View Full Version : This is Great: Sowzilla Head of Security at Apelanta's VA "caught" saying She Won't Hire Sowzillas

06-13-2024, 12:12 PM
Suspended police chief admits to not wanting to hire minority female officers

:conf :rofl

06-13-2024, 06:23 PM
Is it a great surprise to anyone that niggers hate other niggers? I tried to listen to this but I just can't look at or listen to niggers anymore.

Go ahead and tell me they're Just Like Us!


06-20-2024, 03:50 PM
Couldn't watch the whole thing, the niggerbabble is just too bad. Fortunately, the sow admits the nature of the beast right at the beginning:

Because you know what comes with it? [nigger sows] A whole lot of f****ing attitude. And I am the only one with an attitude at this place.

Niggers are the most obnoxious things on earth. Nigger chief - I bet crime rate skyrocketed in this place.

06-20-2024, 06:58 PM
No one and nothing on earth has attitude like big fat nigger sows. Duck-lipping, chicken-necking, hands on jiggling hips attitude. Amazing for one of Earth's lowest, ugliest, most vicious lifeforms.


06-21-2024, 01:31 AM
All niggers are ugly beasts. You can't really say they're the same species if you have a logical or scientific mind. Saying they are the same is just pure sociological daydreaming. Niggers wish they are human, but not possible!

Ugly simian faces, black ugly shit skin, obese, smelly, then team it with an attitude of the most childish beings on earth. Always butthurt, always crying racism, yet their own behavior proves they are criminal and of base nature. Immoral is the word. This is evident in their music, art, culture...of violence, destruction, muh-dikk, and nothing positive!

Jim Crow
06-21-2024, 06:28 AM
Well,it’s gots a mirror. It knows how disgusting it looks. It knows how incompetent it is. And it also knows if it hires the more of the same, nothing will get done, and it will lose it’s job. Anything to keep them free gibbs coming! And the suspension ain’t sheeet! Liberals won’t allow a sow to be fired.