View Full Version : Nigger (Asslifter?) Tries to Assassinate Amazon Supervisor, Misses Point Blank, Shoots Police Officer, Meets the Bat Fairy.

05-14-2024, 09:22 PM
Hell of a time in Columbus!

Niggers are such poor shots, they can't hit a target inches away!

The video starts with Nigger Ali Hamsa Yusuf (22) walking right up behind his supervisor, who was busy working. Nigger Ali puts the gun inches away from the back of the supervisor's head, pulls the trigger, and the gun jams! Then the nigger, still inches away, gets the thing to fire. Nigger Ali STILL misses! The supervisor finally realizes this feral nigger is trying to kill him! He finally gets his ass out of there!

Police are called to the active shooter situation. Meanwhile Nigger Ali has strolled on out the door, and left.

About 90 minutes later Sheriff's Deputies, and two different police departments converge on the nigger at an intersection. Nigger Ali starts firing wildly, hitting a Columbus officer in the vest (thankfully.)

Law enforcement returned fire for 8 seconds. Giving time for the Bat Fairy to be dispatched. Nigger Ali was taken to the hospital where he was pronounced good.

No idea what set this nigger off. It's just a good thing niggers neglect maintenance on their firearms the same way they defer maintenance on their hoopties! The supervisor got an extra chance at life. Hope he makes the most of it!


05-15-2024, 07:43 AM
Hell of a time in Columbus!

Niggers are such poor shots, they can't hit a target inches away!

The video starts with Nigger Ali Hamsa Yusuf (22) walking right up behind his supervisor, who was busy working. Nigger Ali puts the gun inches away from the back of the supervisor's head, pulls the trigger, and the gun jams! Then the nigger, still inches away, gets the thing to fire. Nigger Ali STILL misses! The supervisor finally realizes this feral nigger is trying to kill him! He finally gets his ass out of there!

Police are called to the active shooter situation. Meanwhile Nigger Ali has strolled on out the door, and left.

About 90 minutes later Sheriff's Deputies, and two different police departments converge on the nigger at an intersection. Nigger Ali starts firing wildly, hitting a Columbus officer in the vest (thankfully.)

Law enforcement returned fire for 8 seconds. Giving time for the Bat Fairy to be dispatched. Nigger Ali was taken to the hospital where he was pronounced good.

No idea what set this nigger off. It's just a good thing niggers neglect maintenance on their firearms the same way they defer maintenance on their hoopties! The supervisor got an extra chance at life. Hope he makes the most of it!


Thanks, Bat Fairy!!

05-15-2024, 10:06 AM
Most niggers couldn't hit the side of a barn if they were inside it. This nigger's "jamming" problem is why I would much prefer a revolver for anything requiring six rounds or less. With a one-shot chance, you don't need a mechanical failure.

But then, we're talking niggers here...

Niggers are Useless
05-15-2024, 04:59 PM
Nigger paw guns are always garbage. Nice shooting cops. Keep up the good work.