View Full Version : Teenapers and niglets ruin another place

05-31-2024, 10:40 AM
The Avenue at White Marsh is one of those outdoor malls that has various shops, restaurants, and a movie theater. It is located in a suburban area of Baltimore County. Unfortunately, there is bus service to The Avenue from Baltimore City, so the nigger "youths" can get a ride there. Of course, they chimpout and cause mayhem, stealing and attacking each other and humans. Now human children and teens will suffer due to the feral savages. I remember going to the mall with friends as a kid, and our parents would just drop us off and do their own thing until they picked us up. This was in a rural location and I don't recall ever seeing any niggers there.


05-31-2024, 04:21 PM
Niggers are busy ruining both our area malls too. That is all they are good for, destroying shit. Yet we are supposed to believe they "built America".

Jim Crow
05-31-2024, 04:32 PM
Anywhere niggers frequent turns into a crime ridden slum.

05-31-2024, 06:07 PM
The Avenue at White Marsh is one of those outdoor malls that has various shops, restaurants, and a movie theater. It is located in a suburban area of Baltimore County. Unfortunately, there is bus service to The Avenue from Baltimore City, so the nigger "youths" can get a ride there. Of course, they chimpout and cause mayhem, stealing and attacking each other and humans. Now human children and teens will suffer due to the feral savages. I remember going to the mall with friends as a kid, and our parents would just drop us off and do their own thing until they picked us up. This was in a rural location and I don't recall ever seeing any niggers there.


Malls were a place to hangout, socialize, eat, enjoy life. As soon as niggers started going to malls, malls started dying.