View Full Version : Jury Nullification and the Plight of Humans...

06-06-2024, 08:39 AM
A juxtaposition of two recent court cases shows just how perilous our existence as humans and as a nation are. This is serious shit... Being a filthy nigger is a Get-Out-of Jail-Free card...

I have friends who are lawyers in New York and on Long Island and they are looking at the demise of their profession. Niggers charged with violent crime are regularly released or acquitted by niggered juries when the victims are human. Civil cases are much worse. Nigger plaintiffs demanding monetary compensation for slights real or imagined are regularly rewarded huge sums on the thinest of evidence. Think of the hundreds of millions given to St. George of Fentanyl's fambly over his goodification. This is 'GibsMeDats' on steroids and it's not just high profile cases

Trump's New York jury which convicted him of 36 felonies was picked from the same jury pool which released the fat, murdering nigger, below. The tragedy: it was a mostly White jury. Anyone who is White and is not armed is a fool.

The trial summation at the bottom of each article byline tells all that is necessary.


06-06-2024, 10:17 AM
As that scumwad sack of talking shit Jake Tapper yelped on January 6, 'THIS IS SEDITION." He just had his finger pointed the wrong way.

Niggers are Useless
06-06-2024, 09:47 PM
At least the cops standing behind kill em all nigger, look like they have a plan to help that fat piece of nigger garbage become good catching a train. The photos are excellent propaganda also. One shows the cuddly nigger being lorded over by white cops the other shows a close up of a guy who knows he is about to get railroaded. The media is as complicit in our destruction as the street and elite communist scum that are orchestrating it.