View Full Version : "I'm Scared of the Police, Bro!" Nigger Cyclist Turns Traffic Warning Into Arrest.

05-05-2024, 10:41 PM
Columbus, Ohio...

It's around midnight and the spooks are out!

Nigger Sheridon was riding his bicycle on the sidewalk and with no lights. Both minor violations in the grand scheme of things, but as we all know, low IQ combined with zero impulse control is a hell of a thing!

Nigger Sheridon decided that instead of complying with a lawful stop, the best course of action was to run. Turns out, it wasn't!

After being caught the nigger's voice track got stuck on two phrases: "I'm scared of the police, bro." and "What did I do?" The rapidity the nigger kept saying this over and over might make an experienced niggerologist consider drug use might be involved here.

Nigger Sheridon is placed in handcuffs and in the back of the police car. The officer lecturing the nigger about the error of it's ways.

Then comes the surprise.

The nigger was wearing what looks like a ladies purse, and what do you know... upon examination, police find a Crack pipe and a couple of rocks. No wonder the nigger was scared of the police! With police there are consequences. Niggers are deathly afraid of consequences!

So let's recap. A minor traffic stop turns into evading. Evading leads to arrest. Arrest leads to probable cause. Probable cause leads to the discovery of drugs!

Despite running from the police, the arresting officer was about to let Nigger Sheridon go with nothing more than a citation for sidewalk riding, no lights, and failure to comply, until the other officer found the drugs and paraphernalia. Mean old polices!

With the discovery of the illegal intoxicants the nigger was charged with:

Failure to comply.

Riding a bicycle on the sidewalk.

Riding a bicycle without an operable headlight and taillight.

Possession of narcotics.

Oh, and his cousin (or the random nigger at the house where Nigger Sheridon claimed to be heading) wouldn't allow police to leave Nigger Sheridon's bicycle there. So they left the bike outdoors! I'm sure it was there waiting when Nigger Sheridon was released!


I aint bin dun did dat!
05-05-2024, 11:35 PM
Da evil wyman put dat crack in dey niggahood and forced them to smoke it though.

05-06-2024, 04:58 AM
What a waste of cop's time. 90% of niggers are carrying rock and pipes, riding a ' stolen ' bike on the sidewalk with no lights is normal TNB. The risk to the cops to apprehend this business as usual coon was simply not worth taking. They should have let the nigger just do its thing. The subsequent cost of processing that nigger is just another burden for the poor Columbus tax payers to absorb. Until all these worthless spooks are gathered and shipped, niggers doing niggery things should just be left alone. The nigger will be back to business as soon as it can.

Jim Crow
05-06-2024, 06:41 AM
What a waste of cop's time. 90% of niggers are carrying rock and pipes, riding a ' stolen ' bike on the sidewalk with no lights is normal TNB. The risk to the cops to apprehend this business as usual coon was simply not worth taking. They should have let the nigger just do its thing. The subsequent cost of processing that nigger is just another burden for the poor Columbus tax payers to absorb. Until all these worthless spooks are gathered and shipped, niggers doing niggery things should just be left alone. The nigger will be back to business as soon as it can.

I agree. Just let.the nigger drug business take it’s course.Nigger will either die by OD or batwinged by a junkie or nigger dealer competitor.

05-06-2024, 01:31 PM
I think we can all agree that the best nigger exterminator is niggers themselves. Maybe we could just make all nigger-towns, ghettos and inner-cities "No-Go" areas for the Popo. In heavily infested areas, maybe air-drop a couple tons of fentanyl, 100,000 saturday-night specials and a few billion rounds of ammunition (niggers are awful shots). Niggers can have free-rein to kill off each other at will and without interruption. Only problem is, the sows breed like cats, rats and rabbits, so it might not be as fast as we might like.