View Full Version : Javion Gets Robby, Police Get Shooty

05-29-2024, 01:36 PM

Nigger Javion Holmes (28) dressed in a ski mask and dark jacket decides to rob a store, since he was dressed for the occasion.

Enter the police.

Police locate Nigger Javion hiding in a backyard. Police try to get the nigger to surrender, with no success. Police threatened Nigger Javion with a fur missile, also to no avail.

When the video starts, Nigger Javion lets police know that he has a gun. The lead officer lets Nigger Javion know, in no uncertain terms, what will happen if he pointed the gun at them. In short order the nigger pointed the gun, and the officer shot him.

Nigger Javion was taken to the hospital. A fake gun, a replica of a Glock, was recovered as well as the money the nigger stole.

I don't think this was an attempted suicide-by-cop. I suspect the stupid nigger thought he could bluff his way out of this situation. At least that's my take.



Niggers are Useless
05-29-2024, 06:33 PM
A happy Ending. I wonder when this niggers family is gonna jump on the crump nigger lotto bandwagon? He was just a scared kid!! He was returning the money to the store when the rayciss po-po shot him, He didnu nuffins and was a deacon in the church. Pic the nigger lotto argument apetempt they are all the same.
Nice shooting officer.


Jim Crow
05-29-2024, 07:44 PM
If it was an attempt at suicide by cop,the nigger failed. Proving once again that niggers can’t do anything right