View Full Version : Iranian Sandnigger MMA Fighter Goes to Russia, Kicks Pretty Ring Girl, Gets Ass Kicked Multiple Times!

05-25-2024, 11:08 PM
Worthless sandnigger...

So this Jihadi MMA fighter just couldn't help himself. The ring girl is walking around as they do, and this worthless shitweasel kicks her.

His opponent beat his ass, then all the vodka swilling Russian fans beat his ass.

These goat fuckers shouldn't even be allowed in human countries. If they pull this crap they damned sure shouldn't be allowed to leave!

I'll just leave this here:


Jim Crow
05-26-2024, 07:15 AM
The goatfucking nigger didn’t get it’s ass beat enough,because it’s still breathing!

05-28-2024, 09:48 PM
Couldn't figure out wtf was going through this Mudslime's head, then it hit me: the girl was dressed "immodestly." It was his DUTY as a male sandnigger to chastise her! In his country he'd have clubbed her and dragged her to the authorities to be jailed or worse.

Fuck these demented jihadi scum!

06-01-2024, 11:54 AM
Asslifting scumbag! At least he got beaten up, still, I wish the girl would have used the sign to chop his head of sandnigger style. THAT would have made my day!