View Full Version : Nigger Couple Rape, Shoot, Beat & Burn Their Teenaper Hoe for Munfs but the Teenaper Lives

05-26-2024, 11:04 AM
Of course the sow was the hoe's mom and the buck was her latest fuckbuddy. But these incompetent subhumans shot the poor teenaper 2X with a SHOTGUN and still couldn't goodify their teenaper. Honestly I feel sorry for the teenaper having such a vile subhuman mammy. The fambly lived in Louisiana but were traveling through Texas in their hooptie with their teenaper when they got into an auto accident. Then the popo found the abused teenaper and aprerested her POS parents.
15-year-old teen shot in chest, set on fire, raped, and still survives

:welcometoco :cellblockwelcome3

Jim Crow
05-26-2024, 06:38 PM
They are beasts! What they did to their sprogg is acceptable in their savage world. And I’m OK with it! I’m not OK with the filthy niggers not finishing the job!! Taxpayers are left with the burden of supporting a blind crippled felon factory.

05-26-2024, 09:34 PM
They are beasts! What they did to their sprogg is acceptable in their savage world. And I’m OK with it! I’m not OK with the filthy niggers not finishing the job!! Taxpayers are left with the burden of supporting a blind crippled felon factory.You have a good way of cutting to the essentials.

05-26-2024, 09:46 PM
The cost of keeping that singed niglet must be astronomical. In the old South Africa, they'd have just put it down. God I miss the good old days.