View Full Version : Congolese migrant dubbed ‘poster boy for integration’ jailed in Germany for raping his own mother

Whitey Ford
05-19-2024, 02:45 AM

The German liberal press had waxed lyrical over Moise Lohombo and how he had turned his life around after a life of crime. He's just been sentenced to nine years for beating and raping his own mother

A Congolese refugee, previously described by the German press as a success story for integration, has been jailed for nine years after being convicted of beating and raping his own mother.

Moise Lohombo, 30, was sentenced by the Wiesbaden District Court for an offense the judge claimed was so cruel he told the court he thought he had misread the case file.

The migrant was found to have committed the crime in an apartment he shared with his mother shortly after being released from prison for a drug-related offense.

Upon the return home of his mother, he threatened her with a knife and told her he would kill her if she refused him sex. In a desperate plea, his mother offered him money for a prostitute instead, but he refused.

The victim was so severely beaten during the attack that investigators found blood spatter all over the apartment. After the rape, Lohombo reportedly apologized to his mother and called her an ambulance before fleeing.

His mother was transported to the hospital with serious injuries including bleeding on the brain. She was also heavily impacted psychologically by the attack and told nurses she was worried her son may have impregnated her.

It described Lohombo’s life as one of “ups and downs” and praised how he had “literally fought his way through” from a life of crime to becoming a model citizen as he left his “youthful sins” behind.

The transformation failed to last, however, and Lohombo was incarcerated for drug offenses, being released on Aug. 25 last year, shortly before the rape of his mother.


05-19-2024, 06:50 PM

Libtards: "Here we have a fine example of an upstanding "migrant" looking for a better life and who has succeeded beyond our wildest dreams at turning his life of crime around and becoming a valuable member of society who will surely go on to do great things!"

Then the nigga raped his mammy. Oh, well, Back to the drawing board. "Let's try another nigger."

05-19-2024, 09:13 PM

The German liberal press had waxed lyrical over Moise Lohombo and how he had turned his life around after a life of crime. He's just been sentenced to nine years for beating and raping his own mother


It's impossible to rehabilitate a nigger. They are born evil and go downhill from there.

Why didn't this thing get a lifetime scholarship to Nigger University?

05-19-2024, 09:14 PM

Libtards: "Here we have a fine example of an upstanding "migrant" looking for a better life and who has succeeded beyond our wildest dreams at turning his life of crime around and becoming a valuable member of society who will surely go on to do great things!"

Then the nigga raped his mammy. Oh, well, Back to the drawing board. "Let's try another nigger."

Liberalism is a mental disorder. Here's proof positive!

05-19-2024, 09:29 PM
It all boils down to muh-dikk, and only an animal does what this feral coon did. Definitely not the same species as us.

05-21-2024, 03:46 AM
EU trash like Angela Merkel opened up Germany to a flood of invaders.

knot a Knigger
05-25-2024, 04:40 AM
Thing is this subhumans mammy was probably only 42. He'd have raped the his sperm donor if that was present too because...muh dick.

05-25-2024, 05:26 AM
She's still young enuff to be his Baby Mammy