View Full Version : World Bank Demands End to Farming by 2030 to Combat Climate Crisis

Whitey Ford
05-22-2024, 02:16 PM

The World Bank has issued a directive to Western nations to completely abolish farming in order to achieve net zero emissions by 2030. The plan includes closing down farms globally and placing them under the control of a few World Economic Forum (WEF) Young Global Leaders, such as Bill Gates, who will then "radically alter the way food is grown."

According to a memo from the World Bank, the elimination of traditional farming and a significant reduction in food production will help combat "global boiling."

“While the food on your table may taste good, it is also a hefty slice of the climate change emissions pie,” said Axel van Trostenburg of the World Bank.

Naturalnews.com reports that the global food system can heal the planet by making soils, ecosystems, and people healthier, while keeping carbon in the ground. However, countries must act now. Changing how middle-income countries use land, such as forests and ecosystems, for food production can cut agrifood emissions by a third by 2030, the report states.


05-23-2024, 02:03 AM
This has already been tried, decades ago in Cambodia, resulting in developing a culture of somewhat peculiar culinary practices:


Any of you math geniuses out there could probably figure out how many milleniums Mark Zuckerberg would need to survive, if he were to cease eating meat, munching down only bugs, in order to offset his own carbon footprint:


06-01-2024, 07:20 AM
This has already been tried, decades ago in Cambodia, resulting in developing a culture of somewhat peculiar culinary practices:


Any of you math geniuses out there could probably figure out how many milleniums Mark Zuckerberg would need to survive, if he were to cease eating meat, munching down only bugs, in order to offset his own carbon footprint:


I once calculated the approximate numbers for a much smaller yacht (~1/3 the size): 2000 l / 100 km -> ~ 5.5 tons CO2 per 100 km (60 miles). So if he really cared about "saving the planet", the transfer of the yacht would have already produced as much CO2 as a normal person does in their lifetime. I haven't read that Zuck committed suicide, though.
Oh, and by the way: In Europe, superyachts are extemt from CO2 taxes... (Only private superyachts, that is, of course. Ferries, cargo shipts, cruise ships etc. have to pay.)