View Full Version : Tranny nigger hits cancer doctor with car, backs up over him and then straddles him, kisses him and stabs him nine times

Whitey Ford
05-15-2024, 12:05 AM
Suspect arrested on murder charges after running over, kissing, stabbing 64-year-old man


According to Houston Police Department, authorities believe Karon Fisher, 20, is responsible for the killing.

Security footage from a neighbor near the scene of the crime captured the events as they transpired.

Steven Anderson is walking on Woodridge Square Drive to pick up his mail, when a white Dodge Charger comes bounding towards him. He notices in time to make a quick motion backwards, but the vehicle speeds up and turns towards him before hitting him. After running him over, the vehicle reverses over him a second time.

A short time later, as neighbors appear to be calling emergency services, an individual—believed to be Fisher—is seen flipping Anderson over, straddling him and kissing him as he lies on the ground lifeless. Then, the suspect wields a knife and stabs him several times.



On May 3, the victim, Steven Anderson, was walking on a Texas street to pick up mail when a car ran him over.

The suspect is 20-year-old Karon Fisher, identified in court records as a man but also described as a woman by police.

KTRK edited the graphic video, pausing it before Anderson got hit.

The car reversed and hit him again, pushing him further into the street while neighbors frantically called 911.

One neighbor came out of the building with a pillow, and that's when the suspect returned with a knife in hand.

The suspect can be seen flipping Anderson's limp body over, straddling and kissing him before stabbing him nine times.


Man whose brutal death was caught on camera was retiree from MD Anderson Cancer Center, family says

According to family and friends, 64-year-old Steve Anderson had been retired after working at the MD Anderson Cancer Center as a manager for about 20 years.

His co-workers were distraught to find out he was the man killed on video.

While the attack seems personal because of how disturbing it is, police told ABC13 detectives have not established a connection between him and the suspect. However, they are still investigating.

On May 3, Anderson was walking to get his mail on Woodridge Square Drive when he was seen turning around at the sound of a screeching car. The driver reverses and hits him again, pushing him further down the road.

Minutes later, the driver, identified by police as 20-year-old Karon Fisher, returns. Court documents identify Fisher as a man, but according to police, Fisher identifies as a woman.

Fisher walks casually toward Anderson's body, surrounded by witnesses in broad daylight, and is seen flipping Anderson over, kissing him, and stabbing him nine times, according to records.


05-15-2024, 07:17 AM
Suspect arrested on murder charges after running over, kissing, stabbing 64-year-old man





Man whose brutal death was caught on camera was retiree from MD Anderson Cancer Center, family says


Since this is Texas, hopefully the nigger gets the DEATH PENALTY!! Then again, Houston is FUXATED so who knows what will happen?! Isn't that sheila jackscoon lee sow from there?!

05-15-2024, 11:09 AM
"She" done it cuz PTSD and mental illness fum YT raycisms an sheeit!

Hemp. After prolonged (redacted to comply with rules). Yesterday if possible.

Niggers are Useless
05-15-2024, 05:27 PM
I wonder if the nigger chopped it's penis off and flew into a chimpout over muh-dik withdrawal or if it was just naturally full of chimp rage and happened across an unwary white target.
I hate to think this dude was out trolling for a Bravo Juliet one night and the tranny got spurned and somehow remembered him or stole something from his glove box with an address.

05-15-2024, 05:46 PM
I wonder if the nigger chopped it's penis off and flew into a chimpout over muh-dik withdrawal or if it was just naturally full of chimp rage and happened across an unwary white target.
I hate to think this dude was out trolling for a Bravo Juliet one night and the tranny got spurned and somehow remembered him or stole something from his glove box with an address.

It's a nigger. Not like it needs an excuse to chimpout! This tranny nonsense needs to be handled. They are all bat-shit crazy.

05-15-2024, 09:50 PM
That nigger looks like Flip Wilson. I wondered what ever happened to Geraldine!:rofl:gay

I aint bin dun did dat!
05-16-2024, 12:18 AM
Don’t worry, they’ll put it in a women’s prison to muh dikk all the female inmates.

Jim Crow
05-16-2024, 03:43 PM
The bois at NU is gonna love the tranny!

05-18-2024, 12:18 PM
The bois at NU is gonna love the tranny!

As I ain't bin dun did dat says, it won't go to a male prison. It will wear a dress and an orange fright wig and insist it has a right to go to the women's prison, where it will assault and rape the inmates. As on other occasions, no one will dare ask what it will rape them with since it's a woman.

Terribly fearful of being labeled "Transphobic" the authorities will honour its wishes because a vile savage has more rights than any human.

Jim Crow
05-18-2024, 07:11 PM
As I ain't bin dun did dat says, it won't go to a male prison. It will wear a dress and an orange fright wig and insist it has a right to go to the women's prison, where it will assault and rape the inmates. As on other occasions, no one will dare ask what it will rape them with since it's a woman.

Terribly fearful of being labeled "Transphobic" the authorities will honour its wishes because a vile savage has more rights than any human.

Logically that shouldn’t happen.But ,we all know the libs don’t use logic