View Full Version : Nigger Serial Killer: Kills Eldetly Man With Fentanyl Poisoning, Helps Self to Bank Account!

05-24-2024, 04:12 PM

Here's the story of a particularly vile and evil coon: Nigger Rotherie Durrell Foster (38.)

Nigger Rotherie was employed as a plumber when the violent savage murdered a co-worker for "financial gain."

Being a nigger, Nigger Rotherie started going wild with his victim's credit cards and checks. It was this activity that caused law enforcement to investigate further, where evidence was discovered this wasn't the nigger's first murder-for-gain.

As it turns out the plumbing company Nigger Rotherie worked for had sent him several times to the condo belonging to an elderly man who ended up deceased. This is where authorities dropped the ball. Since the man was elderly, never married, and had no children, after speaking to the man's doctor, the coroner decided the old man died of natural causes and didn't bother doing an autopsy.

Now that an autopsy has been performed, it turns out the man died of fentanyl poisoning.

Of course Nigger Rotherie went hog wild with this man's money as well. Became "nigger rich," while it lasted.

The wild thing is, if the greedy nigger hadn't murdered his co-worker, this other murder would have never been discovered, thanks to the coroner's incompetence.

The nigger is "linked" to other unspecified crimes, as well.

Oh, and surprise, surprise Nigger Rotherie has already served time in prison for manslaughter as well as assault with a deadly weapon.

Career felons should never get out of prison. Ever.

This nigger needs to be made familiar with a short rope and a tall tree.


Niggers are Useless
05-24-2024, 04:30 PM
That nigger should have stuck to the typical nigger entrepreneur career path and kept getting mudsharks pregnant. Collect them gibs nigger. This nigger left his lane and whenever a nigger thinks it's smart. Ha whitey juju justice gets you.

05-24-2024, 05:54 PM
Another life taken by a worthless chimp. Neuter it and return it to Africa immediately.

Jim Crow
05-25-2024, 06:51 AM
California? That means the nigger will get a another chance someday to do it all over again!

05-25-2024, 12:57 PM
California? That means the nigger will get a another chance someday to do it all over again!

Already served time for manslaughter. Now has two more bodies. Human bodies.

Wouldn't be surprised if they give the nigger a million dollars and an apology for the inconvenience!