View Full Version : Sunday Funnies: Ratchet Sow Rides the Lightnin' TWICE

05-19-2024, 09:05 PM
Ft Myers, Florida...

This starts out as a simple traffic stop. Of course no traffic stop involving niggers is ever simple now, is it!

The buck driving mammy's car can't find the proper paperwork, and wants to call mammy. He be a "veteran."

It's not long before the buck finds himself being detained. To be fair, the nigger is docile and cooperative. The sow will make up for that, in spades! (Pun intended)

When the officer tells the sherilla to get put of the car, she immediately goes into a standard round of TNB. First not wanting to get out of the hoopty, then resisting. The sheboon ends up on the ground, fighting. Three officers have the nigger down. One of them has enough and fires up old sparky. Tases her black ass!

Immediately the nigger starts crying about her watch. Her watch-uh! The annoying sow manages to add "uh" to every word. Anyhow the nigger wants her watch taken off. She claims it hurts-uh, but we'll soon see the real reason.

Meanwhile the officer asks the nigger what it's name is. He also warns it multiple times if she's lying that will be another charge. Not the first time the officer has dealt with niggers!

Anyway, thanks to the in-car camera, we get to watch the shifty nigger pretending to be in distress, then slip the cuffs off.

The officer hadn't shut the door well, so the nigger looks around, then makes a run for it.

That didn't last long as police chased her on foot. Not wanting to chase the nigger all the way back to the jungle, the officer pulls out his taser and has the sow ride the lightning a second time!! The nigger face-plants in the dirt. Ends up with dirt up those oversized nostrils!

Of course now the nigger is "injured" and has a "bad knee." Obviously EMS is called, so the nigger can waste more tax dollars.

At the end if the day, the two niggers were charged with the following monkeyshines:

The buck:

Driving on a suspended license.

Possession of cocaine.

The sow:

Escape from custody.

Giving false name.

Resisting officer without violence.

Fraudulent use of credit cards

Drug equipment possession.

Should be additional charges for that ridiculous wig the monkey is wearing as well as the annoying use of "bro" nonstop.


Jim Crow
05-20-2024, 06:54 AM
Oooh,thats a real ugly one!Still,it’s alway amusing to see a nigger get zapped!Getting deleted would’ve been even better. But I’ll settle for the shaka waka!

05-20-2024, 07:19 AM
Ft Myers, Florida...

This starts out as a simple traffic stop. Of course no traffic stop involving niggers is ever simple now, is it!

The buck driving mammy's car can't find the proper paperwork, and wants to call mammy. He be a "veteran."

It's not long before the buck finds himself being detained. To be fair, the nigger is docile and cooperative. The sow will make up for that, in spades! (Pun intended)

When the officer tells the sherilla to get put of the car, she immediately goes into a standard round of TNB. First not wanting to get out of the hoopty, then resisting. The sheboon ends up on the ground, fighting. Three officers have the nigger down. One of them has enough and fires up old sparky. Tases her black ass!

Immediately the nigger starts crying about her watch. Her watch-uh! The annoying sow manages to add "uh" to every word. Anyhow the nigger wants her watch taken off. She claims it hurts-uh, but we'll soon see the real reason.

Meanwhile the officer asks the nigger what it's name is. He also warns it multiple times if she's lying that will be another charge. Not the first time the officer has dealt with niggers!

Anyway, thanks to the in-car camera, we get to watch the shifty nigger pretending to be in distress, then slip the cuffs off.

The officer hadn't shut the door well, so the nigger looks around, then makes a run for it.

That didn't last long as police chased her on foot. Not wanting to chase the nigger all the way back to the jungle, the officer pulls out his taser and has the sow ride the lightning a second time!! The nigger face-plants in the dirt. Ends up with dirt up those oversized nostrils!

Of course now the nigger is "injured" and has a "bad knee." Obviously EMS is called, so the nigger can waste more tax dollars.

