View Full Version : Now More Than Ever

06-03-2024, 09:40 PM
It is not about Trump; it’s about the system.
The post Now More Than Ever (https://www.amren.com/commentary/2024/06/now-more-than-ever/) appeared first on American Renaissance (https://www.amren.com).

More... (https://www.amren.com/commentary/2024/06/now-more-than-ever/)

Jim Crow
06-04-2024, 06:33 AM
Whether he banged some nasty slutty whore or not and paid her to go away with camaign money or not, who gives a fuck? It would be a misdemeanor anyway. Election interference is all this is.
It’s not gonna stop me from voting against the worst cocksucker who ever stepped foot in the White House,Byedone! Trump will get enough votes to win. But the left will stop at nothing, including voter fraud to prevent Trump from winning.

06-04-2024, 11:11 AM
Whether he banged some nasty slutty whore or not and paid her to go away with camaign money or not, who gives a fuck? It would be a misdemeanor anyway. Election interference is all this is.
It’s not gonna stop me from falling against the worst cocksucker ever step in the White House,Byedone! Trump will get enough votes to win. But the left will stop at nothing, including voter fraud to prevent Trump from winning.

Nor will they stop at voter fraud. I'm sure we can all think of other things they can, and WILL do if necessary, to keep Trump out of the presidency. This 2024 election is for the whole bag of marbles, so they CANNOT allow any viable opposition. The left has so saturated the internet with false propaganda that any non-thinking person (the majority of the populace) has already been swayed to the Bidenista point of view. Last evening I went on TOR to get a glimpse of how the non-Google underground sees this. I expected to find it chock full of ultra-conservative articles and sites promoting Trump and MAGA. Instead, I was shocked to find dozens, maybe hundreds, of sites all promoting Biden, and virulently anti-Trump. Tons of propaganda on how Trump stole the 2016 election, tried to pull off a coup in 2020, and is set to steal the votes in 2024. All the nasty things the liberals have done were put falsely onto Trump. He was portrayed as a liar, thief, gangster, fascist, pervert, criminal felon and just about everything Biden is guilty of. I had to search separately for anything pro-Trump.

So the Democrat hold on the media isn't merely those we see every day, but extends to much of the underground, also. I have a bad feeling about this coming election.

Jim Crow
06-04-2024, 05:39 PM
Nor will they stop at voter fraud. I'm sure we can all think of other things they can, and WILL do if necessary, to keep Trump out of the presidency. This 2024 election is for the whole bag of marbles, so they CANNOT allow any viable opposition. The left has so saturated the internet with false propaganda that any non-thinking person (the majority of the populace) has already been swayed to the Bidenista point of view. Last evening I went on TOR to get a glimpse of how the non-Google underground sees this. I expected to find it chock full of ultra-conservative articles and sites promoting Trump and MAGA. Instead, I was shocked to find dozens, maybe hundreds, of sites all promoting Biden, and virulently anti-Trump. Tons of propaganda on how Trump stole the 2016 election, tried to pull off a coup in 2020, and is set to steal the votes in 2024. All the nasty things the liberals have done were put falsely onto Trump. He was portrayed as a liar, thief, gangster, fascist, pervert, criminal felon and just about everything Biden is guilty of. I had to search separately for anything pro-Trump.

So the Democrat hold on the media isn't merely those we see every day, but extends to much of the underground, also. I have a bad feeling about this coming election.

The only thing the left hasn’t tried yet is an assassination attempt.

Niggers are Useless
06-04-2024, 08:36 PM
The communists will not stop. They know that their hold on power is tenuous. I am surprised that they got to the tor. That’s an interesting twist for me. I really don’t have a rebuke for that. I do know that the communists will throw Trump in jail, and I also know that they don’t care what the public opinion of them is. All of these commies are just cementing their card in the communist party that is going to rule soon. The level of fraud and deception and denial we are about to see with this next election will be extraordinary. The communists will cheat in broad daylight and when caught, deny it. The media will cover for them and the masses will blame trump. This is a color revolution. The only upside to this prognostication is that for the color revolution to come full circle, the commies will need Trump to win. This would allow the street commies to riot to no end and all the media to scream illegitimate president. Then the full commie overthrow can occur. The masses will need a big Mike and a Barry Hussein to step in and take charge. This year is gonna suck before it gets better. Our government knows how to do this color revolution stuff and they are in the end stages of pulling it off here.

06-05-2024, 10:26 AM
The only thing the left hasn’t tried yet is an assassination attempt.

No doubt that's on their bucket list...

06-05-2024, 10:33 AM
The communists will not stop. They know that their hold on power is tenuous. I am surprised that they got to the tor. That’s an interesting twist for me. I really don’t have a rebuke for that. I do know that the communists will throw Trump in jail, and I also know that they don’t care what the public opinion of them is. All of these commies are just cementing their card in the communist party that is going to rule soon. The level of fraud and deception and denial we are about to see with this next election will be extraordinary. The communists will cheat in broad daylight and when caught, deny it. The media will cover for them and the masses will blame trump. This is a color revolution. The only upside to this prognostication is that for the color revolution to come full circle, the commies will need Trump to win. This would allow the street commies to riot to no end and all the media to scream illegitimate president. Then the full commie overthrow can occur. The masses will need a big Mike and a Barry Hussein to step in and take charge. This year is gonna suck before it gets better. Our government knows how to do this color revolution stuff and they are in the end stages of pulling it off here.

Geeezzz, what a horrible thought! But. unfortunately, I do believe you are spot-on correct!

Jim Crow
06-05-2024, 09:43 PM
The communists will not stop. They know that their hold on power is tenuous. I am surprised that they got to the tor. That’s an interesting twist for me. I really don’t have a rebuke for that. I do know that the communists will throw Trump in jail, and I also know that they don’t care what the public opinion of them is. All of these commies are just cementing their card in the communist party that is going to rule soon. The level of fraud and deception and denial we are about to see with this next election will be extraordinary. The communists will cheat in broad daylight and when caught, deny it. The media will cover for them and the masses will blame trump. This is a color revolution. The only upside to this prognostication is that for the color revolution to come full circle, the commies will need Trump to win. This would allow the street commies to riot to no end and all the media to scream illegitimate president. Then the full commie overthrow can occur. The masses will need a big Mike and a Barry Hussein to step in and take charge. This year is gonna suck before it gets better. Our government knows how to do this color revolution stuff and they are in the end stages of pulling it off here.

I believe this is the handbook for liberal politicians. if you read it, you’ll realize that most of those things are already set in motion.