shovel coal with allah and mad mo. :fume

09-20-2024, 03:12 AM
Those would be the first to get a knocking on the door by the Pough-Leece, if their gem were to disappear. They're needed for even more restrictive weaponry legislation to be ratified on the law-abiding. Here, a resistance petition:

Völlig sinnlose Waffenrechtsverschärfung zu Lasten rechtstreuer Bürger stoppen! – PatriotPetition.org (https://www.patriotpetition.org/2024/09/17/voellig-sinnlose-waffenrechtsverschaerfung-zu-lasten-rechtstreuer-buerger-stoppen/)

...Terrible terrorist attacks, such as the one on August 23, 2024 in Solingen, in which an illegal Islamist who was required to leave the country murdered three people and injured eight others, are a consequence of the failed German migration policy. For almost ten years, terrorists, murderers and other criminals have been streaming into Germany from all over the world across the open borders completely unhindered. However, the resulting escalating violence on Germany's streets only serves as an opportunity for the federal government to monitor its own law-abiding citizens even more, place them under general suspicion and criminalize their everyday lives.
In the eyes of Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD), the resulting rampant foreigner crime is a welcome excuse to further tighten German gun laws, which are already among the strictest in the world. As a reminder: according to current law, the Islamic knife attackers in Mannheim and Solingen illegally carried their combat knives with them. As expected, the attackers didn't care about any ban. Nevertheless, this is reason for the Interior Minister to extend the ineffective ban in a current draft law to all citizens who own normal knives and handle them responsibly. In the future it would be forbidden, for example:

- Having a multi-tool with you as an “on-board tool” when cycling.

- Grilling or picnicking as a family in a public park using cooking or eating utensils.

- As a sport fisher, hiker or mushroom gatherer, to carry a knife with you, especially if you use public transport on your way into nature and back, will make you suspect.

- Having a knife of some kind with you when camping at an outdoor concert or similar festivities.

- As a craftsman or DIY enthusiast, carrying a cutter knife in your pocket as an everyday tool.

At the same time, police powers to search people for such everyday items without reason and to confiscate them are to be massively expanded. Nobody can seriously claim that even a single Islamist terrorist attack will be prevented in the future because the grandma who had her kitchen knife with her while looking for mushrooms in the forest now has a criminal record for illegal possession of weapons. The problem is not everyday objects, but the illegal mass immigration of criminal subjects who use them, be they knives, cars or whatever, as instruments of murder. In order not to have to face this fact, the SPD, FDP and Greens now want to push through their controversial law at high speed, bypassing parliamentary corrective mechanisms, such as congressional hearings and the Federal Council's requirement for approval.

It is therefore high time that we stand up together and say: “Stop, enough is enough! We aren't the terrorists!”. Anyone who is unable to control the border cannot, in return, search innocent citizens without cause and label them as potential murderers because of the eating utensils they find. This is the logic of an overreaching state that does not protect the freedom of its citizens, but in reality protects Islamists and mafia clans. Let us therefore use the attached petition to call on the parliamentary groups in the German Bundestag to reject the tightening of gun laws. Please sign and share this important petition for our freedom!

09-20-2024, 09:48 AM
My everyday tool is made by Spyderco.