View Full Version : Somalicoons steal $49 million of your dollars

06-13-2024, 08:17 PM
No wonder they all flock to Western countries. They know they can get away with nearly anything and if caught the consequences will be mild. No one found it odd that the Somalicoons say their charity gave away 12 million meals to hungry children. Are there even 12 million kids in MN, and do none of them have parents who feed them? What a joke.





06-13-2024, 09:40 PM
Prosecutors said they fabricated invoices and submitted thousands of phony names of children in order to get $49 million in federal funds.

And it looks like they're getting away with it due to their cultural necessity.

06-14-2024, 01:12 AM
The only people who fall into these schemes are elderly dupes who still read analog newspapers, don't access the internet and those who don't know where Somalia's located on a globe, perhaps thinking it's a beach resort on an Italian coastline or a suburb of Monaco

Jim Crow
06-14-2024, 07:14 AM
Somalians are some of the nastiest fucking niggers ever spawned. They should all be forced to live in their own fucking coontry with themselves!

06-14-2024, 07:16 AM
Somalians are some of the nastiest fucking niggers ever spawned. They should all be forced to live in their own fucking coontry with themselves!

Let's start by sending that C@NT "mentally ilhan omar" back there!! Come to think of it, let's send aoc jamaal bowman and the rest of the "Jihad Squad" there!!

06-14-2024, 11:07 AM
The only people who fall into these schemes are elderly dupes who still read analog newspapers, don't access the internet and those who don't know where Somalia's located on a globe, perhaps thinking it's a beach resort on an Italian coastline or a suburb of Monaco


It was government entities who gladly handed over millions of tax dollars to these felonious parasitic groids. As always, niggers can't just take their ill-gotten gains and stash it away. They have to blow it on ostentatious luxuries and call attention to themselves.

I truly admire the way my own government is so free and easy with MY money, giving a bundle of it to filthy invaders.

06-15-2024, 04:09 AM
...As always, niggers can't just take their ill-gotten gains and stash it away. They have to blow it on ostentatious luxuries and call attention to themselves...The Bling that they leave behind makes it easier for them to get caught

06-15-2024, 04:32 AM
No wonder they all flock to Western countries. They know they can get away with nearly anything and if caught the consequences will be mild. No one found it odd that the Somalicoons say their charity gave away 12 million meals to hungry children. Are there even 12 million kids in MN, and do none of them have parents who feed them? What a joke.





Asslifting niggers might just be the worst kind of niggers.

Why we let these things into our country is beyond me.

06-15-2024, 04:50 AM
...Why we let these things into our country...Probably because their lightbulb-shaped hey-edz project a certain degree of enlightenment? :confused:

06-15-2024, 08:58 PM
Probably because their lightbulb-shaped hey-edz project a certain degree of enlightenment? :confused:


Niggers are Useless
06-15-2024, 11:29 PM
When I first heard about this scam, I knew it was niggers. Only niggers would take advantage of programs to feed kids in order to buy stupid nigger shit. I should have made the connection that given the location it was somalicoons. That place is infested and needs a nuclear fumigation. Get mike lindel out first though.