View Full Version : NIggers murder clueless missionaries in Hayshee

05-24-2024, 11:25 PM
When are humans going to learn that the reward for helping niggroes - feral savage Hayshees in this case - is robbery, rape, and/or death? Even Sean Penn has given up on them.

Davy and Natalie Lloyd “were attacked by gangs this evening and were both killed,” Natalie Lloyd’s father, Missouri state Rep. Ben Baker, said in a Facebook post (https://www.facebook.com/ben.r.baker/posts/pfbid0uSePSFF7xqugpeMptsqveTj3W48WADSz3wnvQy6ZgjLE MteBu2rNGoXCPdRaLXJel). “They went to Heaven together.”

Well, I guess you could say that. They had a little help getting there.

Davy Lloyd, 23, had a “love for Haiti,” his father David Lloyd told CNN. “His first language was Creole. He used to tell us when he was little that someday he was going to be a missionary in Haiti.”

It may not have lasted long, but he fulfilled his dream.

Mission director Jude Montis, 45, was also killed. All three worked for Missions in Haiti, Inc., which has been operated by Davy Lloyd’s parents for more than two decades, according to the group’s website (https://www.missionsinhaiti.com/about_us).

I guess Davy's daddy is happy his son went to Heaven among the niggers they all loved.

Look at them. Helpless and innocent as newborn babies, hugging the picaninnies. Let that be a lesson to other nigger-loving do-gooders.


When will they ever learn?


05-25-2024, 02:30 AM
Trying to help Haitian scum is like putting your head inside an alligator's jaws. As futile and stupid as it gets. Not to be blasphemous here, but the Good Lord gave us humans the instinct of self-preservation, AND the intellect to discern dangerous situations. These missionaries, therefore, threw away the precious lives given to them by God. That in itself is disrespectful.

You go to an island of feral black savages, and expect good results?

Jim Crow
05-25-2024, 06:37 AM
The stupid deed of helping niggers never goes unpunished!

05-25-2024, 01:09 PM
When are humans going to learn that the reward for helping niggroes - feral savage Hayshees in this case - is robbery, rape, and/or death? Even Sean Penn has given up on them.

Well, I guess you could say that. They had a little help getting there.

It may not have lasted long, but he fulfilled his dream.

I guess Davy's daddy is happy his son went to Heaven among the niggers they all loved.

Look at them. Helpless and innocent as newborn babies, hugging the picaninnies. Let that be a lesson to other nigger-loving do-gooders.


When will they ever learn?


I'm sorry... it's one thing to do missionary work, it's quite another to go into such a nigger infested, violent nigger infested, shit-hole like Haiti.

There are nearly 40 million worthless niggers in the United States. If these two idiots had jungle fever, they could have "administered" to niggers right here. At least they wouldn't have far to ship the bodies back to daddy after some wild niggers have their way with them!

I say this all the time: Liberalism is a mental disorder!

05-25-2024, 01:12 PM
Trying to help Haitian scum is like putting your head inside an alligator's jaws. As futile and stupid as it gets. Not to be blasphemous here, but the Good Lord gave us humans the instinct of self-preservation, AND the intellect to discern dangerous situations. These missionaries, therefore, threw away the precious lives given to them by God. That in itself is disrespectful.

You go to an island of feral black savages, and expect good results?


Well said.

05-25-2024, 05:15 PM
I'm sorry... it's one thing to do missionary work, it's quite another to go into such a nigger infested, violent nigger infested, shit-hole like Haiti.

There are nearly 40 million worthless niggers in the United States. If these two idiots had jungle fever, they could have "administered" to niggers right here.
At least they wouldn't have far to ship the bodies back to daddy after some wild niggers have their way with them!

I say this all the time: Liberalism is a mental disorder!

This is true. Think of the money and time that Daddy could have saved by having the corpses sent back from Detroit instead of HaysheeLand.

05-25-2024, 11:13 PM
This is true. Think of the money and time that Daddy could have saved by having the corpses sent back from Detroit instead of HaysheeLand.

Indeed. Detroit is a hell of a lot safer than Haiti too.

I've been to the Bahamas, but that's not like the rest of the nigger infested Caribbean. Why would anyone want to go there?? It seems like a good place to test thermonuclear weapons.

05-25-2024, 11:53 PM
One has to have enough smarts to assess if it is worth the trouble to even attempt to mission to a dangerous shit hole. I can remember as a kid when several nuns had their crotch slit enlarged to a deadly size preventing the body to function as designed and made terminal for their efforts. I can remember my uncle was hot and bitching about the niggers and the nuns why would anyone risk their lives for subhuman beasts.

05-26-2024, 11:48 AM
One has to have enough smarts to assess if it is worth the trouble to even attempt to mission to a dangerous shit hole. I can remember as a kid when several nuns had their crotch slit enlarged to a deadly size preventing the body to function as designed and made terminal for their efforts. I can remember my uncle was hot and bitching about the niggers and the nuns why would anyone risk their lives for subhuman beasts.

There's no reasoning with fanatics of any kind. Missionaries have been murdered all through history because they can't mind their own business. If the Hayshees want to practice voodoo and slaughter each other, let them. Leave them in their rubble, smashing each other's domes in and practicing cannibalism. The problem would soon resolve itself without the constant interference of damned do-gooders!

Jim Crow
05-26-2024, 06:02 PM
I pity those missionaries because they were fools. But other than that, I don’t feel sorry for them. They did something very stupid and reckless. They interacted with vile volatile Savage unpredictable beasts and paid the price with their lives. Anyone with common sense and survival skills knows you don’t face that kind of vicious creature unless it is shackled and caged and/or you have extreme firepower.They must’ve had a death wish.