View Full Version : Tremaine the tranny inmate muh dik rapes fellow prisoner in female correctional facility

Whitey Ford
05-23-2024, 03:15 PM
Transgender inmate charged with rape while in custody at a women’s facility


Tremaine "Tremayne" Deon Carroll, who constantly refers to himself by male pronouns but does not mention either his gender identity or his sexuality, was originally sentenced to 25 years to life under California's Three Strikes Law in the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR).

According to his criminal history, Carroll has been involved in organized crime since 1988 when he was 15. In 1990, he was convicted for his participation in an armed robbery that involved the kidnapping and sexual assault of two women. Despite being a minor, he was charged as an adult with three counts of kidnapping for ransom, two counts of robbery and three counts of oral copulation by force. And in 1998, he committed another violent felony while awaiting trial.

Throughout his incarceration in the CDCR, he filed numerous complaints alleging mistreatment, discrimination and sexual abuse by CDCR officials and staff, along with seeking to overturn his Three Strikes Law conviction. But during those years, Carroll also received over a dozen Rules Violation Reports, so none of his complaints worked.

However, when the California State Legislature's SB 132, or the Transgender Respect, Agency and Dignity Act, took effect in January 2021, Carroll wasted no time using it.

SB 132 allows male inmates to be incarcerated in facilities that align with their gender identity without the need to be on hormones, undergo surgery, be diagnosed with gender dysphoria or possess legal documents to confirm their status as transgender. (Related: Sexual predators avoid jail time by identifying as "transgender.")


05-23-2024, 05:30 PM
Niggers are pretty stupid, but they sure know how to jump on any opportunity for chiggun or MUH-DIK. This "transgender" bullshit has to stop! No thinking person with the intelligence of a half-wit earthworm could POSSIBLY believe gender can be changed at will. What you believe, or how you "self-identify", doesn't make any difference whatsoever and doesn't change a single thing. Even a nigger could EVENTUALLY figure that out!

05-23-2024, 06:34 PM
Niggers are pretty stupid, but they sure know how to jump on any opportunity for chiggun or MUH-DIK. This "transgender" bullshit has to stop! No thinking person with the intelligence of a half-wit earthworm could POSSIBLY believe gender can be changed at will. What you believe, or how you "self-identify", doesn't make any difference whatsoever and doesn't change a single thing. Even a nigger could EVENTUALLY figure that out!

This is the pinnacle of the instant "Political Correctness" mania started years ago. We have a nigger buck who can say, "I identity as a sow" and go to a women's prison. A man cannot be a woman and a buck cannot be a sow, but to say that now will get you tried and executed in the court of Toxic Social Media.

Riddle me this, Libtards: I got all my male cats and my dog neutered. Strangely that did not turn them into females. It just made them males without testicles. Why is that?

05-23-2024, 06:41 PM
Niggers like to allocate themselves an extra identity, as it diverts attention from the pain of being a worthless nigger. A nigger with a queer or Trans card will likely be treated more liberally and welcoming among the crazed brainwashed populous. Queer first, black second. It's actually quite a relief for some niggers to come out of the closet.

05-24-2024, 12:05 AM
Transgender inmate charged with rape while in custody at a women’s facility



This gender-bending horseshit needs to stop. It's complete bullshit. A man can't magically turn into a woman. I hope this nigger raped sows, but I bet the victims were human.

I'll leave it at that. Don't want to ruun afoul of the rules.

05-24-2024, 12:10 AM
This is the pinnacle of the instant "Political Correctness" mania started years ago. We have a nigger buck who can say, "I identity as a sow" and go to a women's prison. A man cannot be a woman and a buck cannot be a sow, but to say that now will get you tried and executed in the court of Toxic Social Media.

Riddle me this, Libtards: I got all my male cats and my dog neutered. Strangely that did not turn them into females. It just made them males without testicles. Why is that?

Diva, Diva, Diva...

You are bringing common sense into an argument with a group of people (libs) that have a severe mental illness: Being a liberal.

This is just another attempt at burning civilization to the ground.

05-24-2024, 12:55 AM
Those who're responsible for such legislation should be punished much more severely than these fake Wimmens and fake Houghz themselves. Even on Cuck Island (wunce known as "Great" Britain), a biological male doesen't get to enjoy female prison, without first getting a junk lop-off.
What they should do is to lock up this Niggrhoid with general population male criminals, painted up and perfumed. It'd make a wonderfull prison wife

05-24-2024, 11:14 AM
Niggers like to allocate themselves an extra identity, as it diverts attention from the pain of being a worthless nigger. A nigger with a queer or Trans card will likely be treated more liberally and welcoming among the crazed brainwashed populous. Queer first, black second. It's actually quite a relief for some niggers to come out of the closet.

True, except for tranny hookers. They're constantly being murdered by downlow bucks who want to hide their gayness by killing the tranny hoe.



Niggers are Useless
05-24-2024, 06:27 PM
Niggers are pretty stupid, but they sure know how to jump on any opportunity for chiggun or MUH-DIK. This "transgender" bullshit has to stop! No thinking person with the intelligence of a half-wit earthworm could POSSIBLY believe gender can be changed at will. What you believe, or how you "self-identify", doesn't make any difference whatsoever and doesn't change a single thing. Even a nigger could EVENTUALLY figure that out!

I doubt a nigger could figure that out. That would be giving them too much credit. More likely their money grubbing Public Defender Figured out a way to influence the nigger into ooking the things it did. This way the money grubbing communist defender makes more money off the taxpayer and the nigger feels special. The benefit for the nigger is obviously:muhdick

Niggers are Useless
05-24-2024, 06:42 PM
True, except for tranny hookers. They're constantly being murdered by downlow bucks who want to hide their gayness by killing the tranny hoe.



Wasn't there a story here on chimpout about a guy that got murdered by a tranny by his mailbox? The tranny ran him over and took off? I still think that guy went out for a Bravo Juliet that night and the tranny got his info some how. I don't know why but that story still pisses me off. Maybe it's because as a human when you realize you are interacting with primates and or crazies who think they are human females you should exit fast. I don't know.

05-24-2024, 10:06 PM
Niggers are pretty stupid, but they sure know how to jump on any opportunity for chiggun or MUH-DIK. This "transgender" bullshit has to stop! No thinking person with the intelligence of a half-wit earthworm could POSSIBLY believe gender can be changed at will. What you believe, or how you "self-identify", doesn't make any difference whatsoever and doesn't change a single thing. Even a nigger could EVENTUALLY figure that out!That POS didn't even have to identify as a sow, he just said he felt female.
Tremaine "Tremayne" Deon Carroll, who constantly refers to himself by male pronouns but does not mention either his gender identity or his sexuality, was originally sentenced to 25 years to life under California's Three Strikes Law in the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR).

05-25-2024, 01:17 PM
True, except for tranny hookers. They're constantly being murdered by downlow bucks who want to hide their gayness by killing the tranny hoe.



Quite interesting.

05-25-2024, 03:49 PM