View Full Version : Japan sends nigger rapefugee back the same day he tries to arrive

Whitey Ford
05-21-2024, 01:15 AM

05-21-2024, 02:17 AM
If while attending a Japanese restaurant and the meat tastes sort of like chitlins and collard greens, instead of like curry...


Jim Crow
05-21-2024, 06:43 AM
If while attending a Japanese restaurant and the meat tastes sort of like chitlins and collard greens, instead of like curry...


In the would of cannabals,on their grading scale YT would be grade A beef and it works down from there.nigger would probably be categorized as rat meat. What self respecting cannibal would want to eat a rat?Other than an Ethiopian nigger?lol!

05-22-2024, 02:39 AM
It would depend on what diet would suit captivity. When the Prench (an indegenous group currently experiencing ethnic cleansing in Prance which was previously known as "France") prepare Escargot, the victimized snails are put on a diet of lettuce, days before they are to get boiled. This serves to rid these snails of not only any possible toxins. This same method can be applied to Niggiepoohs, through replacing their diets consisting of Master Power malt liquor, bucket chicken and Skittles for dessert.
If sufficient improvement has not been reached, after feeding them on the peanuts, bananas and watermellons that spectators hurl at them during sporting events, there used to be a last resort seasoning sauce available, before the rice uncle became cancelled along with it:

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