View Full Version : Sow Chimps-out at Shelter

05-28-2024, 06:10 PM
Hoboken, NJ...

This one seriously pisses me off.

Police come to a shelter to deal with Nigger Crystal Bent, a foul mouth, violent nigger.

This thing should have gotten the Rodney King Special.

No way humans should have to tolerate this horseshit.

Police who have to deal with niggers should get hazard pay.

:back to africa


Jim Crow
05-30-2024, 06:39 AM
Keep in mind,that ugly,nappy headed savage foul mouthed beast is what the nigger lovin libtards want to protect! It happened in New Jersey, so expect the violent sow to be home by sundown.

05-30-2024, 08:58 AM
Block after block of amazing old buildings, you can just imagine what kind of great district it must've been before Niggers.

05-30-2024, 12:21 PM
Keep in mind,that ugly,nappy headed savage foul mouthed beast is what the nigger lovin libtards want to protect! It happened in New Jersey, so expect the violent sow to be home by sundown.

I hear NJ is a beautiful place. I guess it would be paradise without niggers.

05-30-2024, 10:10 PM
Block after block of amazing old buildings, you can just imagine what kind of great district it must've been before Niggers.
I always wanted to shoot picture for and write a big coffee table book titled "Before the Niggers Moved In" about all the once grand neighborhoods fouled and ruined by those pavement apes. Urban blight is hard coded into their DNApe.

05-31-2024, 12:03 AM
I always wanted to shoot picture for and write a big coffee table book titled "Before the Niggers Moved In" about all the once grand neighborhoods fouled and ruined by those pavement apes. Urban blight is hard coded into their DNApe.

That would be a best seller!

05-31-2024, 12:17 AM
I always wanted to shoot picture for and write a big coffee table book titled "Before the Niggers Moved In" about all the once grand neighborhoods fouled and ruined by those pavement apes. Urban blight is hard coded into their DNApe.

You could write an encyclopedia-sized set just about Detroit.






05-31-2024, 06:13 PM
You could write an encyclopedia-sized set just about Detroit.






Dresden didn't look that bad after we firebombed it during WWII!

Niggers are more destructive than firebombs and nuclear weapons!

05-31-2024, 09:23 PM
Dresden didn't look that bad after we firebombed it during WWII!

Niggers are more destructive than firebombs and nuclear weapons!

Hiroshima and Detroit have proven that you can rebuild after getting nuked, but you can't after niggers.

05-31-2024, 10:31 PM
Hiroshima and Detroit have proven that you can rebuild after getting nuked, but you can't after niggers.


06-04-2024, 03:38 PM
Oh man, those pics, especially the one with the amazing Victorian houses now obliterated...whew, leaves me breathless at the destructive capabilities of H. erectus. BTW this is as good a time as any to say I'm still trying to like posts - lots to like every day - but still getting the error saying I don't have permission. So just letting you all know I appreciate you.

06-07-2024, 01:13 AM
Oh man, those pics, especially the one with the amazing Victorian houses now obliterated...whew, leaves me breathless at the destructive capabilities of H. erectus. BTW this is as good a time as any to say I'm still trying to like posts - lots to like every day - but still getting the error saying I don't have permission. So just letting you all know I appreciate you.

It might be your browser. I'd suggest first deleting your cache and cookies.

My personal recommendation is using a dedicated browser for just here. That way if you click on a link to YouTube, Google or Facespook, the referring URL won't be matched to your existing login on those sites. Big Brother is watching, everything and everywhere.