At the end if the day, the two niggers were charged with the following monkeyshines:

The buck:

Driving on a suspended license.

Possession of cocaine.

The sow:

Escape from custody.

Giving false name.

Resisting officer without violence.

Fraudulent use of credit cards

Drug equipment possession.

Should be additional charges for that ridiculous wig the monkey is wearing as well as the annoying use of "bro" nonstop.



05-20-2024, 07:35 AM
Ft Myers, Florida...

This starts out as a simple traffic stop. Of course no traffic stop involving niggers is ever simple now, is it!

The buck driving mammy's car can't find the proper paperwork, and wants to call mammy. He be a "veteran."

It's not long before the buck finds himself being detained. To be fair, the nigger is docile and cooperative. The sow will make up for that, in spades! (Pun intended)

When the officer tells the sherilla to get put of the car, she immediately goes into a standard round of TNB. First not wanting to get out of the hoopty, then resisting. The sheboon ends up on the ground, fighting. Three officers have the nigger down. One of them has enough and fires up old sparky. Tases her black ass!

Immediately the nigger starts crying about her watch. Her watch-uh! The annoying sow manages to add "uh" to every word. Anyhow the nigger wants her watch taken off. She claims it hurts-uh, but we'll soon see the real reason.

Meanwhile the officer asks the nigger what it's name is. He also warns it multiple times if she's lying that will be another charge. Not the first time the officer has dealt with niggers!

Anyway, thanks to the in-car camera, we get to watch the shifty nigger pretending to be in distress, then slip the cuffs off.

The officer hadn't shut the door well, so the nigger looks around, then makes a run for it.

That didn't last long as police chased her on foot. Not wanting to chase the nigger all the way back to the jungle, the officer pulls out his taser and has the sow ride the lightning a second time!! The nigger face-plants in the dirt. Ends up with dirt up those oversized nostrils!

Of course now the nigger is "injured" and has a "bad knee." Obviously EMS is called, so the nigger can waste more tax dollars.

At the end if the day, the two niggers were charged with the following monkeyshines:

The buck:

Driving on a suspended license.

Possession of cocaine.

The sow:

Escape from custody.

Giving false name.

Resisting officer without violence.

Fraudulent use of credit cards

Drug equipment possession.

Should be additional charges for that ridiculous wig the monkey is wearing as well as the annoying use of "bro" nonstop.


Ron DeSanitis is da' MAING!! I'm GLAD that Florida poleez can wrangle niggers properly!! If this was a blue state the niggers would be handled with kid gloves!!

Whitey Ford
05-20-2024, 09:50 AM
It turns out that her wig had an arrest warrant out on it. It was wanted in three states for drug trafficking. :lol

05-20-2024, 05:37 PM
Oooh,thats a real ugly one!Still,it’s alway amusing to see a nigger get zapped!Getting deleted would’ve been even better. But I’ll settle for the shaka waka!

She's a looker alright!

Could get work as an extra on the new Planet of the Apes movie.

05-20-2024, 05:39 PM
Ron DeSanitis is da' MAING!! I'm GLAD that Florida poleez can wrangle niggers properly!! If this was a blue state the niggers would be handled with kid gloves!!

No nigger coddling, that's for sure!

I'm a huge DeSantis fan.

05-20-2024, 05:41 PM
[QUOTE=Whitey Ford;259804]It turns out that her wig had an arrest warrant out on it. It was wanted in three states for drug trafficking. :lol[/QUOTE


Niggers are Useless
05-20-2024, 06:53 PM
I hope the cops can get the smell off their hands from this beast and I also hope the plant life it porpoised into makes a full recovery. I love watching niggers ride the electric wrangler.

Jim Crow
05-20-2024, 08:17 PM
She's a looker alright!

Could get work as an extra on the new Planet of the Apes movie.

Apes are a far more superior species than the nigger,

05-20-2024, 09:18 PM
Apes are a far more superior species than the nigger,

That goes without saying! Apes are intelligent and rather noble. Two things niggers will never be.

