View Full Version : Lifetime N.U. scholarship for London nigger cop with 13 muh dik rapes while on the force

Whitey Ford
05-04-2024, 12:43 PM
Met officer who committed 13 rapes and told victim 'you've met the devil' jailed for life

https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/xq70/924/xNLUTZ.jpg (https://imageshack.com/i/poxNLUTZj)

A twisted Metropolitan Police officer has been jailed for life for 13 rapes - and told one of his victims "you have met the devil".

Depraved Cliff Mitchell has today been sentenced to life with a minimum term of 13 years for 10 counts of rape, three counts of rape of a child under 13, one count of kidnap and a breach of a non-molestation order.

In one terrifying attack, Mitchell told a woman to put her arms behind her back at knifepoint and tied her up with cables before covering her mouth with tape.

During another incident, the cop forced one woman to get into his car. She only managed to escape when she said she needed to get out of the car because she felt sick.

Mitchell was a serving Met Police officer at the time of his offending and was dismissed in December 2023 following a misconduct hearing.

Mitchell had previously been subject to a rape investigation in 2017, which had resulted in no further action, the Met Police had said.

Following his arrest in 2023, the case was reinvestigated, which resulted in Mitchell being charged with an additional three counts of rape of a child under 13 and three counts of rape.


05-04-2024, 03:38 PM
This ape gets a "life sentence" with a minumum of 13 years! HOW IS THAT A LIFE SENTENCE? That means Rastus will be out on the skreet muh-dikkin' again in 13 years and one day! Should have gotten a minimum of 130 years!


05-04-2024, 08:37 PM
This ape gets a "life sentence" with a minumum of 13 years! HOW IS THAT A LIFE SENTENCE? That means Rastus will be out on the skreet muh-dikkin' again in 13 years and one day! Should have gotten a minimum of 130 years!


That's what I was thinking. 10 counts of rape should earn this nigger a visit from the Bat Fairy. At the bare minimum, life without the possibility of parole. It's England though. The women (man I hope they were niggers, not human) aren't even allowed to defend themselves for such things.

Jim Crow
05-05-2024, 07:51 AM
That's what I was thinking. 10 counts of rape should earn this nigger a visit from the Bat Fairy. At the bare minimum, life without the possibility of parole. It's England though. The women (man I hope they were niggers, not human) aren't even allowed to defend themselves for such things.

The English are very liberal. Possibly not too bright if they think they can rehabilitate a rapeape in 13 years. The only one that can rehabilitate a rapeape is the bat fairy. It would actually be “reappropriate“! Lol!

05-05-2024, 01:30 PM
A copper in ' the Nick ' will have a double miserable time, so equates to a 26 year sentence anyway. They'll be pissing in the nigger's tea and shitting in its soup. I fully approve, short of trap-dooring it.

05-05-2024, 03:12 PM
They should at least castrate the beast.

05-05-2024, 03:22 PM
The English are very liberal. Possibly not too bright if they think they can rehabilitate a rapeape in 13 years. The only one that can rehabilitate a rapeape is the bat fairy. It would actually be “reappropriate“! Lol!

Indeed. Rapists cannot be rehabilitated. That's doubly true of rape apes.

Jim Crow
05-06-2024, 06:30 AM
Indeed. Rapists cannot be rehabilitated. That's doubly true of rape apes.

Not rehabilitated.But the disease of rapeiness can be permanently cured with 240 grains of lead,3000 volts of electricity or a midazolam injection.

05-07-2024, 06:10 PM
Not rehabilitated.But the disease of rapeiness can be permanently cured with 240 grains of lead,3000 volts of electricity or a midazolam injection.

All viable options.