View Full Version : Is America Doomed?

05-24-2024, 06:30 PM
Greg Johnson replies to Jared Taylor.
The post Is America Doomed? (https://www.amren.com/news/2024/05/is-america-doomed/) appeared first on American Renaissance (https://www.amren.com).

More... (https://www.amren.com/news/2024/05/is-america-doomed/)

Niggers are Useless
05-24-2024, 07:16 PM
America is a declining empire. We are now in the phase where the ruling class loots the treasury. This has happened throughout history time and time again. The title of this article is not a misnomer. Our Elite class of rulers have worked very diligently to destroy this country while enriching themselves along the way.
What's happening here in the U.S. right now is a Color revolution.
The communists have gained control of the Three branches of our government. They own the legislative, the judicial and the Executive branches. That is why the commies are afraid of trump.
The one thing that stands in the way of a complete collapse of our way of life is the supreme court.
The commies will not stop. They have no position other than win or loose. Right now they have been running a full scale attack on one of the members of the supreme court with the goal being, he resigns, his decisions are influenced or he is killed. The communists destroying this country don't care which one works.

Is America Doomed? Yes.
Two ways to destroy a country. Devalue their currency and flood their borders.
The Democrats and Republicans have been getting rich with their endless spending, they have also kept the borders open, allowing all kind of degenerates into the country while giving them free taxpayer paid benefits.
The one final thing that stands in the communists way is the supreme court. So fast forward to a flag at a beach house.
The communists view the supreme court as their drawbridge to complete control.
To the communists the supreme court is the drawbridge to complete control.
To the communist we are the problem to controlling the court.
The communist democrats have to have control of the supreme court, they will use everything in the arsenal of the three branches they already own to gain control of the court.
Wait to see what the commies will do.

Is America doomed? Yes by political standards.
Remember ruling class that there is still a rifle behind every blade of grass.

05-25-2024, 02:07 AM
...The one final thing that stands in the communists way is the supreme court...Or a military coup de etat, as long as Whites are still in charge there

Jim Crow
05-25-2024, 06:35 AM
As far as doomed, our freedoms are doomed! An opportunity of making money are becoming more and more limited. That’s what they want to do. Our government wants to get rid of the middle class. They just want poor and rich, so we’re easier to control. Welcome to the communist state of America.

Niggers are Useless
05-26-2024, 06:17 PM
As far as doomed, our freedoms are doomed! An opportunity of making money are becoming more and more limited. That’s what they want to do. Our government wants to get rid of the middle class. They just want poor and rich, so we’re easier to control. Welcome to the communist state of America.

Damn Right and I hate all of them for this.

Jim Crow
05-26-2024, 06:27 PM
Damn Right and I hate all of them for this.

Any coherent human with common sense and up to date with current events in their country can see that liberals are changing/destroying everything that our forefathers fought for,gave their lives for and secured in the constitution!

05-26-2024, 09:21 PM
...Remember ruling class that there is still a rifle behind every blade of grass.

You made some great points, and I fully agree. Regarding the rifle behind every blade of grass, yes, the US populace has more firearms than probably the civilians of all other countries combined. If worse came to worst there is enough firepower in civilian hands to make an organized rebellion and guerilla operation practically unstoppable. The only problem is: behind the rifle, behind the blade of grass, is a human operator who must have the WILL to fire on his fellow citizens, and the will to risk everything, his home, family, economic status and his life for the cause. So far there are precious few willing to do that. I saw something similar play out a very few years ago in Nicaragua. The Nicaraguan people rose up in rebellion against Daniel Ortega's communist regime, but even though the vast majority of them were supporters, few were actually willing to join the fight. The few with the will to fight got quickly crushed, rounded up and imprisoned or shot. My wife and I have friends in Nicaragua, and speaking with them, those who will discuss politics at all, it is apparent that fear of government retribution is a great damper on any thoughts of freedom. I can't see the American people as any different.

Niggers are Useless
05-26-2024, 09:36 PM
You made some great points, and I fully agree. Regarding the rifle behind every blade of grass, yes, the US populace has more firearms than probably the civilians of all other countries combined. If worse came to worst there is enough firepower in civilian hands to make an organized rebellion and guerilla operation practically unstoppable. The only problem is: behind the rifle, behind the blade of grass, is a human operator who must have the WILL to fire on his fellow citizens, and the will to risk everything, his home, family, economic status and his life for the cause. So far there are precious few willing to do that. I saw something similar play out a very few years ago in Nicaragua. The Nicaraguan people rose up in rebellion against Daniel Ortega's communist regime, but even though the vast majority of them were supporters, few were actually willing to join the fight. The few with the will to fight got quickly crushed, rounded up and imprisoned or shot. My wife and I have friends in Nicaragua, and speaking with them, those who will discuss politics at all, it is apparent that fear of government retribution is a great damper on any thoughts of freedom. I can't see the American people as any different.

Excellent post. You see clearly the biggest problem and that is one of will power. As long as Americans have their Netflix and door dash and supermarkets with food and their cell phones work, they will stay complacent. Just look at how easily everyone just shut up and stayed home and closed their businesses over a chest cold. Blindly obeying a bunch of commie dictators who held no power to force people to do any of those things. It was absolutely amazing for me how docile we really are. Whats even more amazing is that every single one of the politicians who told us to stay home and close businesses were re-elected so not one of them paid for what they did to the people. Yeah for sure the will power won't be there. The risks are huge as you said.

05-26-2024, 10:41 PM
...I saw something similar play out a very few years ago in Nicaragua. The Nicaraguan people rose up in rebellion against Daniel Ortega's communist regime, but even though the vast majority of them were supporters, few were actually willing to join the fight. The few with the will to fight got quickly crushed, rounded up and imprisoned or shot...Are Nicaraguans also armed to the gills?
The U.S. and Nicaragua are entirely different societies with entirely different mentalities, given that the U.S. was founded on liberty and Latin America remained colonized, even when the Spaniards and Portuguese left, thanks to foreign interference into their countries' internal affairs, setting up cooperative dictatorships

...As long as Americans have their Netflix and door dash and supermarkets with food and their cell phones work, they will stay complacent. Just look at how easily everyone just shut up and stayed home and closed their businesses over a chest cold...Before a pig gets slaughtered, the farmer fattens it up. People in their right minds neither slaughter lean animals for profit nor ride fat horses at rodeos


...Whats even more amazing is that every single one of the politicians who told us to stay home and close businesses were re-elected...

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fdemocracychronicles.org%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2FImprove-the-American-Voting-System-Joseph-Stalin.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=c0f45c13cfac21f05b193fda5be73c11653195fd3dc80c 32f0b0b191e2b749e2&ipo=images