05-21-2024, 07:43 AM
No nigger coddling, that's for sure!

I'm a huge DeSantis fan.

The polar OPPOSITE of that p@$$y gavin "hair-gel" nrwsome of commiefornia!!

05-21-2024, 10:00 AM
*sigh* "Failing to come to a complete stop is such a minor thing, but niggers have to turn it into a huge drama, complete with police chase, electric bullwhip, and a bunch of charges. ALWAYS.

I got pulled over for going through a stop sign. I sat there while the officer wrote a ticket and went on my way. Of course, I didn't have weapons, drugs, or warrants and didn't try to run away or attack the cop.

I couldn't watch beyond 10 seconds because I've developed an extreme aversion to looking at or listening to rampaging sows in rachet wigs. That title pic and the faceplant were sufficient. :lol

I heard that Florida was cutting out the nigger coddling. Bravo!

05-21-2024, 11:14 AM
These apes should be just driven straight to the port, emptied into a container and shipped back to anywhere in Africa. Job done.

05-21-2024, 08:28 PM
The polar OPPOSITE of that p@$$y gavin "hair-gel" nrwsome of commiefornia!!

Governor Hair Gel is truly despicable.

05-21-2024, 08:33 PM
These apes should be just driven straight to the port, emptied into a container and shipped back to anywhere in Africa. Job done.

I don't think the niggers in the motherland want American niggers any more than we do! I can't say as I blame em!

Damn it would be fun to watch though! With every nigger send a couple of used up car tires. For recycling purposes, of course!

05-22-2024, 08:06 AM
Governor Hair Gel is truly despicable.

So is his auntie, nasty piglosi!! The SCHADENFREUDE was OFF THE CHAIN when former Mumford and Sons member Winston Marshall HUMILIATED her at Oxford!! Papa paulie p. was sitting next to her looking like a VEGETABLE!! I guess hat he got MORE brain damage when it was HAMMER TIME!!

05-22-2024, 05:22 PM
So is his auntie, nasty piglosi!! The SCHADENFREUDE was OFF THE CHAIN when former Mumford and Sons member Winston Marshall HUMILIATED her at Oxford!! Papa paulie p. was sitting next to her looking like a VEGETABLE!! I guess hat he got MORE brain damage when it was HAMMER TIME!!

The whole family is trash. I still think Paulie P and Hammer Boy were engaged in something unsavory before police showed up.

05-23-2024, 08:05 AM
The whole family is trash. I still think Paulie P and Hammer Boy were engaged in something unsavory before police showed up.

They were looking for some andrew gillum, down-low fun!! I'm so glad that we got DeSantis!! We were a c@nt hair away from getting a down-low, corrupt dhimmirat nigger as our Governor!!

05-23-2024, 09:30 PM
This is brilliant. Kommisar Pelosi can't help interrupting him even though it's his summation, the tw4t:


05-23-2024, 11:55 PM
They were looking for some andrew gillum, down-low fun!! I'm so glad that we got DeSantis!! We were a c@nt hair away from getting a down-low, corrupt dhimmirat nigger as our Governor!!

That nigger would have destroyed Florida. Charlie Crist was bad enough!

05-24-2024, 07:13 AM
That nigger would have destroyed Florida. Charlie Crist was bad enough!

Tru Dat!! And DeSantis beat criss by NEARLY 20 points!! I LOVE the Sunshine state!! The b@ll$hi+ niggers and libtards get away with in "blue" cities is NOT tolerated here!!

05-24-2024, 04:15 PM
Tru Dat!! And DeSantis beat criss by NEARLY 20 points!! I LOVE the Sunshine state!! The b@ll$hi+ niggers and libtards get away with in "blue" cities is NOT tolerated here!!

I like Governor Abbott here in Texas, but Governor DeSantis is absolutely outstanding. Sure wish he was going to be our next POTUS.

Anyhow, you got a good one!!