View Full Version : Just How Fucked Up is Washington?? - Terrifying..

05-29-2024, 03:59 AM
If you are not armed and prepped by this point, you're grist for the mill..

Remember THESE (Bad Actor) murderous traitors within the Biden administration:


Maher Bitar - Maher Bitar serves as Senior Director for Intelligence Programs on the White House's National Security Council staff. He CONTROLS intelligence information flow to the President. Bitar, a Palestinian, is a BDS activist, a leader of the radical group Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), and former UNRWA employee. SJP and UNRWA are intertwined with Hamas, a U.S. designated terrorist organization.

Robert Malley - Under the Obama administration, Malley was the lead negotiator of the IRAN nuclear deal (JCPOA). Since 2021, under Biden, Malley has been the U.S. Chief Special Envoy to Iran trying to rekindle the Iran deal and normalize ties with the Ayatollah. Many pundits say that the JCPOA deal would not have prevented Iran from obtaining a NUCLEAR BOMB rather by appeasing and funding Iran, this will ensure a bomb. In 2023, after it was reported that Malley's loyalties were to Iran based on a trove of leaked emails, Malley's security clearance was revoked and he was placed on a paid, then an unpaid leave of absence and is currently under investigation by the FBI.

Ariane Tabatabaei - In 2021, Malley appointed Tabatabaei to assist him with Iran and was given top security clearance. She is Iranian born with family in Iran and is now the chief of staff for the assistant secretary of defense for special operations. She has regularly met with high ranking Iranian officials about shaping U.S. policy and has been accused of being an Iranian spy by many within public office. Yet she retains top security clearance.

Ramzi Kassem - Senior Policy Advisor on U.S. IMMIGRATION. He is a Syrian national who grew up in Lebanon, Iraq and other Islamic terror states, arriving in this country to attend college and spread terrorist propaganda before becoming a terror lawyer. He has repeatedly defended the 9/11 attacks on U.S. soil, has represented an Al-Qaeda terrorist and stated “that the resentment these terrorists felt towards the United States” are as a result of “our country’s policies.” Since 2009, he is a Professor at CUNY Law School, which is a hotbed of antisemitism and the only law school to formally adopt BDS as policy. With his students, he has represented several terrorists, the most evil kind imaginable, at Guantanamo Bay. He is the founder of CLEAR, a legal advocacy group that defends Anti-American Pro Hamas activists. Ex: Pro Hamas riot group Within Our Lifetime and its leaders Nerdeen Kiswani and Fatima Mohammed, both of whom were CUNY law students and CLEAR project students that gave vile Anti-America Anti-Israel graduation commencement hate speeches in 2022 and 2023 at the school. Kassem was named a Paul and Daisy Soros Fellow, a project of a foundation by George Soros’ brother, notorious for its cultivation of political extremists hostile to America and its values, and worked with the Center for Constitutional Rights, a former Communist organization.

Jim Crow
05-29-2024, 09:27 PM
In reality,this is Onigger’s turd term! Byedone is the nigger clown’s puppet.And they are all being run by Soros.So you should not be surprised that communist traitors are part of the administration.After all,that’s what liberals are!
The only way to take the son of a bitches out of power to get Trump back in the White House. I think we have a good chance for that. our country hasn’t done very under byedone. And the majority knows it.

05-29-2024, 11:10 PM
In reality,this is Onigger’s turd term! Byedone is the nigger clown’s puppet.And they are all being run by Soros.So you should not be surprised that communist traitors are part of the administration.After all,that’s what liberals are!
The only way to take the son of a bitches out of power to get Trump back in the White House. I think we have a good chance for that. our country hasn’t done very under byedone. And the majority knows it.

Tru Dat!!

05-29-2024, 11:16 PM
In reality,this is Onigger’s turd term!...
...The only way to take the son of a bitches out of power to get Trump back in the White House. I think we have a good chance for that. our country hasn’t done very under byedone. And the majority knows it.

You are of course right about O'Buckwheat the Kenyan Messiah, and Trump. However, our chances to get Trump back in the White House depend on fair, legitimate and honest elections, which we have not seen in quite a number of years. The "voter base" for cheaters is unlimited. If FJB came up with 100-times as many ballots as registered voters, the RINOS in DC would in their hypocrisy promise another investigation which would take years and in the end lead to nothing. Right now Trump is on the outside looking in, and has no power at the moment to stop any of this corruption. The Cheating Party is frantic and desperate to make sure he NEVER GETS that power...at ANY COST. No matter what the majority knows, their votes are counted by a part of government that is no more than another branch of organized crime. I haven't been a pessimist all my life, but since 1992 I have found precious little reason for optimism.

Jim Crow
05-30-2024, 06:26 AM
You are of course right about O'Buckwheat the Kenyan Messiah, and Trump. However, our chances to get Trump back in the White House depend on fair, legitimate and honest elections, which we have not seen in quite a number of years. The "voter base" for cheaters is unlimited. If FJB came up with 100-times as many ballots as registered voters, the RINOS in DC would in their hypocrisy promise another investigation which would take years and in the end lead to nothing. Right now Trump is on the outside looking in, and has no power at the moment to stop any of this corruption. The Cheating Party is frantic and desperate to make sure he NEVER GETS that power...at ANY COST. No matter what the majority knows, their votes are counted by a part of government that is no more than another branch of organized crime. I haven't been a pessimist all my life, but since 1992 I have found precious little reason for optimism.

What you posted may also be true! However, there is one thing the left knows. If Trump gets cheated out, there will be consequences! The silent majority will no longer be silent this time! I think the left will have no choice but to bow down and give the just king his crown back.Bye bye Jester Byedone!

06-01-2024, 11:31 AM
In reality,this is Onigger’s turd term! Byedone is the nigger clown’s puppet.And they are all being run by Soros.So you should not be surprised that communist traitors are part of the administration.After all,that’s what liberals are!
The only way to take the son of a bitches out of power to get Trump back in the White House. I think we have a good chance for that. our country hasn’t done very under byedone. And the majority knows it.
My sentiments, exactly! Sleepy Joe is just the front man for Barack Hussein O'Nigger. That's why they needed the trial against Trump, just in case they could no longer rig the election.